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For characters that appear in multiple games in the series, see the main character sheet.[]
Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Shiloh Strong (EN)[]

Being anything but The Hero just isn't his style.
Main character of the second game in the series. He is a Hot-Blooded, red-headed Determinator who appears to be the last remaining human on Veldime, unaffected by Overlord Zenon's curse. Adell has a completely unrelenting sense of honor that should by all means mark him as cannon-fodder in the world he lives in, but miraculously doesn't. When Adell makes a promise he will keep it, no matter what the universe throws at him. He also has the world's largest tie. Later in the game it's revealed that the reason Zenon's curse didn't affect him is because he is in fact a demon. Both of his parents were benevolent demons that lived in Veldime, but after Zenon appeared and started affecting the world with his curse, they left Adell with his adopted parents and tried to kill Zenon to stop the curse. They were defeated and made into is his mind controlled slaves. He's never aware of this, however.
Tropes associated with Adell:
- Battlemaniac: He'll deny it, though.
- Bodyguard Crush
- Brilliant but Lazy: Adell is entirely capable of being intelligent. He just doesn't feel like it most of the time, because bashing problems into a fine red pulp is a lot easier.
- Catch Phrase: These tropes are just his style.
- Get him to talk about stealing, back-stabbing, or anything demonish. It will get stuck in your head.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Played for laughs in Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice--he left Veldime after the end of Disgaea 2, because he doesn't know how to do anything but fight, and didn't get a job at Evil Academy because Hot-Blooded isn't a teaching skill! (Or rather, it is, but Mr. Champloo has that position filled already.)
- Also Played for Laughs in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, where he was so good at Demon Hunting that he eventually ran out of Demons to hunt in Veldime.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: Regardless of level, Adell will effortlessly block a Chaos Impact from a 1000-level Etna. The ensuing fight, however...
- Detached Sleeves
- Determinator: Adell actually deals extra damage against opponents of higher level than himself.
- Does Not Like Girls: due to a Deal with the Devil gone south. And it was with a Horny Devil at that.
- Fan Boy: A 'Dark Hero Days' DLC reveals Adell to be a huge fan of Plenair. Rather than fighting her like other DLC characters, Adell will freak out and ask for her autograph, then hide in his room for two hours out of embarrassment, causing Plenair to join the group out of pity.
- The Fettered: What would Adell be without his oaths? Especially since, as mentioned above, he's loathe to acknowledge his love of battle.
- In the Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice DLC, one of Adell's Evilities prevents him from killing anyone below his level; any killing attack will instead drive the opponent's HP to One. This actually makes him great for Level Grinding characters well below his level, since they can just finish those enemies off.
- Fiery Redhead: Both figuratively and literally.
- Freak Magnet: He lampshades it in chapter 6.
- Gameplay and Story Integration: Adell and Rozalin's combo attack chance rising as the story progresses, starting at 0% in chapter 1 and ending at 99%.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Strongest with fist weapons.
- Good Scars
- Happily Adopted
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Doesn't he sound a wee bit like Masaki Andoh?
- His English voice is Zelos Wilder. Both redheads, completely opposite views on women.
- Honor Before Reason
- Hot-Blooded: To the point that his special attacks are Fire attribute.
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Hunter of His Own Kind: Not that he realizes it. One would think that, being a demon, he'd notice the pointy ears, but no. He has apparently never looked under that hair of his.
- Word of God says he actually has a birth defect that makes his ears human-shaped.
- I'm a Humanitarian: The worst ending.
- Idiot Hair
- Idiot Hero: Subverted- Adell is actually quite intelligent; he just chooses to act in what people think is an idiotic manner.
- If It's You It's Okay: Adell gets to a point where he doesn't hold Rozalin's incredible feminine sexiness against her. It takes a while.
- The Knights Who Say Squee: When Pleinair is made available as DLC, the scene where she is recruited has Adell ask for her autograph instead of challenging her to battle. Unfortunately, he gets so embarrassed by what he did, he runs to his room in tears.
- Last of His Kind: Subverted. He's not as human as he thinks.
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Oblivious Adoption: The adoption, he knows of. The fact that he's not human? Not so much.
- Only Sane Man: Self aware of it, too.
- Overrated and Underleveled: He begins the game at Level 1, as befitting the hero of an RPG. But he's already traveled all over the world of Veldime looking for Overlord Zenon, and Veldime has some pretty dangerous regions to search through. When he couldn't find the Overlord, he instead traveled all over Veldime again to collect the ingredients his mother needed to summon Zenon — which included killing a few mighty beasts. So, he's supposed to be much stronger in the story than his level in the game indicates (averts with a New Game+).
- Playing with Fire: All of Adell's special attacks are fire-based.
- Power Fist: His Weapon of Choice.
- The Power of Trust: Adell probably believes in this even more than Flonne believes in love, which is really saying something.
- The Promise: That promise he made to protect you? He'll keep it even if you turn out to be an All-Destroying Dimension Lord with amnesia. Provided the player isn't a douche.
- Redheaded Hero
- Self-Made Orphan Though he never learns about it. Probably the kindest thing to do is keep it that way.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Around chapter 10, Adell and Rozalin start going this way about each other. They don't fool anybody. As of Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, they now have trouble convincing people that they're not married.
Etna: Awww, you have one of those kinds of relationship! |
- Shout-Out: Really, Adell is a walking Shout-Out to the King of Fighters series.
- Supporting Protagonist: He's The Hero, but Rozalin is the focus of the story.
- Terror Hero: By Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, he became so fearsome that he ran every demon out of Veldime, except presumably Yukimaru and Fubuki.
- Tie Of Asskicking: To call Adell's tie 'epic' doesn't even start to cover it. At full length it's about 2.5 meters long.
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)[]

If nothing else, Rozalin is the most well-dressed character.
Daughter of Overlord Zenon who was extremely sheltered from the world before a botched Or was it? summoning spell plucked her out of her mansion and dumped her in Adell's lap. Bound by the summoning contract, Rozalin has no choice but to comply and lead the way to her father, even though she is just as clueless as anyone else to his whereabouts. Because of this, Rozalin sets upon being as unhelpful as possible in hopes that she can get the offending Idiot Hero killed and return home. That is, at least, until Zenon starts targeting her as well...
Tropes associated with Rozalin:
- Amnesiac Dissonance
- Ax Crazy: Her original self.
- Badass Princess: By the end, in several ways.
- Black Eyes of Crazy: As Zenon.
- Catch Phrase: "For I am the one and only daughter of Overlord Zenon." and, as her real self, "I am a being of solitude."
- Madness Mantra: As Zenon. See above.
- Chained Heat
- Chekhov's Gun: Her 4 leaf clover seal seals her Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Crutch Character: When you control her with her Zenon personality accidentally unsealed by Laharl, she jumps up to level 2000.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Doomed Hometown: When the real Zenon reincarnated as Rozalin, she was born into the Snow Clan of Ninja. Fake!Zenon came looking for real!Zenon's host, and after finding her and spiriting her away to be his "daughter", wiped out the rest of the Snow Clan's village except for Yukimaru and Fubuki.
- Eldritch Abomination: The real Zenon was reaching the highest levels of demonic powers and started to become this- an insanely powerful Omnicidal Maniac losing every trace of, erm, humanity. (so to speak) Reincarnation provided a way out...mostly...
- Ermine Cape Effect: Always wearing her dress. Sure it's Limited Wardrobe, but the effect is the same.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Evil Overlord's Beautiful Daughter
- Fallen Princess
- Friend to All Children: The first time she shows her soft side.
- Gainaxing: She bounces with any large movement, even just walking a few spaces.
- Gatling Good/More Dakka: Her "Rose Thorn" special ability.
- Gameplay and Story Integration: Adell and Rozalin's combo attack chance rise as the story progresses, starting at 0% in chapter 1 and ending at 99%.
- Giant Waist Ribbon: In addition to all the other ribbons on her dress.
- Hades Shaded: As Zenon.
- Hair of Gold
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Around chapter 10, Adell and Rozalin start going this way about each other. They don't fool anybody. As of Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, they now have trouble convincing people that they're not married.
- Hellish Pupils: Unusual in that they're white pupils. Yukimaru notes that this is a common trait in demons of her Snow Clan, which is where the fake Overlord Zenon kidnapped her from.
- Hello, Nurse!: Story and gameplay; Rozalin powers up nearby male units.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Yukari Tamura, though in quite the sarcastic tone.
- Wendee Lee in the English dub.
- Instant Runes: Her proof of her lineage. Which is actually just a sign of the seal the fake Zenon is using to get his own power.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Made more apparent by the short cutscenes between her and Adell in Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice and Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
- Love Redeems: in the good ending, Adell brings her back to normal by kissing her.
- Ms. Fanservice: Her bouncy chest, skimpy and tight dress bodice, sweet yet haughty demeanor.
- Ojou
- Omnicidal Maniac: as her Super-Powered Evil Side, though she doesn't particularly want to be one.
- Overlord Zenon Is A Girl
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Princess Classic: Her sheltered life ensured she grew up like this.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Tsurime Eyes
- Rich Bitch: As a proper demon aristocrat should be.
Rozalin: I can teach those filthy students how to act like a perfect demon lord. For example, gloating at losers as they're walking away, or suggesting to poor, starving people that they should eat cake if they can't afford bread. |
- Reincarnation: She really is Overlord Zenon; who intentionally brought about his/her own reincarnation because he/she wanted to escape all the violence in that life. So when Adell summons Zenon in the beginning; it works.
- Royal Blood: Subverted. She's actually born of a clan of Ninja, not an actual princess.
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- Spell My Name With A D: Her name in the Japanese version is "Rozalind"(Although many people also think her name in the Japanese version is romanized as "Rozarindo") , while her nickname (any instance in the English version where she's called "Rozy") is "Rosalee".
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Talking to Herself: With Taro in the dub.
- Tsundere: She has characters calling her out on it and a database entry in Disgaea Infinite that uses her as an example.
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!
Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)[]

Adell's adopted little brother. Has many aspects of a cow, including using milk as an attack. Has been a demon all his life and isn't particularly bothered. Kidnapped by Axel in chapter 4.
Tropes associated with Taro:
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Ambidextrous Sprite: That band-aid appears on both sides of his face in cut scenes, depending on which way he's facing.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Adell, possessed by Zenon, brutally kills and devours him in the worst ending.
- Happiness in Slavery: He will, under his own volition, become Rozalin's slave and his title will change to "Rozy's Slave."
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In Japanese, he's voiced by Hiro Shimono, whom NIS diehards might recognize as Ash. His English dub voice is Wendee Lee.
- Morality Pet: Both Rozalin and Axel show their kinder sides by making sure he's okay.
- Precocious Crush: Why he becomes Rozy's Slave.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His normal attack and "Crybaby Strikes" are him just flailing his fists around. But it's effective nonetheless, especially with him being a demon, and his counterattacking ability.
- Stone Wall: Starts with low movement and jump, but has 130% modifiers in Defense and Resistance, and also possesses a self-healing move, making him an excellent tank.
- Talking to Himself: With Rozalin in the dub.
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (JP), Stephanie Sheh (EN)[]

Adell's adopted little sister. Biological little sister of Taro. Was born after Veldime was turned into demons, so has been a demon all her life and in fact enjoys being one.
Tropes associated with Hanako:
- Age-Inappropriate Dress: She's 9.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: She shares Taro's fate in the bad ending.
- Detractor Nickname: In the English version, she calls her brother 'Tardo'.
- Future Badass: The final downloadable character is her 10 years in the future and she has surpassed Etna in power.
- Future Me Scares Me: Her 10 years older future self does not take kindly to being summoned and seriously intimidates her.
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- I Choose to Stay: In the good ending she leaves to be Etna's apprentice and find a way to permanently become a demon, since Adell's success turned her into a human. Somehow she reverts to her "modified demonic human" state in the Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice DLC.
- Morality Pet: Etna's a lot nicer to her then she is to the rest of the party.
- The Smart Guy
- Supreme Chef: She's very good at cooking; everyone agrees. Everyone feels that way, including otherwise unpleasable beings such as Etna and Laharl. Which ensures she'll be treated well under Etna's tutelage.
- Token Mini-Moe: She's 9.
Overlord Zenon[]
Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (JP), Lex Lang (EN)[]

Why yes, he is voiced by Norio Wakamoto. Why do you ask?
Demon Overlord who is known as "The God Of All Overlords" because he once killed 99 other Overlords in straight fight; and 1000 overall. Since then, he hasn't been seen much by anyone, preferring to remain in hiding to avoid the masses of glory seeking demons coming challenge him; but apparently has raised Rozalin to be a perfect princess. For reasons unknown, he has also turned everyone in Adell's world into demons.
- Back From the Dead: Actually pulls this twice during the course of the game. He's finally Killed Off for Real when the true Zenon vaporizes him.
- The Battle Didn't Count: After you beat him, he just summons up more power from his curse and defeats your party.
- Big Bad
- Captain Oblivious: Unless specifically told something, he's completely unaware of what's going on in the world or even in his tournament. So when the location of his castle is put on the news, the first thing he says upon meeting the party (after being attacked by multiple Overlords throughout the day) is "How does everyone know where I live?!"
- Curb Stomp Battle: To Adell and company after the Final Battle and then when the real Zenon vaporizes him.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Inverted. Played straight in the manga.
- Final Boss
- Norio Wakamoto
Voiced by: Chihiro Suzuki (JP), Dave Wittenberg (EN)[]

Rozalin's childhood friend-turned-frog who joins the party on Rozalin's request. Tink has two personalities: one is generally polite and loyal, if quite cowardly. The other is a violent, foul-mouthed pervert with a penchant for swinging around a bat with a nail in it. Both of them are the resident Butt Monkey charged by the Netherworld court with the crime of his mere existence.
Tropes associated with Tink:
- Bishonen: His human form.
- Batter Up: His "Nail Bat" attack, which would be pretty brutal if it wasn't shown as comic violence.
- Butt Monkey
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Probably not actually French, but close enough.
- The Dandy
- Dirty Coward: Complete with french accent!
- Just a Stupid Accent: 'E speeks with ze French accent all ze time, oui?
- Lightning Bruiser: His high movement and counterattacking, combined with decent attack stats.
- Motor Mouth: His unique vocal trait in the Japanese dub.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Male froggish example.
- Split Personality
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- What Could Have Been: His design notes state he would've had a third personality.
Voiced by: Kana Ueda (JP), Lara Jill Miller (EN)[]

She's here to help, zam/de gozaru!
Ninja with a Verbal Tic who joins the group both in hopes of defeating Overlord Zenon and because she has the hots for Adell. While skilled, she is humble to the point of insecurity and prone to thinking of Seppuku as the first solution to her failures. Yukimaru is also on the lookout for her older brother, who is embarking on the same mission alone.
Tropes associated with Yukimaru:
- Badass Adorable: the cutest ninja in existence (at least in the Disgaea games).
- Cutesy Dwarf: She's 20, but looks 12.
- Doomed Hometown: Zenon completely annihilated the Snow Clan's village prior to the start of the story. The only survivors were Yukimaru, her elder brother Fubuki, and Rozalin, who was born there.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Although dressed in white, due to living in a snowy land, she still wears it where the camouflage wouldn't work.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Since Ninja aren't really a big focus in the game.
- An Ice Person: Her attacks are ice related.
- Mega Manning: In the Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice DLC, she has "Copy Ninjitsu"; the power to temporarily copy the Evility ability of the first being she kills in a battle; including your own team members.
- Midnight Blue Eyes: Correlates to her ice powers.
- Ninja Log: One of her unique skills has her doing this but with a snowman instead of a log.
- Older Than They Look: Yukimaru is 20, and the oldest member of the team (until a certain ex-demon lord joins up); she doesn't look a day over 12 and acts that way too.
- Power Nullifier: Her special ability.
- Sarashi
- Seppuku: Stops attempting it after episode 8.
- Smoke Out
- Verbal Tic: zam! (or "de gozaru!")
Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Grant George (EN)[]

The once famous Dark Hero who has now fallen on tough times, Axel embarks on the seemingly impossible quest to regain his fame — A difficult task made even harder by the fact that everyone thinks he's dead. Also dead set on getting revenge the man who "killed" him: Adell. While something of a shameless rat bastard (it's what a Dark Hero does, after all), he is prone to being a Big Damn Hero. He will appear in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten as the warden of Hades who is attempting to suck up to the government through the son of the Netherworld president.
Tropes associated with Axel:
- Believing Their Own Lies: He seems to be very good at spinning his own outlandish scenarios and wholeheartedly believing in them.
- Big Damn Heroes: Tries and fails to do this at first, but gets a couple genuine ones by the end.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Shaped like lightning bolts!
- Breakout Character: Axel gets better exposition than Adell and Rozalin themselves after their original debut, for starters Axel got his own story in the PSP rerelease of the game, subsequent Disgaea games like 3 and 4 gives Axel a playable role, although relatively minor, and a fair share of interaction with the other characters as well while Adell and Rozalin are relegated to unrelated DLC events.
- Butt Monkey: Until halfway through the game.
- Chained by Fashion: Although it's mainly visible just in the artwork.
- Chew Toy
- Chick Magnet: Manages to get a group of female followers in Axel Mode...except they're all monsters and a masochistic crossdressing angel
- A Day in the Limelight: The Updated Rerelease has Axel Mode, a prologue to the main game.
- Dirty Coward: And a Card-Carrying one at that.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: As shown in Axel Mode, he initially refuses to host the travel show in Veldime because it would separate him from his family.
- Not-So-Evil Counterpart: There's several parallels between him and Adell. They specialize in the same weapons, both are Hot-Blooded, are devoted to their families, and cling to their respective ideals in the face of scorn and mockery. Axel goes along with what's expected of demons simply because that's what's expected of a Dark Hero.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Not as bad as Mid-Boss, but he does have an unhealthy fixation on plaguing Adell and Rozalin, and neither of them take him any seriously at all.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Is strongest with punching weapons.
- High Collar of Doom: A dark hero can't be dark without one.
- Hot-Blooded: Voiced by The King of Braves himself.
- Informed Attribute: According to Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, Axel has hairy legs and chest hair. Look at the artwork above. Does it look like he has chest hair?
- Instrument of Murder: His guitar when he uses Shocking Soul or his Love Dynamite S.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Don't mess with his little bro or you're in deep trouble.
- My God, What Have I Done?: When he endangers Taro.
- Noble Demon: Despite being a shameless underhanded bastard at times, he does have something of a sense of honor — Such as when he accidentally endangers Adell's Adorably Precocious Child brother in his vendetta.
- Parental Abandonment: Axel and the rest of his siblings are all adopted. Doesn't bother him at all.
- Pet the Dog: In addition to the above, in the Updated Rerelease's Axel Mode, Axel willingly chooses to save his brother on live television even though he knows that it would destroy his reputation as the Dark Hero. He doesn't blame his brother for it either.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Poke the Poodle: Comes up with threats that embody this when he kidnaps Taro.
- The Power of Rock: His special attacks.
- Rank Up: Goes from Warden of Hades to the 62nd President of Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten's Netherworld since Valvatorez, the one who defeated the previous President, really didn't care about it.
- Shock and Awe: Some of his attacks are electric based.
- Spell My Name with an "S": His Japanese name is either romanized as Akutare (straight from the original katakana) or Octalley.
- Theme Music Power-Up: The incredibly awesome "White Tiger". Subverted in that the boss battle against him where it first comes into play isn't all that difficult. Played straight when it finally appears in Axel Mode.
- Throw the Dog a Bone
- Unknown Rival
- Unusual Eyebrows
- The Virus: The A Virus in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten. The infected transform into him.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Worth It: Getting beat up by demon overlords for tricking him was worth the price for all the fame and girls he got.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Has this notion of himself as evil protagonist, despite clearly not being evil.
- You Shall Not Pass