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For characters that appear in multiple games in the series, see the main character sheet.

Beware of unmarked spoilers.


Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (JP), Troy Baker (EN)[]

Valbatorez 2 7925

Main Character of Disgaea 4 and a vampire. A long time before the game's events, he had been known as "The Tyrant" due to how powerful he was, but following a certain incident, he refused to consume human blood, meaning his powers were depleted rapidly, and now he's a lowly Prinny Instructor in Hades. However, he doesn't regret his decision, and plans to regain his former strength.

  • Addiction Displacement: Has replaced vampiric blood-drinking with sardines.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Mr. Weirdo", oddly enough. Artina always says it with a smile.
  • Almighty Janitor: Even after enough Level Grinding to overthrow the Corrupternment, Val insists that he's merely a simple Prinny Instructor. Also, despite the De-Power, Zetta of all people considers him a worthy opponent.
  • Anti-Hero: Inverse type 3. He's a pretty nice guy, but morally ambiguous (but clearly NOT evil despite his claims), meaning that its pretty hard to determine if he's good or neutral.
  • Badass Cape
  • Badass Long Hair: When he was "The Tyrant".
  • Benevolent Boss: Though he's only doing it to keep his promise and may be strict, he takes his job as Prinny Instructor seriously and the Prinnies really respect him for it, a stark contrast to Bad Boss Etna. It even shows in the Prinnies' work ethic as they seem a lot more competent.
  • Blood Sucking: Averted for now thanks to a promise.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Terrifyingly strong for someone who's supposed to have been de-powered. He insists that this is the power of sardines.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: It's pretty obvious that he is in love with Artina.
  • Cape Swish: One of his more common animations, especially when he delivers a Rousing Speech or when he really means business.
  • Celibate Hero: "Women are truly unnecessary for someone who is on the road to becoming a ruler."
  • Classical Movie Vampire: Back when he was "The Tyrant".
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He ain't nicknamed "Mr. Weirdo" for nothing.
  • Creepy Cool Crosses
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He may be a gullible Prinny Instructor who loves sardines, but he was once called a Tyrant for a reason!
  • Dead Little Sister: Artina
  • De-Power
  • Determinator: Whether it's keeping his promises, having Prinnies obey the Prinny rules, or correcting a typo, nothing will stop him from achieving his goals even if it means going up against God.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: While Valvatorez was touched that Artina would willingly offer her blood to him, he was also frustrated that a mere human not only didn't fear him, but pitied him. Thus his promise: he will not drink blood - Artina's or anyone else's - until he can show her true terror.
  • The Dreaded: Subverted. In his Tyrant state, he was considered a horrifying boogey man to humans and demons alike who's name was uttered in hushed voices. He's actually a pretty nice guy who treats spreading fear as a job.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Comes with being a vampire.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: In Japanese, his voice during his days as a Tyrant is noticeably lower and sounds much more threatening. However, while he was not obsessed with sardines, he was still a decent guy in spite of his title, appearance, and voice.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Has cut his hair since his Tyrant days.
  • The Fettered
  • Fountain of Youth: Despite being four hundred years older, Val sure looks a lot younger compared to his Tyrant days. Possibly part of the side effect of abstaining from blood.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
  • Grammar Nazi: Storms the Information Bureau because they spelled "Prinny" wrong in a newspaper.
  • He's Got Legs: His legs are pretty skinny, and his pants are pretty tight...
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: As with previous Disgaea main characters, he's not restricted to using only swords, but he can naturally learn most sword skills and promotional material usually show him wielding a sword.
  • Heroic Willpower: Unlike the other characters, Valvatorez isn't affected by the A Virus. He attributes this to "spirit, fortitude, and the power of sardines."
  • Heroic Vow: To not drink human blood. Fenrich has been trying and failing to get him to break this for four hundred years.
  • High Collar of Doom
  • Honor Before Reason: He will keep his promise even if the one he made the promise to has been dead for over four hundred years and even if he's losing his power because of it.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Not that he's particularly concerned - he would have never discovered sardines otherwise! Not to mention he's still MUCH more powerful than he claims he is.
  • Idiot Hero: Not stupid per se, but somewhat gullible, bull-headed, and with just enough Cloudcuckoolander tendencies to make come off as a bit of a dope.
    • This is lampshaded somewhat in DLC flashbacks when Fenrich asks how he survived so long acting like this, which Valvatorez replies "easy, I'm strong."
  • I Gave My Word
  • I Have Many Names: Tyrant Valvatorez, the Bloodthirsty King of Fear, the Blood-soaked Valvatorez of Absolute Evil, The King of Carnage and Atrocity.
  • Insane Troll Logic: He understand Power of Friendship and The Power of Trust are source of strength for humans and as a Tyrant he felt making use of that would make him more frightening to them. Really, loyalty and similar things generally make something LESS scary.
    • Potential Fridge Brilliance and Fridge Horror to that when one considers that those power sources actually DO make him a lot more powerful and in fact are a possible explanation as to why he's so powerful despite his de-power. His insane power as a Tyrant was the prime reason he was considered such a terrifying boogey man figure in the first place.
  • In-Series Nickname: Fenrich calls him "Lord Val". Fuka and Desco call him "Valzy". Vulcanus calls him "Mr. Vampire" or occasionally "Mr. Weirdo".
  • Large Ham: A vampire who can speak passionately about anything, but especially when it comes to sardines and promises. Especially in the English dub, where Troy Baker proves himself capable of devouring whole sets in one bite.
  • The Leader: A type III/IV hybrid.
  • Life Drain: His special attacks have this.
  • Nakama/PowerOfFriendship: Believes wholeheartedly in this even during his Tyrant days.
  • The Messiah : Valvatorez is an unique example for this trope due to the fact that he's a demon and an ex-tyrant. But still, he's such a nice guy, even in his tyrant days. He cared so much for his friends and doesn't hide his concern, during the A virus pandemic he promised to his friends that he will find the cure, he even dared to pray to God, and kneel in front of some androids, begging them to pray so that the awe energy can be produced, so that he can save the moon and the earth., and many more. The conclusion is, Valvatorez suits to be both a hero and an Overlord.
    • Dark Messiah : In his tyrant days, he only spread fear torwards human because it's a demon's responsibility, so that every demon can have fear energy.
      • Also, he wants to take over the universe and re-educate demons and humans.
  • Morality Pet: To Fenrich, who is a scheming Jerkass but Valvatorez keeps him in line and Fenrich's Undying Loyalty and dedication to his lord is his most prominent virtue.
  • My Greatest Failure: He didn't take his promise with Artina (when she was a human) all that seriously, and she ended up dead because of it. That's the main reason why he takes every promise seriously from then on.
  • Nice Guy: Easily the kindest of the five main characters in the series.
  • Noble Demon: To the point that he is quite possibly the most honorable demon/netherworld-born character in the entire series.
    • In the post game, he even offers Asagi the position of main character. The only reason she didn't take up the off is because she didn't want to be pitied and didn't want her numerous other cameos to seem like a waste of time.
  • No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me: Since he looks significantly younger than he used to thanks to his power degeneration, Vulcanus/Artina fails recognize him until he gives her his name.
  • The Nose Knows: Can always identify the scent of human blood, which is why Fenrich's been unable to sneak the stuff into his meals.
  • One-Winged Angel: His Tyrant Flughude skill turns him into a vampire beast.
    • His Tepes Nightmare Override in Disgaea 5 temporarily lets him being his Tyrant form again.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Although he does suck blood, which allows him to unleash his magical powers, a promise he made long ago caused him to refrain from drinking blood. He replaces blood with sardines as his primary form of nutrition, though this causes his powers to deplete. He's still very powerful despite said De-Power.
  • Parenthetical Swearing: Done literally - When he refers to Axel, a parenthetical note helpfully points out that what he really means is "idiot".
  • Peek-a-Bangs: When he was still a Tyrant.
  • The Pollyanna: Which Fenrich is quick to observe.

Fenrich: ... What an impressive ability to overwrite his memory of losing his power and being forced to take the least wanted job in the Netherworld. This is another one of his formidable powers. He can convert any suffering he's been through into something positive.

  • Power-Up Food: "SARDINE! You want to know the secret to my power? It's the sardines. Eat them, and you will grow stronger as well."
  • The Promise: His will to keep his promises surpasses even Adell's. His first big promise was to not drink human blood and he's kept that promise for 400 years despite it causing his powers to deplete. On top of that, he makes additional promises with several characters all of which he plans on keeping, much to Fenrich's annoyance.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Even as a Tyrant, he considered spreading fear in the human world to be just a necessary job.
  • Purposefully Overpowered: With depowered Val already being as strong as he is, Tyrant Valvatorez would have to be a complete Game Breaker to be anything other than Overrated and Underleveled - so they made him a complete Game Breaker. Just about the only things that keep him from outright obliterating every stage in the Flashback episodes are the Geo Panel setups and permanent poison (Though his Life Drain specials mitigate this) in the last two stages.
  • Really 700 Years Old: His age is not stated, but the time between the day he stopped drinking blood and the beginning of the game is 400 years.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Valvatorez wears a pink apron in the end credits when he finally gets to fulfill his promise to the Prinnies by giving them a sardine feast.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: By a very loose definition of evil.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Merely that he's a demon, otherwise a counter example.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Averted. He's been very well received by fans of the series. Still not quite up to Laharl's level, but getting there.
  • Rousing Speech: Has a habit of giving these.
  • Say My Name: "Axxxelll!!!"
  • Ship Tease: Fans tend to pair him with Fuuka after they were introduced.
    • The game ship teases him with Fenrich and Artina/Vulcanus.
  • Shonen Hair
  • Skyward Scream: In the manga, when Axel dies.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": While NISA has decided on a name, "Val" has gone through many different spellings.[1]
  • Super Toughness: Thanks to his "spirit and fortitude", there are very few things that can actually hurt him. Even less when he was Tyrant.
  • Stupid Good: He follows his own moral code to the bitter end, but thanks to Fenrich he does not always have to live with of the bad consequences of this.
  • Take Over the World: Promises to several characters in the ending that he will take over the universe in order to help fulfill their goals.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Sardines.
  • Vegetarian Vampire; Technically subverted, as sardines are fish, but still adheres to the spirit of the trope, as they are eaten without blood.
  • Willfully Weak: Which gets even more noticeable once you get to play as Tyrant Valvatorez, his past self with full powers. In the Flashback episodes, he's pretty much the "I Win" button because no one can get close to harm him. His stats are extremely high, his aptitudes are better than any other playable character and all his three evilities are borderline broken.
  • Worthy Opponent: To Overlord Zetta. It's worth noting Zetta considers him this EVEN AFTER THE DEPOWER.


Voiced by: Wataru Hatano (JP), Patrick Seitz (EN)[]

Fenrich 2 1581

A cunning Werewolf and Valvatorez' attendant who has the utmost respect for him. He's willing to do whatever it'll take to see his master return to his former glory.

Fuka Kazamatsuri[]

Voiced by: Suzuko Mimori (JP), Kate Higgins (EN)[]

Fuka 2 3955

A middle-school student who died and was sent to the Netherworld. She was supposed to become a Prinny, but due to how many Prinnies were already there, she just had a hat and jacket slapped on her instead. She is under the impression that this is all a dream and believes she can do whatever she wants because of it. Her father was the one who created Desco based on the wishes of his late wife who told him to fulfill Fuka's wish: To have a little sister with advanced functionality, to help her Take Over the World. She was killed by Desco's successor, Des X, out of jealousy.


Voiced by: Asami Imai (JP), Brianne Siddall (EN)[]

Emicil 2 4328

The only son of the current Netherworld president. He's the leader of the Abaddon, a special assassination force that works directly for his father. He's not aware that he's only riding his father's coattails. Apart from being the president's son, he's also The Grim Reaper.


Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (JP), Carrie Savage (EN)[]

Altina angel 2 2256

An angel from Celestia who's come to the Netherworld for her own reasons. Her real name is Artina, the human girl whom Valvatorez promised he would not drink blood for 400 years ago.


Voiced by: Manabi Mizuno (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)[]

Desco 2 7948

A Cute Monster Girl created to become the ultimate weapon that would destroy the world. Her official name is Final Weapon: Death/Extermination Submersible Combat Organism. She was created by Fuka's father to fulfil Fuka's childhood wish of "a little sister... with advanced functionality that will help me Take Over the World"


Fuka: If Big Sis says it's white, then it's white. If Big Sis says it's black, then it's black. Got that? If you follow this rule, then you can call me Big Sis.
Desco: Okay! If Big Sis says that crows are white, then Desco will go paint them all white!


Netherworld President Hugo[]

Voiced by: Daisuke Egawa (JP) Jamieson Price (EN)[]

Presedent 2673

The 61st President of the Netherworld and Emizel's father. Valvatorez decides to try and remove him from his position when learns that Hugo and his Corrupterment has begun exterminating all Prinnies. As the story progresses, further abuses of the Corrupternment come to light. When he's finally confronted, Valvatorez recognizes him as Death King Hugo, a rival from his Tyrant days. It's eventually revealed that Hugo was forced into making a deal with Nemo to make up for the loss of fear energy in the Netherworld. His actions were to hide this fact, and the decline of all demons' powers from a lack of fear energy.

  • Anti-Villain: Somewhere in between type 3 and type 4. Lampshaded in one of Artina's monologues.
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: In the Netherworld, this is how someone gets the title of President. Eventually loses it after being defeated by Valvatorez.
  • Corrupt Politician: Subverted, he was trying to protect the Netherworld as best as he could.
  • Deal with the Devil: With Nemo. Amusingly, the one making the deal is a demon, and the metaphorical devil is a human
  • De-Power: Due to the lack of fear energy. He was much stronger in the past, to the point where he fought a battle with Tyrant Valvatorez for days (and neither of them won - they never got to finish it).
  • Disc One Final Boss
  • Good All Along
  • The Grim Reaper / Shinigami
  • I Have No Son: Ordered the Information Bureau to report his son as dead after Fenrich sends him blackmail footage of Emizel's humiliating defeat.
  • Kick the Dog: His treatment of Emizel. He fakes Emizel's death to prevent being blackmailed. However, cruel as that was, he does care for his son and faked his death to avoid having Emizel dragged into the mess with Nemo, protecting him in a way.
  • Large and In Charge
  • One-Winged Angel: Turns into his Reaper form during the fight with him. This trope is Lampshaded by Valvatorez, who refers to Hugo's "three levels of transformations, with additional power multipliers every time!" It's then subverted when Hugo reveals he doesn't even have the power to transform further.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist


Voiced by: Kanehira Yamamoto (JP) Vic Mignogna (EN)[]

Nemo 1681

A mysterious human who appears to be working behind the scenes in the Corrupternment. He is actually the spirit of a soldier who suffered during a war on Earth. After the death of Artina, the only person who showed him kindness during those dark times, he began to plot the destruction of everything by working behind the scenes in the Netherworld and on Earth.


Enough of this, bastards! The hell's this farce?!

  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: A firm believer of this. Which is why he wants to destroy the Human World.
  • Large Ham: Mostly in Japanese, especially when he's really unhinged.
  • Man Behind the Man: To Hugo.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Meaningful Name: "Nemo" is Latin for "no one" as Desco points out.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When Artina finally manages to get through to him, he's ashamed at all of the suffering he's caused (Mainly because he saddened Artina), and decides to condemn both himself and Fear The Great to limbo for eternity.
  • No Pronunciation Guide: Pronounced "Neh-mo" in Japan while pronounced "Nee-mo" in English.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: He wants to destroy the Human World for all of the crap and hatred it put him through. Doing this would also wipe out the Demons' source of fear energy, and the Angels' faith energy, dooming them as well.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Pretty much.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: His sprite during the final battle.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man
  • That Man Is Dead: Refuses to give his name because "it was useless to me while I was being reborn."
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Sure, becoming a Prinny may not seem like a form of mercy especially since he'll be a Prinny for a very long time due to all the sins he committed, but considering all he went through and that he was about to sacrifice his own soul, it definitely comes off as uplifting.
  • True Final Boss: The final battle in the main story isn't against the Netherworld President, it's against him. It's even his class title!
  • Villainous Breakdown: He acts like a smug, manipulative bastard throughout the story... but when Fuka, Genjuro, and the Descos settle their differences (well, mostly), his facade starts to undergo rapid decay - starting with the moon's destruction and escalating from there.
  • Villain Override: Sort of. In the last chapter he's used as the host of Fear the Great, a program made by God to destroy any planet that had too much malice. In the final battle it overtakes him completely.
  • War Is Hell: He experienced this firsthand, and it's part of the reason for his Start of Darkness.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He's a bastard alright, but considering that during the war, he was tortured by the enemy country and his own country branded him a traitor and took away his family, it's amazing he kept his sanity for so long. Then, Artina was killed by her country for being traitor and everything went to hell.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Even when you think you've taken apart one of his plans, you find out he has yet another. Particularly in episode 10 when every time the party attempts to destroy the moon, he's got one more plan behind it, whether it's blowing up the moon, creating a black hole, or sending it on a collision course towards Earth.

Genjuro Kazamatsuri[]

Voiced by: Tomoyuki Terai (JP)[]

Fuka's father. From what she says about him, he's always working and never visits her. He turns out to be a researcher from the human world that is funded by Nemo, and he's also the creator of Desco. It's ultimately revealed that his research was to fulfill his late wife's last request, which was to fulfill the wishes of Fuka. Those wishes were having a little sister and taking over the world - not that she remembers.

Des X/Earth X[]

Voiced by: Asami Shimoda (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)[]

An artificial demon created by Fuka's father. She is an advanced version of Desco, described as the "true final boss". She was responsible for killing both Fuka and Desco. After the events of the main game, Genjuro makes a few modifications to Des X to instead make her Earth's Guardian. To reflect this, her name is changed to Earth X.

  • Cain and Abel: She's the Cain.
  • Cloning Blues: She wanted to be the real daughter, but knows that can never happen.
  • Dub Name Change: Her Japanese name is "Dezetto" which can be translated as "Des Z". Same thing happens in the Fuka and Desco Show, where her name was originally Earth Z.
  • Evil Twin: To Desco.
  • Genki Girl: After becoming Earth X.
  • Meaningful Rename: She goes from being the final boss created to destroy the world to being Earth's final line of defense, thus why she's now "Earth X". Ironically, she's the final boss of the Fuka & Desco mode.
  • Palette Swap A pale one to Desco.
  • Took a Level In Kindness: As Earth X. Though you still end up fighting her in Fuka & Desco Mode, she now calls Fuka "Big Sis" and congratulates Desco upon her defeat. She even acts less cold and more Hot-Blooded.
  • Yandere A father-daughter version. Des X loves Fuka's father but despises Fuka and Desco, both of whom she killed.
  1. Alternate spellings included Valbatoze, Valbatose, Valbatoz, Valbatos, Varbatose, Barbatos...
  2. "Are you stupid?", though there is no set catchphrase in the actual dub.