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Your Mileage May Vary bits for Divine Blood:

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Several characters. Notably the AMG Demons
    • Much of Ranma's seventeen years is undetailed, though there are implications at least in comment threads on TFF and the Anime Addventure that she may have experimented with looking for a boyfriend for a period in an attempt to give her children a male role model.
  • Complete Monster: Gauron, who is pretty much as he was in Canon.
    • Zeus who uses a curse that prevents him from being killed by someone not his child in order to get whatever he wants out of people, up to and including raping women who would otherwise be able to destroy him.
    • Kodachi who mass breeds daughters so she can eat the minds of the psychics and have more bodies to live in.
    • Hecate who wants to set herself up as ruler of the world and obliterate the Demons.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Kodachi who matures her own reproductive cells and fertilizes them with choice genetic material so that she can produce psychics whose minds she can devour and thus make their body an extension of her being. She then alters them to make sure they look like her, which isn't that difficult given that they're her daughters.
  • One True Threesome: Kaname-Sousuke-Eija subverted in that Kaname and Eija see and treat each other as sisters rather than lovers