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  • Ear Worm: "Rus~si~an! Russian Roulette!"
    • The original is great, but somehow the cover by Eizo Sakamoto of JAM Project and Animetal fame manages to be even catchier.
  • Fridge Logic: Kei and Yuri are supposedly one of the 3WA's most successful teams, yet they destroy damn near anything they come in close proximity to.
    • To quote: "Explosions, infernos, a few thousand casualties here and there... and, incidentally, a solution to every case."
  • Gateway Series: In the early '90s, it was one of the first anime to be extensively fansubbed in English (on VHS tapes), and the first to have Fanfic written about it on the Internet.
  • Magnificent Bitch, Manipulative Bitch: Shasti; in "Dangerous Acquaintances" she manipulates three distinct groups through complex capers, each serving as the stepping stone for her true goals.
  • Signature Scene: The shootout sequence in Dirty Pair Flash, where it was known for it's rather random and weird ways of deploying hidden firearms.
  • Title Confusion: The Movie was originally called Dirty Pair The Movie, but virtually everyone — including ADV Films — calls it Project EDEN, after the Mad Scientist villain's master plan.
    • Title Drop: Of course, when the Battle Butler literally bangs a gong after Professor Wattsman says the magic words, what can you expect?Unreliable Narrator: Takachiho's original stories are (depending on whom you ask) either annoyingly marred or significantly enlivened by being narrated by Kei. Her accounts of the Angels' adventures include bizarre, tangential, and frequently titillating details; occasional putdowns of Yuri, who's depicted as slightly vain and constantly on the make for potential paramours, especially if she can steal them from Kei; and what can only be described as ploys for the reader's sympathy. Everything suddenly becomes more comprehensible when one realizes that Kei is trying to flirt with the audience.