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Doom and Destiny 6101

Doom and Destiny is an indie game developed by Heart Bit Interactive. This game tells the tale of four friends (Nigel, Johnny, Mike, and Francis) on their way to see Benjamin, their gamemaster, for a role-playing session at his house. When they realized that he's not here, they search around his house and come upon his cellar. When they find a book entitled "Doom and Destiny", they try to start the game to prepare for his arrival. When they find out that the next room they enter is a burning dungeon, they see that there is more to the role-playing game than meets the eye. Eventually, it leads the boys into another world, where they are proclaimed to be "legendary heroes" to stop a villain whose name cannot be said. If they ever hope to return home and find their gamemaster, they must defeat the evil villain of the story, along with performing other heroic duties. Hilarity Ensues as they encounter many different characters and Shout Outs.

This game was released in the Indie Games section of the Xbox 360 Live Arcade for the price of 240 Microsoft Points.

This game contains the following tropes:[]

  • Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: Lampshaded on one occasion after rescuing the weapon sellers from orcs. The boys asked for a discount as a reward, but they refused because "Heroes always buy their stuff."
  • Animesque: The non-player characters in the fantasy world have more refined dialogue sprites than the four heroes, who came from the real world.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Mike
  • Combat Pragmatist: Francis and some of the other enemies attack by chopping throats and doing sneak attacks. Justified for Francis since he's a Ninja.
  • Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like
  • Deadpan Snarker: Francis. Mike has his moments as well.
  • Dirty Old Man: Grandpa Sensei, who is a direct shout out to Master Roshi.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Despite their efforts in helping people, the main characters are still considered nuisances and threats among them.
  • Four-Man Band- Story/character type-wise:
    • The Leader: Francis (or at least the one most focused on the task at hand)- He takes the role of a Ninja. He focuses on speed and evasion, along with some attacks that involved downgrading his enemies through underhanded tactics.
    • The Smart Guy: Nigel- The sorceror of the group. Focuses more on offensive magic.
    • The Big Guy: Johnny- The warrior of the group. His skills are basically healing/powering himself up and using strong weapon-based(mainly sword) attacks.
    • The Chick: Mike- The designated healer of the group. Wants to take the role of a pirate in the game.
  • Holding Out for a Hero: Mike lampshaded this at one point by asking why the people wait for the heroes instead of helping themselves. Turns out only the heroes do the dirty work because "it's their tradition."
  • Interspecies Romance: Mike initially thought that Orcus is in love with the princess he kidnapped. However, this is averted because Orcus stated that they are not from the same species and that she's not his type.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Used as part of the game's humor.
  • Megaton Punch: The boys were given one by a girl when they arrive at Neo Sushi through a spa after escaping from the air ship.
  • Only Sane Man: Francis.
  • Party in My Pocket: Only in the overworld map.
  • Random Encounters
  • Redheaded Hero: Mike.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: The grammar of the game was lampshaded for laughs with a tombstone in one of the dungeons: "Here lies the English grammar."
  • Schoolgirl Lesbians: This is spoofed as most girls in Neo Sushi are this or they go out with tentacle monsters instead of male humans.
  • Standard Status Effects: Burnt, Bleeding, and Curse are a few of the classic ones. Hate (Enemies go for those who caused the most damage and are agitated when the attacker heals) and Stagger (The victim is knocked back a few pegs in terms of speed/turns, which it's possible for others to go before him) are the ones that are unique.
  • The Scottish Trope: Saying Dark Eidous will cause lightning to strike on an unfortunate victim. Used as a weapon by Nigel and several enemies for different effects.