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Funny + Doodle God = This page.

Tropes used in Doodle God/Funny include:
  • Most of the cut scenes fit in here. A sample from the intro one is below:

  "From the Earth, Doodle God created the planets. From the water, seas and oceans were created. From the Fire were created volcanoes... and other stuff... From Air... you know..."

  • The combinations can also bring hilarity. Some of them are below.
    • Apple + Cellphone = Religion in Devil. In the original, you get Money + Money + Money.
    • Human + Human = Sex
      • Doodle Devil: Sex + Money = Censored. Replace Money with Mechanism for the same effect.
    • From Doodle Devil: Demon + Order = Copyright. Copyright + Human = Lawyer.
    • Another from Doodle Devil: Human + Computer = Zombie
    • Also: Vampire + Book = Censored. Yes, the same one you get from Sex + Money/Mechanism, which just makes this funnier.
    • In the episode "Sins vs. Virtues", where you have to make virtues to counter the sins, Cell Phone + Gift = Free Apps. And that is one of the virtues.
    • Human + Dragon = Dragon + Ash
  • Every time you create a new element, you get a quote about it. A lot of these are old, classical quotes from poets and philosophers, but then when you create plankton...