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  • Shout-Out:
    • In Act 1, Monika mentions the work of Shel Silverstein, as a comparison to Natsuki's cute but simple poems.
    • Subverted and deconstructed in Act 3. Monika will start to mention Super Smash Bros. as one of her topics, but will then interrupt herself and wonder if she was programmed to talk about it, considering she doesn't know what it is. She then suggests contacting the people who made her for the answer. This topic was removed in version 1.1.1 of the game, as it was just meant to be an In-Joke.
      • Dan Salvato is the developer of 20XXTE, a tournament mod for Melee, and helped develop Project M for Brawl.
  • The Wiki Rule: Two main wikis exist, one at and one on Wikia.

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