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  • "You stupid.. ugly... son of a bitch. His name... WAS CHIAOTZUUUUU!!! KIKOUHOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!"
  • In the Christmas Tree of Might special, Piccolo wishes Gohan a merry Christmas before being blown away. Brief, but touching.
  • The end of Episode 20, when they ask for help for victims of the flooding in Australia.
  • Episode 21, where Jeice and Burter talk about how they're the best of friends... followed immediately by Goku nearly killing Burter. Unwittingly.
  • Episode 21 has another moment with Goku's dedication to his friends and family.
    • Gohan: Dad? Dad! Oh, my God, you're here! I love you, Dad!
    • Goku: That's right, Gohan. I am here!
  • This troper found Guru's false Rousing Speech to Nail this, somehow.
  • Ginyu's realisation that all his men are dead. Really made Vegeta into more of a bastard for denying him that moment.
  • Dende healing Gohan while saying he's the only person he respects and can really talk to.
  • Even though it was Played for Laughs, Vegeta mentions that the Kanassans miraculously repopulated.
  • At the end of the Bardock special, there is a montage of scenes from the original Dragon Ball series, showing Goku's youth to the main theme song. Despite the silliness of the episode, it is nice seeing Bardock's sacrifice pay off.
    • Actually, this was the actual ending credits sequence of the Bardock Special, Team Four Star just played CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA over it, which IMO fits better.
  • At the end of episode 27, Vegeta gives the "Super Saiyan" speech to Freeza for a third time, only now, he's talking about Goku. The incredibly pained delivery of the line as he's dying makes it all the more awesome.
    • Also of note is that while Vegeta's fighting him, Freeza's thinking of what gifts to use to break the news to the Ginyus' families. This is a guy who'll execute minions to end an awkward conversation.
      • Though Freeza does show more tolerance to the stronger of his minions. Seriously, in episode 28 he openly admits to himself that he misses Zarbon.
    • Goku's concern for Vegeta before and after Freeza kills him.
  • Vegeta's whole "keep being awesome" thing to reassure Team Three Stars victory against Freeza was kind of heartwarming since it meant he didn't intend to kill them.
  • Goku burying Vegeta after he died is surprisingly not turned into a joke, bar Freeza's snarky comments.
  • Gohan running up and giving his dad a hug after the battle.
    • The entire post-Spirit Bomb sequence, really.
      • Until Freeza came back, sadly.