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Four to doomsday 5861
Now listen to me, you young idiot--you’re not so much gullible as idealistic. I suppose it comes from your deprived, delinquent background.
The Doctor pwns Adric

In this, Peter Davison's first filmed story[1] as the Doctor, the Doctor, in the first of his continuing attempts to bring Tegan back home. He gets the date and time exactly right... but is four light-days off, location-wise (so, somewhere in the Oort cloud). Oops. Instead, the Doctor and his companions land on a huge spaceship crewed by the delusional Monarch and his lackeys, the Ministers of Persuasion and Enlightenment. These three Urbankans, or frog-like aliens, travel in the company of four groups of humans:

Monarch wishes to go back in time before the Big Bang to watch himself creating the universe, take over the Earth with those groups of humans in charge... and jack the TARDIS as his own ride for personal enjoyment (shooting for the moon, this one is). Adric shows excellent character judgment and begins sucking up to this raving mad frog alien while Nyssa is taken to be turned into an android (much like every single other human taken by the Urbankans). Adric also shows incredibly misogynistic behaviour, proclaiming that Tegan is "a woman" and wouldn't understand the complicated math behind anything, while simultaneously proclaiming Nyssa an exception because she's "a girl."

Meanwhile, Tegan, who was entrusted with the TARDIS key, ends up losing her cool and desperately attempts to hijack the TARDIS for a ride back to Earth, only to land it outside the spaceship instead.

In the end, the Doctor sets Adric straight and then goes flying around in space without a space suit, but WITH the help of a cricket ball and The Power Of Physics, and rescues the TARDIS. Then he randomly throws an incredibly deadly poison at Monarch, which doesn't kill him... but instead shrinks him. Yeah. And the robots announce that they're going off to find their own planet and "start again."

Everyone leaves, and Nyssa conveniently collapses at literally the last second because she originally wasn't written in the next episode. [2]


  1. His early stories were filmed out of order, as was fairly common for Who.
  2. In fact, if it wasn't for Davison's intervention, Nyssa would've been dropped as a companion altogether. Her sudden collapse is actually the basis of the Big Finish audio story Primeval