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Here's the characters of Doom series:
The Doom Marine[]
Also known as "Doomguy". In the original Doom, he's a nameless marine sent to do grunt work on Mars after an incident over not wanting to kill innocent people on Earth causes him to lash out against his commanding officer. During his dull-as-dirt assignment, it seems the scientists of the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) are conducting experiments with teleporters when everything falls to pieces. One of Mars' moons and a UAC outpost, Deimos, completely vanishes into the ether while another, Phobos, is immediately overrun by The Legions of Hell. Everyone is either slaughtered or converted into minions of the invaders. The marine dispatches to Phobos, where he proceeds to clean up the situation as brutally as possible. During his one-man war against the forces of Hell, he discovers what became of Deimos (ended up floating above Hell itself) and then treks down to the surface of Hell to finish the job. |
When the sequel, Doom II: Hell on Earth, rolls around, the marine had just finished kicking Hell a new one when a distress signal alerts him that the armies that invaded the Mars moon bases have now breached their way to Earth. The humans who are able to escape the genocide decide their only recourse is to escape the planet but their exit route is barricaded by the invaders and obstructed by a force field they set up. The marine is called to break the line of defense and deactivate the force field on behalf of the other humans so they may escape, which he does and remains as the last human on Earth. However, further communication from the escaped humans reveals that the epicenter of the invasion is still on Earth, allowing the marine to finally push back against the invaders. After fighting their forces he decides to cross back into Hell yet again, this time with the intent of making sure they can never invade anywhere ever again. After this trek through Hell, he manages to essentially destroy it, literally leaving no place for the damned to go once they die. |
- Action Hero: In Original Games.
- Action Survivor: In Doom 3.
- Badass: Seriously, how is he not one if he practically destroys Hell by the end of the second one.
- Badass Normal: With emphasis on Badass.
- Badass Abnormal: When he grabs soul-powered powerups in original games or the Soul Cube in Doom 3.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: There's nothing supernatural behind his Berserk Punch and ability to withstand direct hits from a rocket launcher.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Twice. In the first game he ends up in Hell after discovering where Deimos had teleported to and wanting to teach the demons a lesson on messing with him. He makes it out in one piece but in the second game, he voluntarily returns to Hell and completely wrecks the joint, to the point that he is left to wonder what would become of the evil men in the world when they die.
- One-Man Army: It's you and every demon that the depths of Hell can throw at you, get to it.
- Bare Your Midriff: At least according to the box art of the first Doom. Male example, courtesy of Clothing Damage.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: After returning from Hell at the end of the first game, he volunteers to lead the strike force to recapture Earth's last spaceport and evacuate the last surviving humans. Then after that he volunteers to go back into Hell to reverse the invasion.
- Guest Skater: Doomguy is a secret character in the PC version of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3, due Gearbox Software being the one who ported the Windows version of the game.
- Heroic Mime
- No Official Name Given: While he has plenty of fanon names (and a couple arguably canonical), the Doomguy really has no official, cemented name. Romero stated that he wanted the players to feel like THEY were the marine and to invent their own personality.
- Palette Swap: In multi-player other marines become this.
- Slasher Smile: Whenever he picks up a new weapon, he gets a very psychotic grin.
- Space Marine: The man who started it all.
- Sure Why Not: Out of all the nicknames and made up names, Doomguy seems to be the one which the creators have at least accepted as a Half-Canon Name, as it got numerous nods and actually appeared as the Marine's name in THPS3.
Former Human Grunt, Sergeant, and Commando[]
These were the soldiers on Mars (and then Earth) who were "conscripted" into the armies of Hell as front line defenders. They are essentially zombies and increase progressively in toughness (Grunts go down in a few shots while Commandos are armed with a chaingun and will take some punishment). |
- Everything's Deader with Zombies
- Gatling Good: Former Commando's weapon of choice.
- Glass Cannon: Former Commandos.
- Hitbox Dissonance: The Former Grunts are firing an assault rifle, but the hitbox and damage effect is identical to the Pistol, so when the attack hits the player, there is a dissonance between their animation and the actual damage inflicted.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Former Sergeant's use these, and they can be deadly in massed groups at close range.
- The Goomba
When Hell first breaks loose in Doom 3, the majority of the civilian population are quickly possessed by Demonic spirits and transformed into Zombies. Alone, they're very little threat, due to their lack of agility, but they have a nasty habit of popping up from behind corners. |
- Everything's Deader with Zombies
- Glass Cannon: They can deal surprising damage (especially the fat ones) but their slow speed and lack of durability cause them to be minimal threats unless they sneak up on you.
- Goddamn Bats: They can be annoying due to their tendency to appear out of nowhere and surprising quietness compared to other enemies.
- The Goomba
- Zombie Gait: With a few exceptions, most shamble slowly towards you.
Stands for "Zombie Security", the basic security troops of Mars are also quickly turned to Hell by the Demonic spirits. They avert their civilian counterpart's Zombie Gait and attack with whatever weapons they had while alive. |
- Short-Range Shotgun: Averted: the shotgun-wielding variety has a narrow spread on his weapon, allowing him to shoot from far distances.
- Zombie Gait: Averted: these zombies retain their full mobility from life.
Hell's own soldiers. Monsters who are capable of throwing fireballs, Imps are the lowest level of demon that lead the charge for the forces that follow. |
- Black Eyes of Evil: Has ten of them in its Doom 3 incarnation.
- Body Horror: It's Doom 3 version is skinless when it appears in Hell. Averted in non Hell areas, where it has a dark grayish flesh covering its body.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Fireballs
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Standard to the Doom (2016) version. They glow red in the classic games as well.
- The Goomba
- Mooks: Hell seems to have a nigh-unlimited supply of Imps; expect to see them more than every other Demon combined.
- No Sneak Attacks: Imps have a tendency to helpfully screech and alert you to their presence before attacking.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Spikes of Villainy: On their shoulders.
- Absent in the Doom 3 version. The Doom (2016) version has a subtler take on the trope, with the spikes being closer in tone to the rest of it's body and not as prominent.
- Wolverine Claws: Their other attacks that don't involve fireballs utilize these.
Demon (a.k.a. "Pinky") and Spectre[]
Hulking brutes that are tinted pink. These guys get in your face as they have no ranged attack but will do some damage. Spectres are versions of Demons that only appear as hazy outlines when encountered. Doom 3 gives an extensive redesign to Demons, but effectively they're the same. |
- Animal Motifs: Take a lot of cues from dogs, with their attacks and growls being very attack dog like.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: All they know how to do is run at you and bite.
- Cyborg: The Doom 3 version has back legs that are mechanical.
- Heavily Armored Mook: The pinkies in Doom (2016) have heavy armor plating on the front, which they use to charge at you.
- Invisibility Cloak: For Spectre.
- Palette Swap: Spectre is this for the Pinky, being the same monster but with an Invisibility Cloak.
- Took a Level in Badass; The 2016 version is far more resilient and agile than its older counterpart.
Lost Soul[]
Disembodied horned skulls that are on fire. They can spawn from other enemies and simply fly into you as their only means of attack. |
- Demonic Spiders: They're pests, if anything, but do surprising damage for their low durability.
- Flaming Skulls: Disembodied ones, at that.
- Glass Cannon: They can easily kill you, but they explode after 1-2 shots from the shotgun.
- Fragile Speedster: But be careful with your aim; buggers can be tough to hit.
- Your Skull A 'Splode After being killed. The explosion is merely an effect, though, and won't affect anything near the Lost Soul.
Floating blobs of flesh with a single eye, horns, and a nasty maw. Doom 3 redesigned the Cacodemons to look more like Pain Elementals, but they're similar to the older variety in gameplay. The 2016 version looks much more like its original counterpart |
- Fireballs.
- Mascot Mook
- Plagiarism: The original version is a straight up ripoff of a piece of Dungeons & Dragons art. Specifically, it was cropped and slightly altered from the original image.
- Slasher Smile / Technically a Smile: Constant one at that.
Baron of Hell & Hell Knight[]
Hell's elite. They are hoofed beings that walk upright and have a ram-like head, basically giant Satyrs. The Hell Knights are brown while the Barons are pink and tougher. They throw bolts of green fire and can slash with their hands. The Barons first appear at the end of the first episode of Doom as the final boss. |
- Dual Boss: A pair of Barons at the end of Episode 1.
- King Mook: In Doom 3, Hell Knights are absolutely massive.
- Palette Swap: Hell Knight is one. Oddly, he uses a separate set of sprites.
Pain Elemental[]
Another floating blob of flesh with a single eye and unpleasant mouth. These guys are brown (unlike Cacodemons, which are red). They can create Lost Souls, which is how they attack. |
- Asteroids Monster: They release three more Lost Souls upon death.
- Demonic Spider: Largely considered this by most of the fanbase. Only the Archvile is more maligned than the Pain Elemental.
- Mook Maker
- Red Eye, Take Warning
A walking skeleton with the ability to fire rockets off its shoulders. |
- Dem Bones: With some armor and rocket launchers.
- Homing Projectile: One of the rockets he can launch.
Really fat demons with fireball cannons for arms. |
- Arm Cannon: Two of them. Gets two more in its 2016 cybernetic incarnation.
- Cyborg: The 2016 version of Doom offers these upgrades to the original, which are much harder to kill.
- Cyber Cyclops: By extension.
- Cyclops: The 2016 version.
- Fat Bastard
- Mighty Glacier: Slow, but their durability and damage output can be frightening.
- What an Idiot!: The reason they have cybernetic limbs? The UAC thought it would be a great idea to capture a mancubus, then try to make it even MORE deadly.
A smaller version of the Spider Mastermind, they are strange beings mounted on four metallic legs with a plasma gun bolted to the front. |
- Brain In a Jar: And by "jar" we mean a cybernetic weapons platform.
- Giant Spider: Not as big as Spider Mastermind, but still quite big.
- Kaleidoscope Eyes: Normally its eyes are blue, but when attacking the eyes turn red.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When shooting.
A being that can revive fallen monsters. Also attacks the player with flames that can erupt underneath the target. This monster appears in Doom 2, Doom 3 and Doom Eternal. |
- Boss in Mook Clothing: By and large the most dangerous non-boss demon you'll encounter. Almost unavoidable attack? Check. Large amounts of HP? Check. Capable of bringing back other demons? Check. There's a reason why most players will just use the BFG on them the moment they see one.
- Enemy Summoner: In Doom Eternal, he can summon other demons.
- Evil Laugh: The way he lets you know how much you are screwed.
- Heal It with Fire: The way he resurrects his fellows.
- Kill It with Fire: How he deals with you. The fire doesn't hurt you, it only marks the place for the explosion he'll cause.
- Moral Myopia: Screams "why?!" upon death because he is Hell's "evil healer". He doesn't understand why anyone would want to kill him since he's only doing good by resurrecting his fellow demons. And then burning you to death.
- Necromancer: In Doom 2, he can resurrect other demons.
Bosses (original series)[]
Spider Mastermind[]
The final boss of episode 3 of Doom. A gigantic version of the Arachnotrons, it too is a creature mounted upon four titanic metal legs and a chaingun for defense. |
- Brain In a Jar: And by "jar" we mean a cybernetic weapons platform.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: To splash damage. This effectively gives it nearly 70 percent resistance to rockets.
- Gatling Good
- Giant Spider: A mechanic one in fact.
- Monster Is a Mommy: Not actually true, but the manual refers to the Mastermind as the mother of the Arachnotrons.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Hell's most fearsome creature and the boss of episode 2 of Doom. It is a towering creature with metal legs and a rocket launcher. |
- Badass: Doom II's title art invokes this, which accurately reflects how tough they are in gameplay.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: To splash damage. This effectively gives it nearly 70 percent resistance to the player's rockets.
- I Am a Humanitarian
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss
Icon of Sin[]
The leader of Hell and the final boss of Doom II. Spawns demons to defend itself. |
"As it is written in the prophecies of ancient Sentinel scripture, the Titans - towering elder demons of the infernal age - would return, unearthed from their immortal slumber. The Titans are believed to be harbingers of the end-times, primordial forces of chaos and destruction. Born from the tortured spirit of the Betrayer's son, it was by Hell's unholy design that the Icon of Sin was given flesh. The fearsome Titan, forged from the essence of mortal suffering, once bore a human soul - a soul now transmogrified and entombed within the still beating heart of its former self. The Betrayer, seeking to free his son from eternal torment within the depths of Hell, made an agreement - a pact sealed by the black fates of darkness - that promised to grant his son the chance to return from death. The son would live again, but not as a human - in Hell's endless cruelty, the son was damned to become the Icon, an inhuman existence bound only to its former humanity by the now disembodied, undying mortal heart."
—Doom Eternal Codex Entry
- Big Bad
- Death by Cameo: The Icon of Sin is actually a big wall with a hole. The actual entity that takes damage is the head of John Romero impaled on a spike.
- Final Boss: Of Doom 2 and Doom Eternal.
- Mook Maker: His cube projectile summons enemies upon hitting the spawn areas.
- Satan: Implied, given it's role and the fact it's death does fatal damage to all of Hell itself.
Bosses (Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil)[]
A large monstrosity with the body of a spider with a humanoid torso, similar to a centaur. |
- Degraded Boss: Much like the Barons of Hell and even the Cyberdemons of the original games.
- Fan Disservice: The Making of Doom 3 book states she was built with the concept "Sexy + Gross = Creepy".
- Monster Is a Mommy: Possibly. Earlier in the game the player hears "They took my baby" said by a voice similar to the Vagary's.
Guardian of Hell[]
A massive blind beast that chases the player through the bowels of Hell. |
- Attack Its Weak Point: The Soul Cube even tells you to.
- Cores and Turrets Boss: Half of one; it uses orbiting "Seekers" to compensate for its blindness
Saboath & Sgt. Kelly[]
The possessed form of Sgt. Kelly. Most of his body has been replaced with military hardware. |
- BFG: Yep, he has one of his own.
- Braggart Boss
- Tank Goodness: The lower half of his body.
The final boss of Doom 3. Even bigger than before. |
- Badass: Considered 'Hell's greatest warrior".
- Contractual Boss Immunity: To everything but the Soul Cube.
- Flunky Boss: He's escorted by a lot of minor demons for you to recharge your Soul Cube with.
- Giant Foot of Stomping: His melee attack, which is a One-Hit Kill.
- Legacy Boss
Hell Hunters[]
A trio of elite demons sent to retrieve The Artifact and spearhead the second invasion of the Mars base in Resurrection of Evil. The team consists of the Helltime Hunter, Berserk Hunter, and Invulnerability Hunter, which you fight in that order. |
- Attack Its Weak Point: The Berserk Hunter. Shoot its "heart".
- Burning with Anger: The Berserk Hunter.
- Flash Step: The Helltime Hunter.
- Mega Manning: After death, their powers are absorbed into the Artifact for the player to use against the next one.
- Shielded Core Boss: The Invulnerability Hunter uses four nearby power couplings to recharge his energy shield.
- Shockwave Stomp: One of the Invulnerability Hunter's attacks.
- Tennis Boss: The Helltime Hunter.
- Warmup Boss: The Helltime Hunter exists mostly to teach the player how to use the Grabber.
Dr. Bertruger & Maledict[]
The new leader of Hell, fought at the end of Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil. A giant pterodactyl-like or gargoyle-like demon that spews fire and summons meteor showers. |
- Be Careful What You Wish For: In the final cutscene, he demands that the marine gives him the Artifact. The marine shoves the Artifact down the Maledict's throat, killing him almost instantly.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: Inverted; his attacks cut through your invulnerability if you try to use the Artifact.
- Final Boss, New Dimension
- Flunky Boss: He likes to summon a lot of Forgotten Ones.
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: After his health is depleted, the fight immediately switches to a cutscene where he knocks the player's marine on his ass.
- ↑ His Chinese name, also the Chinese name of the Doom game.
- ↑ As he is the marine of Doom.
- ↑ The only named character from the original script; he was a support character who, like the finalized Doom marine, died at the end of episode 1.
- ↑ The name of the character in the Doom novels.
- ↑ The name given in the Doom II RPG for iPhone, descendant of B.J. Blazkowicz.
- ↑ The name from the Doom movie.
- ↑ The name given to him in Quake III Arena, likely an alias.
- ↑ The name given in the Doom 3 novel.
- ↑ From Doom: Repercussions of Evil, possibly