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  • Game Breaker: The game is, as mentioned, very well balanced, but this trope comes into play during most fan debates. Pirate Ship, Witch, and other potent attack cards are the most common targets for the term. This is probably because they become more powerful the more players are in the game.
    • Masquerade seems to have been inserted purely to counter curses. Using it, it's possible to be the only one who gets cursed, but at the end, be the only one without a curse. Though like any card, this depends on luck.
      • Masquerade suddenly had its value hiked up when someone noticed the King's Court - King's Court - Goons - Masquerade combo.
      • King's Court is part of numerous game-breaking combos, but those combos are very unlikely to come together because they rely on so many cards. For instance, 2x King's Court + 3x Bridge equals an instant win - but drawing that exact 5-card hand is difficult.
    • Possession.
    • Chapel, Steward, and other cards that can easily trash cards from your hand can turn into this with skilled enough players.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Japan loves deckbuilding games.
    • To the point they made about a dozen of it, licensed or otherwise. The Touhou version is licensed, while the Meido one, as well as several more by Arclight... probably not.
  • Hype Backlash: Very noticeable in some reviews.
  • The Scrappy: Alchemy, certain attack cards, and Gardens can all receive this reaction.
    • Alchemy contains another three: Golem, Possession, and Philosopher's Stone.
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off: Many of the deckbuilding games from Japan in particular are guilty of this. The Resident Evil deckbuilding game and Tanto Cuore (Dominion... WITH MAIDS) come swiftly to mind.