Created by Tony Barnes and airing in the UK, Spain and France (where it was known as Dr Globule) from 1994 to 1998, this animated series revolved around an undead Mad Scientist living in Transylvania called Dr Zitbag, who, after getting fired from a pet shop for low sales, opened up his own in a Haunted Castle, where he is aided by skeletal talking dog Horrifido. The series followed him as he concocted money-making schemes, tried to avoid the long arm of malicious policeman Officer Deadbeat and attempted to impress the attractive vampiric Exosisters.
Tropes used in Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop include:
- Catch Phrase: "Great Galloping Globules!"
- "Trap door, Horrifido!" "I thought you'd never ask!"
- Christmas Episode: 'Happy Mishmash'
- Comic Book Adaptation: British comic The Buster adapted the series.
- Dem Bones: Horrifido, and a few other skeletons in Transylvania
- Deranged Animation
- Dirty Cop: Officer Deadbeat is definitely not a nice law enforcer.
- Empty Shell: Zombunny
- Expository Theme Tune: More like an Advertising Theme Tune really.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Again, Zombunny.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Zitbag has an assisstant called 'Frankenoctopus', an octopus crossed with Frankenstein's Monster.
- Flash Back: Zitbag has a flashback machine.
- Halloweentown/Überwald: Transylvania is portrayed as this.
- Humiliation Conga: Zitbag usually faces one in the end of each episode.
- Jerkass: Zitbag can be one. For example, he offered customers a half-price voucher after doubling the prices first.
- Keep Circulating the Tapes: A few VHS s were released, but that's basically it.
- Large Ham: Zitbag, definitely.
- Monster Mash
- Non-Human Sidekick: Despite the fact that barely any of the characters are technically human, Horrifido and Zombunny fill this role.
- Only Sane Man: Horrifido
- Our Ghosts Are Different: Horrifido starts out as a ghost (a pair of floating eyes) before Zitbag finds his bones. There are ghosts around Transylvania, which are almost all floating bedsheets.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The Exorsisters, and various vampires around Transylvania.
- Pirate: Recurring characters Short John Sliver and his parrot.
- Punny Name: The Exorsisters, Horrifido...there are tonnes.
- Smug Snake: Deadbeat
- Surprisingly Similar Stories: In a town full of monsters, an undead, bow-tie-wearing creature wants more out of life, so, along with his pet ghost dog, he turns something that should be innocent into something horrific. Sound familiar?
- The Antichrist: Parodied with Jessus.
- The Messiah: Parodied with Satin.
- They Called Me Mad: Zitbag often says this during his experiments.
- Twin Threesome Fantasy: The Exorsisters.
- Unfortunate Names: 'Dr Zitbag'? Really?
- William Shakespeare: Parodied as a headless ghost called 'William Waggledagger'.
- You Fail Geography Forever: Definitely how the series portrays Transylvania is this. Especially when there's a jungle in that region.