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Airing in 2010, Down With Love is a Taiwanese Series that was broadcast on TTV. The plot centers around two sisters living together and trying to make ends meet. Yang Duo is the practical one, working as an administrative assistant in a law firm. Yang Guo is the happy-go-lucky tomboyish younger sister, working a series of part time odd jobs. She starts working for Xang Yu Ping, her older sister's unfeeling boss, as a nanny for his niece and nephew. Also entering is Yu Ping's needy actress ex-girlfriend, and his best friend Qi Ke Zhong, who tends to fall in love with the same women.

(Not to be confused with the 2003 film featuring Rene Zellweger an Ewan McGregor.)

The series contains examples of:[]

  • Actor Allusion: Yu Ping casually asks Yang Guo if she's every seen Meteor Garden. The lead character of that series was Jerry Yan's (who plays Yu Ping) breakout rule. Her response? "I saw the Korean version and loved Goo Jun Pyo (played by Korean actor Lee Min Ho)".
  • But Not Too Foreign: Newly-hired lawyer Liang Zhi Hao is made fun of by the other employees for having a Hong Kong accent.
  • Everything's Better With Scooters: Zhi Hao woos Yang Duo by driving her to and from work on the back of his scooter.
  • Exact Eavesdropping: Yang Guo just happens to hear the entire story about Ke Zhong while at a photo shoot.
  • Love Dodecahedron: Hui Fan --> Yu Ping <--> Yang Guo <-- Ke Zhong <-- Yang Duo
  • Magical Nanny: Yang Guo, who tames the unruly Yu children and helps Yu Ping be a better parent.
  • Pro Bono Barter: As part of the settlement, Yu Ping offers free consultant fees to the company that wanted to sue the Yang sister's father for fraud.
  • The Scrooge: A mild form. Yang Duo tracks every cent in and out of the household. She also repurposes household items, resells anything she gets for free, and generally obsesses about money. Understandable, as her father owes millions of won in scams.
  • Spit Take: In an Imagine Spot, Yang Guo dreams that Ke Zhong's mother spits coffee on the floor she just polished.
  • Spoiled Brat: Yu Ping's niece and nephew Yu Fei and Yu Ting. Justified due to Parental Abandonment (both parents having died and willed the caregiving to Yu Ping).
  • Together Umbrella: Used by both Yang Guo / Yu Ping, and Yanng Duo / Zhi Hao.
  • Unkempt Beauty: Yang Guo wears her hair in a bowl cut, and almost always wears jeans and oversized t-shirts.
  • Work Off the Debt: The Yang sisters are paying off the creditors of their missing father.