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  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: Anyone who didn't cry at The Pizza Guy's Dad's death is a lying bastard.
  • Complete Monster: Vent. He's the strongest sign that the story's dark side was planned all along, because he's introduced in the very first chapter. He doesn't seem so bad at first, but when we see him next we find out that Brinner's actions have had severe repercussions for him, and while mild revenge might not be out of the question, his reaction to it... has to be seen to be comprehended.
    • Ghost Duvalier may or may not be a villain, but, either way, he's not a very nice man. During his lifetime, his secret police slew thousands of political dissidents and subjected his own people to horrific voodoo-inspired tortures--and once he died and gained the voodoo powers that he craved, things only got worse. And then there's good old Jericho Incest...
    • William Penn as well.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The conclusion to the Third Technowar was a Flash animation set and synchronised to "Eternity". And it was glorious.
      • This is a bit of Ret Canon, since Andrew has stated he picked this because Daniel Remar's Brinner fangame used "Eternity" for the final boss fight with 1-48N.
    • To say nothing about the fan-made Dr. Brinner Theme Song, also an Expository Theme Tune.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The Onyx Ghost arc. This Troper couldn't sleep for weeks.
  • The Scrappy: Homedawg G.