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Nickelodeon series[]

  • Doug's Dog's Date - It's tough to not feel bad for Porkchop when he sees the girl dog he's been dating out with another dog, and starts to cry. Earlier in the episode, when Porkchop is missing, Doug imagines all the terrible things that could have happened to his dog, one of which is being hit by a car.
  • Doug Takes a Hike - At the end of the episode, Doug releases a tearful Mr. Scaly back into the woods, causing Porkchop to also tear up.
  • Doug Says Goodbye - Doug and Skeeter realize Skeeter moving into Doug's house to avoid moving away isn't going to work out and that Skeeter's family will worry about him if he runs away. When Doug goes to Skeeter's house in the morning to say goodbye one last time he sees Skeeter's family's car driving away and thinks Skeeter is gone for good. Skeeter was his best friend since he moved to Bluffington and they shared a lot of experiences together.
    • It turns out Skeeter was moving downstairs into a new room.
  • Doug on the Trail - When Doug, Skeeter and Porkchop begin crying and reminiscing about Mr. Dink because they thought he was eaten by an animal. Skeeter going into a full sob when he realizes the tissue he was using had Mr. Dink's head on it.
    • It turns out he was chased up the same tree they were.
  • Doug's Fat Cat - When Doug walks into the vet's office and overhears them saying "it's all over", he legitimately thought Stinky had died and blamed it on himself. He begins crying, but the real tear jerker comes when Roger flies into the vets office, practically on his knees and in tears, begging Doug to tell him where his cat is. Thankfully, it soon turns both heartwarming and funny when they learn Stinky's fine...and see what was really going on with "him".
  • Doug's Christmas Story had several moments.
    • When Porkchop started crying and waving goodbye to Doug as he gets removed by security.
    • One of the only times in the series that shows Doug breaking down into tears happens after he reminisces about the first time he met Porkchop on Christmas Day several years prior. Porkchop was also the one to give Doug his first journal. The real gut punch is Doug imagining visiting Porkchop's grave next Christmas.

Disney series[]

  • "Patti's Dad Dilemma": On the fourth anniversary of her mother's death, Patti becomes resentful that her dad is dating Ms. Krystal (instead of Roger's mother, as she had assumed) and, during dinner, angrily accuses her teacher of trying to take her mother's place, runs off, and ends up sobbing at her mother's grave. Patti's dad reassures her that although he loves Ms. Krystal, no one will ever completely replace Patti's mother in his heart.