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Otheryeti 443

Hey, it's Grimace from McDonald's' evil twin!


 Captain Knight: What's a girl like you doing in a job like this?

Anne Travers: Well, when I was a little girl I thought I'd like to be a scientist, so I became a scientist.


More Yeti, this time in modern-day London...

Travers, who we last saw in Tibet in 1935, has brought one of the Yeti back to England to study and accidentally reactivated it. The London Underground is being brought to a halt by a web-like substance and attacks by Yeti, as the Great Intelligence makes another bid for conquest.

The Intelligence plans to trap the Doctor and drain his mind, but the Doctor sabotages the machine to work in reverse so instead of the Intelligence draining the Doctor, the Doctor would be draining the Great Intelligence's mind and put it out of business for good. Unfortunately, he didn't tell that to anyone, and Jamie uses a yeti reprogrammed by the Doctor and Traver's daughter Anne earlier, to rescue him before he can do so. The Great Intelligence is flung off into space, the Doctor deeply distressed that it's still out there, biding its time...

Leaving the army under the bemused Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart to do the clearing up, the travellers depart for new adventures...

All episodes are missing save the first, which can be viewed here.

Tropes used in Doctor Who/Recap/S5 E5 The Web of Fear include: