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Steven Moffat in the press release:Since 1963, kids have wondered what it would be like to control the TARDIS. Now we're handing complete control of the most powerful ship in all of space and time to a generation of children. Everybody duck! |
The third in the Adventure Games series, its the opportunity that fans have been waiting for since Doctor Who began; the chance to explore[1] the TARDIS!
Written by James Moran, it sees Amy forced to pilot the TARDIS and save the Doctor after he is blown in to space. It will also see two brand new monsters...
- Bigger on the Inside: The TARDIS very obviously, not that we get to see beyond two rooms. But The Doctor indicates that the second room you go to is miles away.
- Continuity Cavalcade: The drawing room and all the artifacts inside, including, the Chronon Blocker, a Blood of the Cybermen Cyberman chest, a Sycorax staff, John Smith's journal of impossible things and fobwatch, an Ood translator, a laser screwdriver, Liz 10's mask, the Fourth Doctor's scarf and the Second Doctor's recorder.
- Exposition Fairy: Both Amy and The Doctor alternate between this regardless of who you're playing as.
- Lampshaded by the Doctor, who after reeling off huge exposition, suddently notices the fact he's talking to himself already...]
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Amy complicates matters considerably by accidentally knocking over a jar containing Sealed Evil in a Can while grabbing a laser screwdriver.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The Entity
- Sequel Hook
- ↑ two rooms of