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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • Lust, Pleasure, Climax and Desire are words used for Yuri. Not only does it make sense she's the most mature out of the trio/quad, but it could be foreshadowing her later Yandere tendencies. The third in particular can mean a writing term, yes, but it can also mean something else...
    • There's also vertigo and insight, they sounds smart and Yuri does show sides of knowing she shouldn't be acting so awfully.
    • Crimson/Graveyard/Frightening/Horror/Inferno/Wrath/Massacre, maybe foreshadowing either the stranger sides of her poetry skills or her behavior in Act 2.
    • Extreme, aside from Monika herself, Yuri is goes the farthest to prove her love to MC.
    • Entropy. Act 2 in general is full of disorder but Yuri's the biggest instigator of chaos.
    • Contamination for Yuri. In Act 2, she's the worst reciprocant of Monika's tampering.
    • Determination. Thanks to Monika overdoing it with her ramping up the girls' flaws, Yuri goes so crazy enough to completely disregard Monika and peruse the player.
  • Embrace, a word Sayori needs and gets.
    • Rainbow. Life isn't perfect but had Sayori actually gotten the help she needed (or hadn't been tampered with by Monika), she could've started to see the beauty of life again.
    • Speaking of which, that word and along with Broken, Cry, Empty, Fear, Hopeless, Hurt, Misery, Pain, Raincloud (obviously), Sadness, Tears and Tragedy, foreshadows her depression (or how she's not as happy as she looks) as well.
    • Fireflies, at night, they look like tiny balls of flying sunshine.
  • Why is suicide a Yuri word and not a Sayori word? 1. Because she also died by that. 2. It would've been a spoiler (not anymore but initially). and 3. She has another word that describes the horror she goes through: depression.
  • Peace for Natsuki. She's the closest thing the game has to an Only Sane Woman in Act 2.
    • Whisper, she's actually quite secretive about her interests. Also in Act 2, she tries to get Yuri help with secret conversations and poems.
  • The irony that the Tsundere (an archetype that's typically the hardest to communicate with the main character), Natsuki, is the closest thing to rational out of everybody in Act 2.
  • Monika mentions that she's always watching. In context, it means she's always willing to help a club member. However, it turns out to mean something else....

Fridge Horror[]

  • Scars is a word for Sayori. Assuming it's not just a coincidence, does that mean she cut herself? Granted we don't see any scars on her, but then again, Monika could have made them disappear...
    • Alternatively, it means it figuratively and it either refers to how she feels thanks to her depression and/or Monika.
  • There's also Fear which foreshadows how Monika was mind-raping her.

Fridge Logic[]

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