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  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • For Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fans, Andrew "Garak" Robinson plays Scorpio Killer in the first movie.
    • Also, Dean Wormer is apparently the Mayor of San Francisco.
      • And Otter gets killed in Magnum Force.
      • Along with Hutch and Spenser For Hire.
    • Jim Carrey is the victim whose death Harry investigates in The Dead Pool.
    • Harry's partner Chico in the first movie is "Poppy" the pizza chef who doesn't wash his hands on Seinfeld.
    • The most ironic of them all: Sudden Impact 's Ray Parkins becoming a judge.
    • Before she paired up with Cagney, Lacey got her training under Dirty Harry.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Camryn Manheim is the girl behind Harry in the elevator when he threatens that punk in Sudden Impact.