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  • When Mr. Fusspot inherits Wuffles' role.
    • Also on a related note When Cosmo reveals that Ventari visits Wuffles grave once a week and lays a single dog biscuit on it.
  • When Adora learns that Moist doesn't do dangerous stunts when she's around because she's all the excitement he needs, she demands that he give her a kiss
  • Oddly enough, when Cosmo wakes up in the Vetinari Ward of the psych hospital. For the entire book, he had walked a strange line between a brutal and resourceful villain and... well, a Vetinari fanboy. He even bought a complex clockwork device that would do nothing but raise one eyebrow for him. This troper couldn't help but feel a bit good when he's shown to be content with his accommodations, now that he's completely fallen into his Vetinari fantasy. This line in particular:

"Cosmo beamed. And two weeks later, when he won the eyebrow-raising competition, he was happier than he'd ever been before."

  • When we learn that Hubert bawled all through Topsy's funeral.

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