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  • Doug's Fair Lady: Patti and Doug are sharing the same cart on the "fastest ferris wheel" at the fair. Once the ride stops, Patti asks Doug if she can help him out of the cart, and takes his hand. As it's all happening, the fireworks go off.

 Patti: Wow Doug, isn't this amazing?

Doug: Yes. It really is.

  • While Doug's in the Money was somewhat bad (Doug returns an envelope full of hundreds of dollars out of the kindess in his heart, only to receive a pack of gum, and losing respect from some of the kid characters), the ending was pretty sweet. When Doug is walking away, his sister Judy drives up to him and offers to take him to the Honker Burger, on her. Considering some of the mean things she's done to him, this was a heartwarming moment between them.
  • In one of the early episodes Judy is supposed to perform at Doug's school with Doug himself forced to introduce her, knowing how weird she is Doug tries everything he can to get her to change her mind until he sees her backstage as he was trying to hide. She's distraught because they can't find Doug and nervous that she won't do well until Doug comes out of hiding and proudly introduces his sister.
  • Doug Rocks the House: After knocking down Patti's old house with a rock (to impress Roger and his gang), Patti gets mad at him. Doug doesn't understand why, until he finds a picture of her and her friends at her old house. Skeeter tells him that she lived there until her mom died, so Doug goes to the area where her house was knocked down (it was actually in a construction area), and finds a doorknob, thinking she might remember her old house from it. When he brings it over, Patti tells him it was from her next door neighbor's house, but tells him she'll keep it. Doug at first says she's only keeping it to remind her about how stupid he is, but then she hugs him and tells him it'll remind her of how sweet he is.
  • "Someone Like Me", a song that Doug sang in the Disney World stage show (and it also shows up in the end credits for The Movie). The beautiful lyrics are really heartwarming.
  • A subplot of "Doug's Midnight Kiss" (a New Year's episode) involves Judy being annoyed by all the New Year's Eve celebration, brushing it off as "bourgeoisie" and "plebeian", and spending most of the episode trying to avoid it. But near the end, she gives up and sits with her parents to watch a movie, and they end up falling asleep on each side of her. Then, as she watches the ball drop to ring in the new year, Judy kisses her sleeping parents on their foreheads, saying "Happy new year, Mom. Happy new year, Dad", in the sweetest, most genuinely loving tone imaginable. And to top it off, she then blows one of the noisemakers that previously irritated her so much.
  • "Judy's Big Admission" has Doug going to stay for a weekend with Judy at her prospective college, Vole, where she tries to get admitted. The episode is full of heartwarming moments between Judy and Doug:
    • After Judy's audition performance is cut off after three lines (because the judges were so tired of watching audition after audition), she's heartbroken at the fact that she probably won't be accepted, and Doug hugs and comforts her.
    • When Doug finds out that he lost a comic book art contest that he entered, Judy raises his spirits with a speech that uses her own experience with being rejected as an example. This bit really stands out:

 Doug: Forget it, Judy, I don't have any talent.

Judy: Well, not talent like mine, perhaps... but you do have talent, Doug.

Doug Yeah, right.

Judy: Listen, Doug - it's not important what other people think about your talent. Even when it seems that no one else believes in you... you have to believe in yourself.

    • After Judy admits to the judges that she's been passing off Doug's drawings as her own, Doug convinces the judges to give her another chance, pointing out that he couldn't draw the pictures that he did if they only let him draw three lines. And when Judy does get another chance, she impresses the judges and is accepted - and shows Doug her gratitude by blowing him a kiss.
  • If you were a kid that was chosen as Quailkid in Doug Live! at Disney World, this was what probably happened to you (as well as a Moment of Awesome) when you were on stage with your childhood hero.
    • This troper would have FREAKED if she had gotten to be Quailkid in the show! Especially the fact that Roger (dressed as DR. RUBBERSUIT *sighs*...I repeat *SWOONS*!) was right next to him! She'd totally lose her marbles and squeal like a fangirl!
    • This also must've happened when you got your picture taken with Doug and Patti outside the theater.
  • During one of the Nick episodes, Doug's aunt, who doesn't really realize he's not 5 anymore and works at a TV station, puts Doug on a really humiliating cowboy show that Roger happens to catch. Roger of course take the opportunity to torment Doug.. until Doug's aunt reveals Roger was also on the show last year to his humiliation. So the two boys decide to have a viewing party of the tapes they received... watching them burn and generally enjoying each others company. Given that Roger spends most of his Nick screen time stalking and tormenting Doug, it's an oddly sweet moment.
  • Roger asking Doug to take care of Stinky while he and his mother go to a monster truck show. For all the mean japes and pranks at his expense, Roger trusts Doug more than even a member of his own gang.
    • The way Roger cares about Stinky, period. He loves that cat, even ditching the truck show when Doug tells him Stinky's acting sick and crying when he gets to the vet's office. Crosses over into funny when he learns Stinky just had kittens.
  • When Doug fakes having a sick cousin to get out of going to a dance with Connie, Judy eagerly takes the role when Connie and Patti come to visit "Melvin." "Melvin" ends up recovering and going to the dance with Patti only for Judy's cover to be blown. You'd think there would be massive drama, but nope! Patti gladly continues to dance with Judy, while Doug has a good time with Connie even though she wasn't his first choice for a girl to ask him to the dance.
  • In "Doug's a Genius," an art critic who's come to judge a show held by an art class Doug and Patti are taking picks Patti's painting of her grandmother as the winner. He says he can see the feeling behind it, and that you can't teach feeling. Patti looks quite pleased with herself, and Doug is extremely happy for her.
  • The end of "Doug Saves Roger". The whole episode, Percy had been mercilessly bullying Roger, threatening to hurt him if he tattled. Doug's attempt to get the big jerk off Roger's back put him in danger, and it seems like Roger bailed on Doug rather than stick up for him. Then Mr. Bone shows up, and we learn that Roger went and told him what was about to happen. Percy gets punished, and while Roger claims he was out of ideas it's pretty clear he doesn't want Doug getting hurt. (Unless he's doing the hurting, of course.)