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  • Ascended Fanon:
    • "The Good Companion" seems to confirm the fan theory that the Bad Wolf is the Moment.
    • The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two canonizes John Hurt's incarnation as the "War Doctor" and the TARDIS noise as "vwoorpy."
  • Cancellation: A miniseries based on Captain Jack Harkness was planned but thrown in the bin following John Barrowman's Role Ending Misdemeanor.
  • Cut Short: Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor for "a variety of circumstances", at least one of which was the COVID-19 lockdown.
  • Development Gag:
    • The Eleventh Doctor is littered with references to never completed and tossed out stories.
    • Penny, from "Doctormania", was the name that RTD had originally given to the characters who would eventually become Rose and Donna.
  • Fandom Nod:
    • In "Terraformer", the Twelfth Doctor tells people to hide behind a couch if they're scared.
    • In "The Weeping Angels of Mons", the Tenth Doctor alternates which of his eyes is open to constantly be watching the Angel, something the snarkier aspects of the fanbase were ruthless to point out in the Angels' first story.
    • At one point, the Twelfth Doctor is cut off while telling Clara "Don't forget to subscribe-"
  • Milestone Celebration:
    • Four Doctors, released in 2015, celebrated the tenth anniversary of the revived series.
    • Supremacy of the Cybermen, released in 2016, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the eponymous cyborgs.
    • Missy! was one of the many celebrations across the Doctor Who Expanded Universe in 2021 celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Master.
    • Empire of the Wolf celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Eighth Doctor.
  • Schedule Slip:
    • Issue #5 of Four Doctors was delayed by a few weeks, being released on September 23rd instead of September 9th. Rather ruined the promise of a five-week event.
    • Supremacy of the Cybermen is hit with this badly. It was supposed to last 1.5 months (July 6th to arrive August 31st 2016). Issue #2 was released on August 17th and further delays meant that the whole thing lasted five months.
    • "A Little Help from My Friends" was to run from January to April of 2020 but its final issue ended up being delayed until late May of that year due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
    • The rebranded series Doctor Who Comic (2020) was supposed to launch in June but was pushed back to November.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally, before her dramatic departure in Series 9, Clara was going to be the companion throughout all of The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two.
  • Word of God: The writers try and avoid having Rose meet other companions because they know they'd have to have a Clingy Jealous Girl moment which they feel detracts from the story.
  • Writing Around Trademarks: As a result of the complicated relationship between the Nation Estate and the BBC, the Daleks can't be used freely in the comics. The Volatix Cabal gets around that by simply not putting the squids in casings and having them not act 100% like ordinary Daleks.

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