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Another highly successful text adventure from 4chan, by someone who goes by the name Gnome. Unlike the other notable text adventure, Dorf Quest is mostly built upon the pillars of Rule of Cool and Rule of Funny, making just about everything possible.

Beardbeard is a dorf who set out on an adventure to get a name for himself, earn some cash, and get drunk. Other characters include Garrelf, the only manly elf in existence, Aldwin the human rogue, the neckbeard apprentice Lily, and the orc Cultist of Xom. The threads can be found Here.

This game provides examples for:[]


  Rary: "Very sportsmanlike of him."

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia - Poor Mado was largely motivated by getting her friend/lover back to life, only to forget her entirely by a convenient head wound just before she finally came back.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters - At first we just had Beardbeard and Sunbeard. Then Garrelf, Musclebeard, and Satan. And then Aldwin and Lily. And then Finlay, Cultist, Arialla, Fate, Nemelex, Glittergold, Goldmoon, Nevada, Mado, Kav, Nana, Mace, Yami, Presley, Mah-Mee, Coco, Djinn, King, British, Jeeves, Krann... And we will likely meet more.
  • Never Found the Body - Garrelf went missing recently, after apparently dying. Word of God says he's still kicking.
    • Finlay.
  • Official Couple - Aldwin and Cultist. Mado and Nevada too.
  • Our Dorfs Are All The Same - Taken to a violent and psychopathic extreme.
    • Slightly subverted. Beardbeard no longer looks remotely like his fellow dorfs, but he still behaves like one.
      • Actually, if Musclebeard or the King are any indication, he doesn't. Most Dorfs are... well... Dwarves, albit highly Flanderized. Beardbeard, on the other hand, is psychopathic, violent, bad at crafts, and maybe just a little bipolar. He is a Flanderized version of a Flanderized Dorf. Beardbeard is a Dorf as viewed through a cracked mirror.
  • Parental Abandonment - Lily, but for a good reason.
  • Pride
  • Pyrrhic Victory - The battle with Garrelf.
  • Rage Against the Heavens - Beardbeard Godslayer didn't earn that last name for no reason. And his current plans involve usurping a different deity.
  • Retcon - The father of Cultist's child was changed due to fan outrage. Although Gnome hadn't exactly revealed the true father at that point, only strongly hinting it, it still counts.
    • Kav's death from being eaten alive.
  • Shield Surf
  • Ship Tease - Gnome gleefully supports all shipping with art.
  • Shout-Out - Mostly for Linley's Dungeon Crawl and Ruby Quest.
  • Subordinate Excuse - Mado to Nevada.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics - Girls are pink! And gods are blue! In fact, the widespread acceptance of this trope allowed Kav to be noticed as a girl long before people knew anything about her.
  • Took a Level In Badass - Garrelf.
    • Driblis took TWELVE levels in Badass.
  • Torture Technician - Garrelf.
  • Unsound Effect - HORRENDOUS BEAST!
    • I'm pretty sure that was just Don Quixote shouting, not a sound effect...
  • Villain Protagonist
  • Willfully Weak - Mado is holding back her true strength so that she could remain as Nevada's apprentice instead of being moved elsewhere.
    • Also applies to Garrelf. He can 'power up' by taking off his bracers, but its a one-way ticket to eternal banishment.
  • Naga nurse.
  • Word of God - Gnome is significantly more open about his game than Weaver, frequently commenting and revealing stuff.