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Aztecs 1345

 Ian: Where did you get hold of this [brooch]?

The Doctor: My fiancée.

Ian: I see ... your what?

The Doctor: Yes, I made some cocoa and got engaged.


Historical time again, as the TARDIS materialises inside an Aztec tomb. Upon emerging, Barbara is hailed as the reincarnation of the goddess Yetaxa. Oh, and door to the tomb shuts itself behind them.

Despite the Doctor's warnings, Barbara seizes the opportunity to influence history. Her intentions are good--she decrees an end to the practice of Human Sacrifice--but she instantly makes one of the high priests suspicious of her alleged divinity, and pitches the other one headlong into a crisis of faith. Barbara finds that even a goddess can't effect social change by fiat.

The Doctor accidentally gets engaged to Cameca, an Aztec woman for whom he makes a cup of hot cocoa, while Ian is forced to fight a judicial combat. He wins, and meanwhile the Doctor has lashed up a pulley wheel to open the massive tomb door and let them back in to escape in the TARDIS.

Watch it here.
