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Known for its messiness, the second Game Show to bear the name Double Dare had plenty of great moments.

  • Marc Summers himself, having hosted the entire 1986-93 series despite having (undiagnosed) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  • Teams would normally choose to "dare" only if they didn't know the answer. A team on one episode figured out they could make more money by intentionally daring the other team, getting the "double dare" back, and then answering. They did this many times in a row. Considering that Marc explicitly gives this advice in his instruction spiel, you have to wonder why people didn't try it more often.
    • Maybe they just wanted to go for the Physical Challenges.
  • Obstacle course wins were rare enough that any win can count as being awesome, but this especially applies to wins where either a contestant grabs the eighth flag just as the timer hits zero or the team completes the obstacle course in a ridiculously short time (times of under 50 seconds were very rare, but they did happen). The record was 43 seconds on the FOX version.