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This page is for listing the tropes related to post-release DLC characters who are found in Dragon Age II.
The Big Bad of the Legacy DLC; a mysterious Darkspawn sealed away many years ago by the Grey Wardens, and later had those seals reinforced by Malcolm Hawke. Corypheus now seeks the blood of Malcolm Hawke's children in order to escape.
In reality, he is one of the original Tevinter Magisters who was corrupted, supposedly by their attempt to enter the Golden City and became a powerful Darkspawn emissary. This event also marked the birth of the Darkspawn. Voiced by David Sterne.
- All Myths Are True: Anders believes that the Golden City tale of the Chantry's canon is just propaganda to justify imprisoning mages. As it turns out, the Magisters - including Corypheus - did travel to the Golden City to claim its power... though whether they corrupted it in doing so is left up in the air, as it apparently was black when they arrived already.
- The Archmage
- Badass Grandpa
- The Bad Guy Wins: If the hints to his survival are true.
- Body Surf: It's strongly implied that he survived his battle with Hawke by body-jumping into the nearby Larius or Janeka.
- Big Bad: Of the Legacy DLC and, technically, as one of the original villains behind the Blight he is one to the entire world. In addition, a Codex entry speculates that he might be responsible for Kirkwall being an Eldritch Location, which, if true, would make him partly responsible for the events of the main plot.
- Body Horror
- Chekhov's Gun: The trailer for the DLC implies that Corypheus is a Darkspawn, yet records you can find during gameplay show that people saw him as being as intelligent as a human being. That's because he was, once.
- Elemental Powers: In between fighting him head on, he unleashes a slew of surprisingly powerful attacks.
- Playing with Fire: Unleashes two or three advancing walls of flame.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Conjures a maze of rock to box in the party.
- Shock and Awe: Electrifies the rock maze to limit mobility even more.
- An Ice Person: Drops massive icicles in gaps of the rock maze.
- Eviler Counterpart Has many things in common with The Architect, but while the latter is morally grey, he does have good goals. Corypheus is not implied to have any sort of noble goal whatsoever.
- Evil Sorcerer: Even before he became an actual monster.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Have You Seen My God?: He is visibly disturbed by the fact that Dumat is no longer around to answer his calls.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Large Ham
- The Man Behind the Man: Subverted, as he wasn't aware that he was doing anything.
- Mind Control: While sealed, Corypheus sends out a Calling similar to that of the Archdemons, allowing him to control anyone with the Darkspawn taint. Corypheus does this unconciously, and is confused to see his victims once freed.
- Nightmare Face: The guy is pretty horrific to look at normally, to say the least. What with half his face stretched out and strange growths coming off it. It gets worse when he's pissed.
- The Power of Blood: This is the power that bound him. Despite being a Tevinter Magister who worshipped Dumat, Corypheus is never actually seen using any Blood Magic.
- Pride: Well, what do you expect from a Tevinter Magister?
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Dumat apparently. Corypheus and the other Magisters went to the Golden City at Dumat's request, believing they would be rewarded with light. Instead, they found only darkness.
- Was Once a Man
The former Warden-Commander of the Vinmark Mountains, Larius left the Grey Warden order when the time for his Calling came, though he still hasn't died yet. He is found within Corypheus's prison, claiming that Corypheus must not be released into the world and begging for Hawke's help in killing him.
Larius actually knew Malcolm Hawke back when he was still Warden-Commander; he was the one who got Malcolm to help seal away Corypheus, though he had to threaten Leandra in order to gain the apostate's cooperation. Voiced by Brian George.
- Body Horror: This is what happens to Grey Wardens whose warranty has expired... Squick.
- Good Is Not Nice: The sadistic choice he presented Malcolm demonstrates the lengths that the Wardens can and will go to for the greater good. Made worse that he knew Leandra was pregnant when he threatened to harm her.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He delivers one to Janeka if Hawke chooses to switch his/her support to Larius during the confrontation atop Corypheus's tower.
- Sadistic Choice: To Malcolm Hawke; either Malcolm uses blood magic to seal away Corypheus or Malcolm will never see Leandra ever again.
- Sanity Slippage
A Grey Warden mage, Janeka is seen leading a group of Grey Wardens into the Vinmark Mountains to seek out a way to free Corypheus. She beleives that she can bind Corypheus to her will and use him to end future Blights once and for all. This has caused her to come to blows against Larius.
She was responsible for sending the Carta to attack Hawke.
- Oh Crap: Gets a major one when she realizes binding Corypheus is a lot tougher than she imagined.
- Smug Snake: Comes across as one if you oppose her; if you side with Larius in the beginning, Carver even mentions wanting to wipe her smug smile off her face.
Mark of the Assassin[]
An elven thief who teams up with Hawke in Mark of the Assassin to steal a gem called the Heart of the Many from Duke Prosper. She is secretly a qunari assassin. Voiced by and modeled after Felicia Day.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Magic: Her Cloak ability gives her temporary resistance to magic. The rest of her personal skill tree works on anything, but is especially effective against mages. It becomes Fridge Brilliance once it's revealed she's an agent of the Qun.
- Bi the Way
- Can't Argue With Qunari: Some of her dialogue about the Qun veers into this territory. Your companions notice.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enemy Mine: As a follower of the Qun, working with Hawke and his/her companions counts as this. After her identity is revealed, they're more antagonistic towards her, particularly Anders and Fenris.
- Everyone Calls Her Barkeep: She is known as Tallis because that is her role in qunari society; Tallis is the qunari word for "to solve". Like them, she doesn't actually have a name.
- Flechette Storm: She can use her daggers for both melee and ranged attacks.
- Girl of the Week: If the player does all the flirtation options, then Tallis becomes this to Hawke.
- Guest Star Party Member: Only available for the Mark of the Assassin DLC.
- Also a literal "Guest star", given who voiced/modeled her.
- Hero of Another Story: She's the protagonist of Dragon Age Redemption.
- Hitman with a Heart
- Ink Suit Actress: She is modeled after Felicia Day. Of course, since Day also played her in the live action Dragon Age Redemption, it would be bizarre if this wasn't the case. Day also did the motion capture for Tallis.
- Knife Nut: Leading to Varric nicknaming her "Shivs".
- Koan: Does manage to give one of these.
Tallis:(when questioned about freedom) Is a sparrow buffetted by the wind free to choice where she flies? |
- The Knights Who Say Squee: Is implied to be the reason why she chose to seek out Hawke.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Has a Qunari emblem on her armor.
- Professional Killer
- The Schlub Pub Seduction Deduction: Parodied. There's a Running Gag where she attempts this with multiple people in order to get a key, and keeps failing for various reasons. [1] Though according to her, she's done this multiple times in the past, and Hawke just caught her on a bad day.
- Secret Police: Her previous job before she was kicked out. She's trying to rejoin.
- Selective Obliviousness: When confronted over the more murkier aspects of the Qun, she simply comments they don't understand. She even states emphatically that submitting to the Qun would not make them slaves. To Mage Hawke. Who would be made a slave under the Qun.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Very good at this.
- Turn in Your Badge: Part of her backstory is that she was kicked out of the Ben-Hassrath, the religious enforcers of the qunari. She's trying to atone for this and rejoin them.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Several lines of dialogue indicate that she develops this with Hawke, even if you don't use the flirt options.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: She strongly dislikes unnecessary killing and genuinely believes that the Qun is the best path for Thedas.
Duke Prosper[]
An Orlesian noble who lives on an estate outside of Kirkwall. He owns the Heart of the Many, the gem that Tallis is after. Voiced by Philippe Smolikowski.
- Affably Evil: Until Hawke and Tallis start to become more trouble than they're worth.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Automatic Crossbow: Prosper wields a pistol-like crossbow that fires explosive energy balls, as well as a green goo that's harmless by itself, but paints an "Attack Me!" sign for wyverns.
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad: Of Mark of the Assassin
- Cool Helmet
- Disney Villain Death: Subverted. As he falls to his death, he bounces off a rock rather graphically.
"You see that? He bounced!" |
- The Dragon: He has a Chasind bodyguard as well as his wyvern Leopold. It's implied that he might be one to Empress Celene.
- Evil Gloating: Varric chastises him for "Spending his last minute busy monologuing".
- Fluffy Tamer: He calls his wyvern Leopold.
- French Jerk: Well, Orlesian Jerk, but that's more or less the same thing.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Implied. He tells the party that they will make fine trophies on his wall.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Not only does Prosper fail to understand the value of the information he's given (thereby saving the lives of several qunari), but he unintentionally hands it over to Tallis.
- Smug Snake: He's smart enough to be successful at The Game and is fluent in the qunari language but he is still a complete Upperclass Twit who fails to realize that he had the opportunity to kill the majority of the followers of the Qun in Chantry territory. Granted, the information was given to him without context, but Prosper never tried to get clarification.
- Taking You with Me: If Hawke decides to be diplomatic and try to save Prosper from falling off a ledge, Prosper tries to stab Hawke. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
- Upperclass Twit
- Wyvern Rider
Baron Arlange[]
An Orlesian noble participating in Duke Prosper's hunt, Arlange shows up after Hawke becomes the first to kill a wyvern, claiming that he paid good money to be the winner of the competition. He then attempts to kill Hawke so that he can claim credit for first kill, which doesn't end well for him. Voiced by Nicholas Boulton.
- French Jerk
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil: He may be a prick, but his accent makes him incredibly fun to listen to; his constant temper tantrums only make him so much funnier.
- Too Dumb to Live: If you spared him the first time he failed to kill you, he'll try again after Hawke and the others escape from Prosper's dungeons. It ends about as well as you think for him.
- Ungrateful Bastard
- Upperclass Twit
- ↑ The first two didn't have the key, and the third simply wasn't into her.