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Persona 4, Recycled in Space, with an even more screwed up cast engaged in Teeth-Clenched Teamwork. They fight shadows.
For a broader description, Disappeared! is a Role Playing Game that is played on InsaneJournal. It takes the basic idea behind Persona 4 and makes it much bigger.
It has a wiki at: Sweetcouch.
Tropes used in Disappeared include:
- Adults Are Useless - Not a single persona-user is older than 18. Guess who are the sole group actually doing anything about the murders and disappearances?
- Arc Words - "Millennium City", "Disappear", "Paradise".
- Angrish - Maeko has a tendency to devolve into saying "stupid stupid stupid" and variations of such when angered sufficiently.
- Beach Episode - It ended in the team fighting Toshimi's Nietzsche Wannabe shadow at the top of a spinning lighthouse.
- Big Ball of Violence - All Out Attack.
- Big Damn Heroes - Featured in practically every dungeon.
- Bland-Name Product - Much more extensive than in Persona 4, with everything from 4chan to the Nippon Ham Fighters, and including TV Tropes itself, getting this treatment.
- Breaking the Fellowship - The team's meltdown after Kiriko's dungeon, which nearly gets them killed when Maeko's shadow sells them out to the murderous angels.
- Breather Episode - Essentially everything that isn't the overarching plot, an investigation, or a dungeon.
- Broken Bridge - The lighthouse staircase in Toshimi's dungeon.
- Butt Monkey - Keiichi.
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth - Philemon. He appears to the party after the first Curb Stomp Battle against the angels, granting them the Butterfly Room.
- Cargo Ship - Kiriko x Giant bag of money, anyone? Also, Couch x Bonsai, in the anonymous fic meme.
- Character Blog - A large part of the game takes place posted on these.
- Character Development - Integral to the plot of the game is the maturation of the teenage cast.
- Chekhov's Gun - Hikaru's occult shop, and the fact that his items closely resemble the same items obtained from shadows in Paradise.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe - Paradise is entirely formed from people's thoughts.
- Class Trip/Hot Springs Episode - Just like in Persona 3, but it went much better for the boys in this cast.
- Collective Groan - The typical response to Misaki's Friendship Speeches.
- Contemplate Our Navels - Introspection and self-links are this.
- Cultural Posturing - Half of what Kouchisei has to say is about the obvious superiority of Japan.
- Destination Defenestration - Done in reverse to Kozue by Reizo in an attempt to enter a locked dorm room.
- Digging Yourself Deeper - Every attempt Toru makes at assuring the team of his HeterosexualToday heterosexuality.
- Dream World - Paradise.
- Dramatic Wind - Featured in Toshimi's dungeon. It's actually important to the plot.
- Dumbass Has a Point - The easiest way to sum up Kiriko's interactions with Keiichi (when they're positive.)
- Dysfunction Junction
- Elevator School
- Ensemble Darkhorse - Reizo and Shirou. Maybe even Toru to a certain degree.
- Evil Counterpart
- Eyes of Gold - The Shadow versions of the characters.
- Fan Disservice - Mara-chan.
- Fan Nickname - "OM Gels", for the angels, S![name] for characters' shadows.
- Fisher Kingdom - The characters' respective dungeons.
- Video Games - Toru's dungeon played with many of these genres.
- Fairy Tale Motifs - Maeko.
- Comic Books, Super Team - Tom.
- Camp Mood Whiplash - Seiko.
- High School Dance meets Love Hotels - Kozue.
- Survival Horror - Reizo.
- Dystopia - Keiichi.
- Wedding Day - With bombs. Kiriko
- Flash Back - Heavily featured in many dungeons.
- Fountain of Memes - Reizo and #4.
- Four Is Death - There are four angels. They appear in the technical fourth dungeon. In one more humorous example, Kai repeatedly fails his Zio spells by rolling fours in combat.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere - The initial arrival of the angels appeared to be this.
- GIRL - Kiriko prefers to play as male characters in MMORPGs. So does #4.
- Hands-Off Parenting - Except for where they actively feature in the individual plotlines of characters, most parents are conspicuously absent. Toru's are extremely glaring examples.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? - THIS IS A NO-BUTTFUCK ZONE!
- Heel Face Turn - Seiji betrays the other angels in order to assist the team. It doesn't end well for him.
- High School - Like all Persona Games.
- Ho Yay - Maeko and Misaki, Toru and practically everyone, Renju and Masami (kinda), Renju and Kozue, Kai and Kouki...
- Improbable Weapon User - Kozue uses a tennis racquet. Joke weapons also tend to fall into this category.
- Info Dump - Seiji delivers one after his Heel Face Turn.
- Intentional Engrish for Funny- The most memorable segment of Maeko's dungeon.
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot - Comes with the fragmented nature of the storytelling.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia - If a character rejects their persona and powers, the rest of the team automatically forgets about their involvement in Paradise.
- Light Is Not Good - While Shadows are common enemies, the real villains of this story are a group of angels.
- Kill It with Fire - Attempted upon the Couch.
- Killed Off for Real - Mr. Aomori, Seiji
- Madness Mantra - peelpeelpeel. Also, S!Renju's Buddhist chants.
- Malicious Slander - Slung left and right. This is High School, after all.
- Mega Corp - Naka Co.
- Masquerade - Both persona-users and angels alike.
- Memetic Mutation - Several noteworthy examples:
- The sweet couch.
- Reizo's junk.
- Reizo's slim hips.
- This is a no buttfuck zone!
- Danger at the rear!
- Winged asses.
- The Kondo Hole and Kondo Sack
- Peelpeelpeel
- "possibly homosexual, must investigate further"
- Bromonade
- Punch him, puncher!
- "Kanaye's dungeon is definitely next!"
- Kiriko x Giant Bag of Money OTP
- Mirror Boss - Shadow Seiko, literally.
- Never Speak Ill of the Dead - Invoked with the deaths of Shingo, Kei, Seiji, and Mr. Aomori.
- New Transfer Student - Nayuki, until he was sent to the moon.
- Next Sunday AD - The game is set in 2013.
- Nightmare Fuel - Many of the dungeons and bosses, but most obviously Renju's and Reizo's.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant - Seiji and Kouki.
- Ojou - There exists an Ojou Club made up of Masami, Kiriko, Kajiko, Tamiko, and Noriko. They commit crime.
- One Noriko Limit - There were originally three characters named Noriko. Since then, only one has persisted. Another one had her name retconned to Natsuko.
- One-Winged Angel - The boss shadow forms of characters. Some more than others...
- Outlaw Couple - Kiriko and Reizo.
- Parental Abandonment - Most of the characters have issues.
- Player Punch - Seiji's death, the fact that Sato Kei was the original persona-user.
- Posthumous Character - Sato Kei and Shingo Furukawa.
- Precision F-Strike - Masami said "fucking?" She's definitely gone shadow.
- Prolonged Prologue - The predungeon investigations are often quite lengthy.
- Purple Prose - Kazuya's horrible love poems.
- Put on a Bus - Shiori, Kanaye, Emi, Yuuto, and Kazuya (to name the more blatant examples...)
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits - The Anti-Bullying Club/investigation team.
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud - Yoshimi does this while attempting to apologize for her intrusion on Toru and Kazuya's first date.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech - Commonly delivered by shadows before being rejected.
- Retcon - Ginjiro never invaded the dorms. Nobody ever called Toshimi scary. Reizo never commented on Yoshimi's Bland Name Kingdom Hearts panties because she doesn't own any.
- Room Full of Crazy - Kiriko's dorm room after she goes shadow.
- School Festival - It cannot end well.
- Screw You Angels
- Seeking Sanctuary - The Butterfly Room cannot be entered by malicious shadows, or so it seems.
- Seinfeldian Conversation - The Gossipers, full-stop.
- Sempai-Kohai - Used heavily in character interactions.
- Shirtless Scene - Reizo gets several, in order to... erm... highlight his yakuza tattoos.
- Shut UP, Hannibal - Happens during the boss battle with Hikaru. Toru and Tom don't feel like dealing with a Well-Intentioned Extremist, it seems.
- Slice of Life - The non-plot character threads, which deal with club activities, video games, dates, chance encounters, and other mundane interactions meant to flesh out the characters.
- Snooping Little Kid - Emi and Kozue, who attempt to spy on the Anti-Bullying Club and end up getting dragged in to being persona-users when they're caught.
- So Bad It's Good - The Christmas story, which was a bad Final Fantasy VII fanfiction with the names replaced.
- Subcultures in Japan - In spades.
- Summon Magic - The personae.
- Talking Is a Free Action - Most obviously during dungeons and boss fights.
- Tanabata - Heralds Misaki's disappearance into Paradise.
- Tarot Motifs - One for each major player character.
- Team Pet - Tom's puppy Max.
- Ten-Minute Retirement - Yoshimi and Renju both undergo them when they lose their personae.
- True Companions - Reluctantly.
- There Are No Therapists - Ever. If there were, the cast likely wouldn't have to fight their shadows!
- Think About Your Persona - What gets the team (other than Toshimi and Kanaye out of the void in Renju's dungeon.
- Throw It In - The couch/Butterfly Room were never originally in the plan for the game, but then the couch dodged fate and set the circumstances leading up to its home in motion.
- Too Dumb to Live - Anybody who picks a fight with Reizo.
- Touched by Vorlons - Being thrown into Paradise seems to have activated the characters as persona-users.
- Translation Convention - The game is supposedly set in Japan, and is thus technically in Japanese, but written out in English.
- Troll Bridge - The kendo teammates' questions in Masami's dungeon.
- Urban Fantasy - As per the game's basis.
- Useless Useful Spell - Status skills and Light/Dark spells.
- Utopia Justifies the Means - The angels and their Millennium City.
- The Verse - Set in the same continuity/universe as Persona3 and Persona4. And apparently Hellsing, according to Word of God.
- Villainous Crossdresser - Noriko Kojima.
- Violence Really Is the Answer - A belated discovery in Toshimi's dungeon, when confronting the Gene/Ginji shadow.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World
- The World Is Always Doomed - Only a few years after Nyx and Izanami, a group of young are stuck fighting the angels and their impending Millenium City! Persona-users never catch a break, do they?
- Winged Humanoid - The angels.
- World of Cardboard Speech - Features heavily in Character Development at the end of/after dungeons.
- Why Did It Have To Be Cars? - In Tom's dungeon, Toshimi turns out to be utterly terrified of the cars attacking the party. Turns out, her cousin was killed in a car accident right before her eyes.
- You Can't Thwart Stage One - Every attempt at preventing the angels from throwing characters in Paradise is doomed to fail. As is being a character with The Potential and not getting thrown in by the team.