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From the Disney Comics centering around Scrooge McDuck and Donald Duck. Best known thanks to the work of Carl Barks, Don Rosa and, of course, DuckTales.

This is a key part of the Disney Mice and Ducks Comics, which is a Modular Franchise that's formed when this Verse is used in tandem with the Mickey Mouse Comic Universe.

See Carl Barks and Don Rosa for Tropes specific to their stories. Numerous other authors in both America and Europe have written stories set in this universe with some of the more notable and popular ones being Al Taliaferro, Romano Scarpa, Marco Rota, Tony Strobl, Vicar, Daan Jippes, William Van Horn and Fecchi. As such, there's a LOT of diversity between stories depending on who wrote them.

Character list can be found here.

Tropes used in Disney Ducks Comic Universe include:
  • Adaptation Expansion: Of the Classic Disney Shorts, utilizing several characters introduced there but giving them a more coherent setting and introducing numerous new characters.
  • Always Identical Twins: Huey, Dewey and Louie naturally. It's especially evident in many of the comics storylines, as a lot of the time instead of their trademark red, blue and green the three of them wear identical black shirts.
  • As You Know
  • Badass: Don't. Fuck. With McDuck. Sometimes Donald Duck, too.
  • Becoming the Mask: Has happened with Magica De Spell at least twice, each time under a relatively unknown author. A Gal for Gladstone (sometimes known as A Girl for Gladstone), by Carol & Pat Mc Greal, has her hex away Gladstone Gander's luck and then pretend to be an ordinary girl in order to get a shot at Scrooge's #1 Dime — she ends up sufficiently touched by Gladstone's sincere devotion to her that she ends up forfeiting the dime so she can save his life. Handled better, in some people's opinion, in Kari Korhonen's Date with a Munchkin, in which she kidnaps Daisy, takes on her shape, and pretends to be her, ending up chosing to stay at a Duckburg ball with Donald rather than go along with her original plan, willingly dispelling the illusion and leaving Donald because she can't bear to hurt Daisy by keeping him, and wondering to herself if what she got to feel during the facade actually makes up for the fact she still didn't get the dime.
  • Breakout Character: Scrooge McDuck started off as a supporting character / antagonist in a one-off Donald Duck story written by Carl Barks as a clear pastiche of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol. Fifty years later Donald Duck has shown trouble keeping his own title in publication, while Scrooge is the star of one of the two longest-running classic Walt Disney comic properties (along with the anthology Walt Disney's Comics and Stories).
  • Bungling Inventor: Gyro Gearloose.
  • Celebrity Paradox: Some of Don's Hidden Mickeys refer to Mickey's real-life status as a fictional character, while the Ducks are "real" people. Take into account that Donald started off as Mickey's co-star in the cartoons, and you see how this fits.
  • Comic Book Time
  • Convicted by Public Opinion: A recurring theme. In Pool Sharks by Barks, Donald lets a couple of kids use his brand new swimming pool. This leads to dozens of kids getting wind of it, using and ruining the pool, which leads to their parents getting worked up about accidents happening to their kids, which leads to Donald closing the pool without ever having gotten to use it, which leads to everyone hating Donald. To be frank, the people of Duckburg are dicks.
  • Cool Old Guy / Cool Uncle: Scrooge, all the way.
    • Once Character Development brings him out of being the crusty, skinflint, gouging, near-heartless old miser that he is when Carl Barks first introduces him to the Ducks Universe, anyway.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Donald is the most prominent example of this, most notably when he changes into the Duck Avenger, though he has plenty of Badass moments even when he's just himself.
    • Fethry is a less prominent version of the trope, as he usually succeeds by accident, but he has his moments of this as well.
    • Even the Beagle Boys will, Depending on the Writer, sometimes display surprising competense and appear as a credible threat to Scrooge.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Scrooge. Donald Duck and the nephews have their moments as well.
  • Depending on the Writer: Oh, so very much. For one thing, there's quite a few characters that only appear in stories by some authors whose existences are ignored by others, including cousin Fethry, Birgita McBridge, Donald's superhero alter ago, Paperinik, Scrooge's butler Battista, Scrooge's half-brother Rumpus McFowl, Scrooge's actual brother Gideon McDuck, John D. Rockerduck for most American authors, Flintheart Glomgold for most Italian ones, ectera...
    • One other thing that's wildly inconsistent between authors is the 'verse's relation to the Mickey Mouse Comic Universe. Some authors have them share a universe, but have the Mouse stories set in a different town called Mouseton, whereas others have both set in Duckburg same as the Duck stories. Some authors seem to set the stories in separate continuities. As noted under Celebrity Paradox, Don Rosa has an odd take on this: Mickey Mouse seems to exist within his stories... as a cartoon character.
    • The Italian-produced comics view the characters through a completely different cultural lens: most evident with Scrooge, who tends to be less of a crafty Self-Made Man and more of a cross between Corrupt Corporate Executive and Cloudcuckoolander. It's not rare to see him cross the line from Anti-Hero to straight-up Villain Protagonist, or be used as the villain against Donald (who isn't much better).
      • Could be because as the Italian universe was set up during the Italian 50's, the era of neorealism, the Donald/Scrooge couple looks like the class struggle rather than Barks' Adventure Duo.
  • Detectives Follow Footprints: The comics get a lot of mileage out of this trope. For instance, they have a whole subtrope for characters exploiting the trope, knowing they are being followed, manipulating the footprints to mislead the pursuers.
  • Dramatic Thunder
  • Durable Deathtrap
  • Eleventy-Zillion: Used very often.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Mocked.
  • Extreme Omni Goat
  • Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Huey, Dewey, and Louie are often scripted like this.
--Since they're--
--pretty much--
--one character!