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 I See a Bitch!

Do you see a Bitch?

We see a Bitch'

What do you see?

  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Sir Walken.
    • Broof, to some extent.
    • Calas, due to excellent voice acting and some truly hilarious lines.
    • The Lady of the Lake.
  • Funny Moments:
    • In Episode 31, after the Associates and Testicles ate ostrich eggs, Drak seems to be transforming... but instead, he threw a fart.
  • Growing the Beard: The show got off to a rocky start, but since about Episode 4 it's kept getting better. It really hit its stride around Episode 12.
  • Heartwarming Moment: After defeating five thugs simeltaneously, and before pulling the killing shot, Neebs makes note of the fact, in a very sorrowful way, that he killed Titanus twice, and was never thanked.
  • Moment of Awesome:
    • Doraleous defeating the Graboonie.

  Doraleous: I'm not a bitch. I'M NOT A BITCH!

    • Defeating the Pyramite army.
    • Neebs, after becoming your average broom salesman, certainly seems a lot more... competent than usual, like, even for Neebs.
  • Replacement Scrappy:
    • Ladderguy for Drak is played straight as he is hated by all of the associates.
    • Averted with Thesaurus, who is well liked and competent, unlike Neebs.
  • The Scrappy: Ah, Neebs. Arrogant, Too Dumb to Live Neebs.