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3, 2, 1, apocalypse please.
Let's see if we can get this to make sense.
A multifandom Livejournal roleplaying game set in the aftermath of an unknown apocolyptic event on a planet called Fortuna. Players control characters taken by a group of scientists to Fortuna, and dumped in the deteriorated remains of the city Discedo. Said characters struggle to survive through various events thrown at them by nature or the scientists themselves.
The game was originally located at LiveJournal, but it then later moved to Dreamwidth.
This article is still under heavy construction.
Tropes used in Discedo include:
The Scientists[]
- Holden: For a long time the leader of the scientists, Holden was a major Jerkass who delighted in picking on and abusing the city. Eventually it was discovered that he had orchestrated the entire Hollisland Invasion, and he was banished from Discedo by Q and Knowlton.
- Ace: One of the original scientists, Ace was the friendliest and could often be found in the city, interacting with other residents and granting their requests.
- Friendly Enemy: In a sense, since the scientists are generally thought of by the player characters as the bad guys of the game. Ace, however, was known as "Sweet One" and was friendly with many until she was Put on a Bus.
- Q: A newer scientist, Q arrived in Discedo a year ago after having been traveling elsewhere. For a while she was Holden's lackey, but then stood against him when she discovered his goals, taking on the leadership role himself. She's quiet, but wants a good relationship with the residents, and wants to help them in any way that she can.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Her real name is Quintessa.
- Smarter Than You Look: Or at least a lot more competent.
- Took a Level In Badass: The unanimous reaction to Q shooting Holden: woah.
- Lolita: A mysterious and partially insane scientist. She's been in Discedo from the beginning, but requires a lot of caretaking and isn't very active.
- Save the Princess: (Save the scientist). She has been rescued by the characters twice in plots.
- Thomas Knowlton: A man from Hollisland, a country across the world and Discedo's old enemy. Dying of the Atropos virus he came to Discedo in search of the cure for himself and his companions, desperately killing Cuddy and holding others hostage. In the end, he fell victim to the disease, but was spared by the city. After his recovery, he spent some time in jail before breaking free and allying himself with his former enemy, Q.
- Kiwi Accent
- Character Development: Was originally meant to be a one-shot character, killed off after a few days.
- Hates Everyone Equally: Or so he claims.
- Meaningful Name: Named for a famous American Revolutionary War spy, and was a spy himself.
- Perpetual Expression: Seems to go about his day linefacing. Has yet to smile, laugh, or frown.
- Reformed but Rejected: Assuming he really has reformed, anyway.
- Klaus: A hermit who lived in a cabin in the woods outside of Discedo and died there alone of natural causes. He apparently grew up in Discedo, but left when things started to go bad.
- Posthumous Character: Was first encountered in the spring of 2010… as a skeleton. Has been mentioned in several plots since.
- Alas, Poor Yorick: His skull was used to act out the scene in question, no less.
- Molly: The head anchor of Discedo's 8 O'Clock News. Loud, obnoxious, crazy, childish, and more than slightly snarky.
- Comedic Sociopathy: That's putting it lightly.
- Dead All Along: Is revealed to be a ghost. Doesn't seem to care.
- Steven: Field reporter for the 8 O'Clock News. He studies monsters and gets injured. A lot.
- Dead All Along: Like his coworkers, has been dead for years.
- Only Sane Man: Among the news team, anyway.
- Michael: Weatherman for the 8 O'Clock News. The youngest of the group, and a bit of a nervous wreck.
- Butt Monkey: Molly's favorite person to torment.
- Dead All Along: Is also a ghost.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Referred to as "Sparkles" constantly.
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: There are monsters living in it.
- Advanced Ancient Acropolis: To an extent: Fortuna had tanks in the 19th century.
- Anachronism Stew: With characters from so many different genres and timelines, this is a given.
- Anyone Can Die: Played with to its fullest extent. Animals, children, random bystanders... Justified, given the premise of the game.
- Back From the Dead: Characters revive afterwards. May be Death Is Cheap.
- Applied Phlebotinum: The chips that every character arrives with are basically this.
- After the End: The game takes place several years after most of the world's population has been wiped out.
- All Nations Are Superpowers: Of the five we've heard of, at least four of them were this.
- All Planets Are Earthlike: Fortuna has two moons, but is otherwise almost identical to Earth.
- Apocalypse How: Though the people within the city are still largely unaware of what exactly happened.
- Apocalyptic Log: Various records have been found from before the world went to hell.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: The appropriately named Fourth Wall Days.
- Breather Episode: Between bloody invasions, monster horde attacks and living nightmares, the characters frequently find time to throw holiday festivals and bake birthday cakes.
- Catch Phrase
- "__________?! In MY Discedo?!"
- "At least I'm not Harry Mason."
- In chat: "...What did I come back to?"
- "Denmark is a ho."
- City in a Bottle: The game's setting for the first two years. Attempts to explore didn't go far, and there were no signs that anyone else survived anywhere else. Then a plane appeared…
- City with No Name: Discedo has a name, but a surprising amount of landmarks around it—like the lake it rests on—do not.
- Clingy MacGuffin: The communicators can't be destroyed and always come back if you lose them.
- Comm Links: The aforementioned communicators.
- Continuity Nod: Several, both in plots and by players.
- The volcano. A year after it erupted, we meet a survivor of it.
- The sword hanging in the Northern Lights.
- The Empire: Played with. Hollisland *was* this… two hundred years ago. Now they're even worse off than Discedo is.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: A running joke in the game is the demand for raptors. In November 2010, players finally got their wish.
- Fandom Nod: Characters sometimes lampshade various happenings in their canon in-game.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Discedo and the surrounding countries are based on Rome/Greece. Hollisland is Germanic (Prussia and The Netherlands).
- Fictional Country: Several, all based on European ones.
- Foreign Cuss Word: The in-game language barrier allows several characters to have fun with this.
- Fountain of Youth / Overnight Age-Up: Has been used in a few popular events.
- GMPC: The Scientists, played by the mods. Also the only original characters.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: crops up now and then, thanks to a lack of automatic translation in the city.
- Gratuitous Latin: Much of the place names are in Latin.
- The Hecate Sisters: If you see reference to the moirai, duck.
- Incurable Cough of Death: Played seriously—the Atropos virus manifests with this and a low fever. It's 100% lethal.
- Leave No Survivors: The Hollisland army explicitly planned this. On the other hand, Discedo did the same thing.
- Literal Genie: To an extent. Characters can ask the scientists for items. The scientists often take advantage of ambiguities in the request to mess with them.
- Local Hangout: The Northern Lights bar is probably this.
- Love Triangle: There have been several, most notably Zoro/Umi/Sanji and Tir/Kazuki/Naoto, both of which lasted months.
- Mood Whiplash: See Breather Episode above.
- Name's the Same: But as a Mega Crossover, that's a given.
- News Broadcast: A weekly news report giving the weather, updates on events, and monster activity. The subject matter is usually serious, but the presentation is rather funny
- Norse Mythology: Discedo has had an unusual amount of Norns, gods, and valkyries as characters. Of course, the Nordics enjoy it.
- Odd Friendship: Par for the course for a Mega Crossover.
- Police Are Useless: Several attempts to keep a police force running in the city have infamously ended in failure thanks to Values Dissonance on the part of the characters.
- Power Incontinence: Removing the ability-suppressing chip results in a week of haywire powers. This can range from hilarious to horrifying depending on the character, and is the most common event in the game.
- Power Nullifier: The chips.
- Properly Paranoid: Gohl House is the Madagascar of Discedo. Fair enough, since their roof has been destroyed at least four times in about two years.
- Random Encounters: The city is home to monsters from the various canons of the characters in the game. Subverted in that the players often can choose whether to encounter them or not
- Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: A theme in several plots, from earthquakes to invading armies.
- Running Gag
- The countries having really wild New Year's parties resulting in one of them vanishing.
- America and Denmark asking the scientists for a helicopter made of guns.
- Tir falling out of windows.
- Accidental Sex Posts and posts that sound like sex but aren't. Taken Up to Eleven with America and Denmark having very a suggestive-sounding post that was actually… castrating horses.
- Pupcats. Finally showed up in physical form in the museum. Similarly, orcas.
- The fucking mistletoe.
- Shinjiro being compared to a cactus.
- Ship Tease: Runs wild during the yearly mistletoe event.
- Suspiciously Small Army: Justified in that the rest Hollisland was already dead and the 'army' was made up of the few survivors.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: The game has had several of these over the years.
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: …Leading in several cases to this.
- The Other Darrin: With the constant drops and re-appings, multiple versions of a character are often seen. Generally, they don't remember their previous stay
- Trapped in Another World: The plot. Some people are used to it.
- True Companions: So, so many. Sometimes causes Intercontinuity Crossover.
- Urban Warfare: Comes up every time there's an invasion of some kind, whether by armies or monsters.