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To make things a bit easier on writing the story for Divine Blood, this is being made to have the characters listed in one place. Granted, the plot is more than half-way done but there is still stuff to do.
Spoilers below.
The Satomis[]
Ranma Satomi(Ranma Saotome)[]
"This is my house, all smiting privileges are mine." |
- Action Mom
- Attractive Bent Gender
- Badass: And how. So far her topmost achievements are, using first class powers multiple times, sealing an OP-ed Balor and scaring Mara into submission
- Badass Abnormal: Zig-zagged. Starts the fic as an acknowledged exorcist and chi master on top of martial arts mastery. When gods and demons come into play, she still maintains her badass status, despite staying human. Then, in the latest arc it is revealed that she may have surpassed the human limitations and achieved immortality on her own
- Crazy Prepared: She uses some complex Feng Shui to prepare an entire neighborhood for the eventuality of having to deal with a powerful Immortal.
- Deadpan Snarker
- First Law of Gender Bending: Doubly subverted, is now spending time male, but also accepts her female side and uses it for the most part because of a) her kids and b) she has most of her legal existence on her female side.
- Gender Bender
- Mama Bear: or Papa Wolf
- Older and Wiser
- Rape as Backstory
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Second Law of Gender Bending: Subverted. Doesn't any longer have a preference for either male or female.
- Third Law of Gender Bending: Of the masquerade variety. Ranma is a respectable professional and dresses and moves in respectable, feminine manners.
Deimosu Satomi[]
- Badass
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Friend to All Children
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Towards Eija
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: destroying the doublet system
- Psychic Link: Yonjuu Ni
- Shock and Awe: His psychic ability
- Spanner in the Works: overshooting Hecate's expectations
- What the Hell, Hero?: Is not opposed to torture and murder
Eija Satomi[]
- Adaptational Badass: She pretty much owns anything that's already dead.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As Hecate's ghost found out.
- Creepy Child: As a side effect of being a Death Goddess. Her friendly, helpful personality just makes it worse for people due to flooding guilt at being afraid of such a harmless person and sensations of paradox that a entity filled with the living essence of death could actually be an extremely nice person.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Kaname Chidori
- Important Haircut
- Invisibility
- I See Dead People: Death Seer/Ghost Whisperer/Necrosensitive, called different things but basically the same deal.
- Lady of War: Prefers the more graceful and elegant forms of fighting as adverse the ways her siblings fight.
- Les Yay: Averted. The one time kissing a girl with tongue was suggested, people actually noticed her getting whiter.
- One True Threesome: Kaname and Sousuke
- Perky Goth: Unwillingly so, her basic nature makes her seem the physical representation of Goth. She doesn't have the interests.
- Psychic Link: Kaname Chidori
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
"Do you wish to drown in blood?! Well, I can do that for you!!" |
- The Power of Blood
- What Have I Become?: Played for laughs when she realizes Kaname gave her a Hime-cut.
Naiki Satomi[]
- Animal Motifs: Shark
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Naiki Loves Blondes
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
- Psychic Link: Tessa
Jindai High and other Civilians[]
Most of the tropes under the FMP! character sheet apply.
Kaname Chidori[]
- Armor Piercing Harisen: Against Poseidon.
- The Heart
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Eija
- Important Haircut: Gave it rather than received it.
- Les Yay: Averted
- Mama Bear
- My God, What Have I Done?: played for laughs after she gave Eija a Hime-cut that made her seem more gothy
- One True Threesome: Sousuke and Eija
- Psychic Link: Eija
Kyoko Tokiwa[]
- The Heart
- Shipper on Deck: Lusca and Naiki
Mizuki Inaba[]
Shinji Kazama[]
- Otaku
President Hayashimizu[]
Ren Mikihara[]
Most of the tropes under the FMP! character sheet apply.
Sergeant Sousuke Sagara[]
- Badass Abnormal: upon becoming Ainur
- Badass Normal
- Bodyguard Crush: Kaname AND Eija
- Important Haircut
- Love Is Oblivious: starting to crack a bit
- One True Threesome: Kaname and Eija
- Tenchi Solution: This is coming Word of Author
Sergeant Major Melissa Mao[]
- Badass Abnormal
- Badass Normal
- Les Yay: Tries to pull this off on Ranma when they met.
- Ranma realized she was straight right away.
Sergeant Kurz Weber[]
- Papa Wolf toward Shichimu and other DachiKira
- Character Development
Captain Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa[]
- A God Am I: Averted
- The Captain
- Lady of War
- Expecting Someone Taller
- Mad Scientist: creates the Whisper of Souls
- Mistaken for Servant
- Reed Richards Is Useless: Averted, developed the human variant of an Immortal race
Commander Mardukas[]
Lieutenant Mc Allen[]
Lieutenant Commander Kalinin[]
The Former and Present Tendos, Saotomes and families[]
Akane Saotome[]
Ryuu Saotome[]
Nabiki Hibiki[]
- Rescue Romance: With Ryouga
Ryouga Hibiki[]
- Rescue Romance: With Nabiki
- Big Damn Heroes
Kasumi Ono[]
- Beware the Nice Ones: hoo boy.
Tofu Ono[]
Kurumi Tendo[]
- Fantastic Racism: Against Demons but not without good reason
- Heroic Sacrifice
Natsume Tendo[]
Nodoka Saotome[]
- Honor Before Reason
- Poor Communication Kills: Deliberately keeps the fact that Ranma contacted her from a hospital in Greece shortly after his mysterious disappearance a secret from everyone else. This eventually resulted in Nabiki and Ryoga almost getting killed while searching for him.
Quincey Harker[]
Yomiko Readman[]
Ukyou Kuonji[]
Mariko Konjo[]
Amalgam and Connected[]
Leonard Testarossa[]
Kodachi Kuno/Legion[]
Frank Simmons[]
- Actor Allusion: John De Lancie also plays Q
- Wrong Genre Savvy: After being mutated by Leonard
- The Worf Effect: Averted and lampshaded when Ronan, Teyla and Lorne beat the crap out of him
Mara Geisthexe[]
Lusca Kraken[]
- Combat Tentacles: She is the Kraken.
- I Owe You My Life: To Naiki.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: A rare Girls Love example!
- Mind Rape
- First done to her when Poseidon obliterated her family and friends while she watched helplessly.
- Next done to herself when she realized she was going insane so that she would only have full access to her power when she needed it.
- made worse in that she spontaneously recovers the memory of her family's death whenever a danger occurs, and then is made to forget again immediately afterward. She remembers the fight, she remembers the enemy being "not funny" but she doesn't remember the slaughter of her family.
- Naughty Tentacles: Not officially, but she comes about as close as you can get without actively penetrating orifices.
- Stalker with a Crush: She really, really likes Naiki.
- Dying Moment of Awesome
- Time Abyss: Sixty-five million years old. Witnessed the K-T extinction. Never reincarnated.
- Important Haircut: Loses a bet that leaves her hair pink.
- Teen Genius
- Mad Scientist
- Damsel in Distress
Nimu Ichi[]
Yonjuu Ni[]
- Beautiful All Along
- Psychic Link: Deimosu
Sanya San[]
Yaku Go[]
- Teen Genius
- Mundane Utility uses her intense mathematical genius and ancient supercomputer to right video games.
Shichimu Ni[]
- Blank Slate: after facing off against Kodachi
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Killed the most of Kodachi of any one person. Using Clairvoyance.
Musan Yon[]
Socrates Group and the US in General[]
Colonel Jack O'Neil[]
Major Amanda Carter[]
Doctor Daniel Jackson[]
Major Shepard[]
Jonas Quinn[]
Sgt Siler[]
Rodney Mc Kay[]
Rogue Immortals[]
- Fantastic Racism: Against Demons (exterminate) and non Gods (enslave)
- Manipulative Bitch
- Puny Earthlings
- Villain Ball
The Furies[]
- Complete Monster: The things he's done in the name of upkeep on that Eye of his pushed him over the Moral Event Horizon eons ago.
- Evil Eye: naturally; he's practically the Trope Maker, after all
- Power At a Price: His famous Eye is powered by devouring the souls of other demons, including ones that were loyal to him
- Villain Ball
- Cursed with Awesome: Cursed to die by his own child's hand. No one else can successfully kill him.
- Mind Rape: Part and parcel of his modus operandi.
- Villain Ball
- Fantastic Racism: Not so much against Demons, but does hate mortals and the idea of Immortals of either species mixing with them.
- Might Makes Right
- Villain Ball