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  • If everything happening in Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure is from a tale being told to us by Santa Claus, then presumably it already happened. So why do Dora and her friends need our help?
    • it also happens in many of the flashback episodes in this show, wired.
  • In Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure, the elderly Swiper is a curmudgeon who always litters. So why does he keep a recycling bin right in front of the door to his castle?
    • He's an old man at the timeline, Do you think old, senile people can remember where they left their dentures they swiped?
  • As well in Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure, the old Swiper is mean, harsh and bitter, and doesn't know the true meaning of Christmas, which would be confusing since at the end of the episode Swiper learns the true meaning of Christmas, so shouldn't Swiper in the future already know the meaning of Christmas? and not swipe on Christmas?
    • No, because they were in an alternate timeline. That's how it always is with these type of time-travel stories.
  • Boots is a monkey. If you had prehensile toes, would you wear boots?