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The cast of Dragon Quest IV. Alternate names for characters are in parentheses

The Chosen Team[]

  • Badass Crew:
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: They all do by the end of the game.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: In one way or another, they all have a stake in the larger plot. Ragnar wants to find the mastermind behind the villain of his chapter, Alena and her retainers are hunting down the the same guy, Taloon is looking for the weapon that the Hero will need, and Maya and Meena are looking for the same higher power Ragnar is. As for the Hero (who had their village torched and their adoptive parents and village murdered), all of the above are aware of his/her existence to some greater or lesser extent, and they band together to accomplish all their above goals.
  • Multinational Team: One Scottish guy (Ragnar), one Irishman (Taloon), three Russians (Alena, Kiryl, Borya), two dark skinned French gypsies with some Indian ancestry (Maya and Meena), and your Hero, whose nationality equivalent is a bit unclear.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: And how. If it wasn't for the fact they all oppose the same evil and are hunting the same villains, it would seem very odd that a soldier, a priest, a princess, a magic tutor, a merchant, two gypsy entertainers, and some young boy/girl are all traveling together.
    • Although to be fair, it is an RPG.

Chapter One: Ragnar McRyan and the Case of the Missing Children[]

Ragnar McRyan, Royal Knight (Ryan)[]

A royal knight who has served faithfully under the king of Burland for several years. Along with the rest of the knights, he is dispatched to investigate the mysterious disappearances of several children from Strathbaile/Izmit.

  • Badass:
    • Badass Moustache: He has a nice-looking blue mustache to go along with his pink armor.
    • Badass Normal: Unlike most other playable characters, he gains no magical abilities.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords
  • Mighty Glacier/Stone Wall
  • Perpetual Frowner: A comment he makes about his face if you look in a mirror, lamenting it's why he probably doesn't get the attention of the ladies.
  • Odd Friendship: Develops one with Healie.
  • Only One Name: In the Japanese version and the NES version's English localization, this trope applied to him, but no longer does in the DS remake's English localization, where he was given a last name.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: And in his case, it does jack shit to diminish his Bad Ass credentials.
  • Violent Glaswegian: Given Burland is a blatant expy of Scotland in the remake, he definitely is in battle. Outside of it, he's a fairly nice guy.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It just goes so well with pink armor...

Healie (Hoimin)[]

A helpful healslime who hopes that one day he might become human. Takes a real shine to Ragnar and offers to help him out. Though Ragnar wasn't the first soldier he made that offer to.

Chapter Two: Alena and the Journey to the Tourney[]

Tsarevna Alena[]

The Tsarevna of Zamoksva/Santeem. Her father disapproves of her Tomboyish ways, and would much prefer she become a prim and proper lady. But Alena's more than ready to start adventuring, whether her father approves or not—nothing's going to stand in her way, not even the castle walls--!

Borya (Brey)[]

The long-suffering Court Magician of Zamoksva/Santeem. Originally he was supposed to serve as Alena's tutor, only to find she was completely hopeless with magic. This may be just as well, however; they have enough trouble keeping her from getting into too much trouble as it is...!

Kiryl (Clift/Cristo)[]

A childhood friend of Alena's who's currently training to become a Priest. Despite her incredible strength, he can't help worrying himself sick over her safety, and just has to come along...

  • Artificial Stupidity: Probably the game's most infamous example, your Combat Medic who loves nothing more than to spam his insta-death spells rather than, say, heal your Mighty Glacier who's standing at 3 HP. Including against bosses! The DS version thankfully added a Manual command.
    • This is even lampshaded in Monster Battle Road Victory.
  • Badass Preacher: While he's primarily a healer, his physical attacks are better than those of Borya, who attacks via magic.
  • Cannot Spit It Out
  • Childhood Friend Romance: It's painfully clear he has a huge crush on Alena... and just as painfully obvious that she doesn't have a clue.
  • Combat Medic: He's pretty good with weapons in addition to being able to heal.
  • Covert Pervert: In the DS remake, having him look into the mirror can result in him making a rather questionable comment. It's not clear whether it's meant to be suggestive or just a very unfortunate turn of phrase, but either way it's pretty funny.
  • Dude in Distress: When you meet Alena's party in Chapter Five, he's desperately ill and Alena is out searching for a cure.
  • Nice Hat: Comes with being a priest.
  • Perpetual Frowner
  • Useless Useful Spell: His Thwack spells fall under this.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Chapter Three: Torneko and the Extravagant Evacuation[]

Torneko Taloon[]

A cheerful merchant who dreams of owning his own store, rather than working under his ill-tempered boss. After all, how can he support his loving wife and son on minimum wage? Thus, he sets out in search of the perfect place to settle down, hoping to find fortune and a little fame along the way.

  • Badass:
  • Big Fun: He certainly is a little rotund, but he's a pretty cheerful guy by all accounts.
  • Determinator: Lampshaded. He's always following a dream, and his zeal is often remarked on.
  • Fairy Battle: During Torneko Taloon's chapter, he sometimes runs into fellow traveling merchants.
  • Fan Disservice: Dammit Taloon, keep your cross-dressing fetish to yourself please, especially when evaluating my equipment, will you?
    • He even enters Blatant Lies territory if you have him appraise the Dancer's Clothes, during which description he says he's not a crossdresser. At about the same time, every piece of horse manure you can find in the game just smelled a little worse.
  • Fighting Irish: He's from an area that is heavily accented with Irish roots in the remake, and is given this accent when voiced in second Heroes title.
  • Happily Married: His wife Tessie/Neta seems to be perfectly happy with him (and apparently is attracted to his drive to follow his dreams instead of his looks), and his comments about her lunches using the appraise command indicate he's just as satisfied.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Astraea's Abacus/Abacus of Virtue. The Heroes's games do reveal it looks like a mace-like staff with an abacus on the end, so it's less ridiculous in context.
  • Intrepid Merchant: After working for a weapon shop, he intends to start a shop of his own and goes on a journey to do so in Chapter Three.
  • Joke Character: Once you have the full party, he becomes more useful for what he can do outside your party (appraisal and treasure finding) rather than in combat. In Chapter Five, he begins doing random goofing-off much like the Jesters of Dragon Quest III. Unlike the Jesters, however, Torneko's goofing-off nearly always results in something beneficial. However, he may occasionally stare off into space or scare off metal slime types. On the other hand...
  • Lethal Joke Character: Some of Torneko's "goofing-off" actions include stealing items from the enemy (being the only way in the game to do so), performing a leg sweep to nullify some of the enemy's turns, calling in an army of fellow merchants he's befriended in his travels (who proceed to beat up on the enemy for a few rounds), covering an enemy's mouth to prevent spellcasting, and tripping (yes, tripping; his weapon somehow lands a critical hit on the enemy in the process). The only thing keeping this power in check is that, again, these goof-offs are completely random.
  • Only One Name: Used for his name in the Japanese version (just Torneko) and the NES version's localization (just Taloon), but this trope no longer applies to him in the DS remake, in which he's referred to as Torneko Taloon.
  • Spoony Bard: Only starts growing into this during Chapter Five: during his chapter, he's a serviceable fighter. Especially if you pick up the Disc One Nuke. His random battle moves in Chapter Five are sometimes a waste of time, and sometimes bizarrely effective (such as when he summons a random army of merchants who swarm the enemy for substantial damage each turn, for 2-4 turns), but the fact that he's even more random than other AI-controlled party members makes him an unreliable and risky choice.
    • The remake tends to have his more useful random acts edge out the less useful ones.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: An NPC in his hometown considers him to be ugly and wonders how he found a good-looking wife.
    • The remake actually gives us more context: she admires his dreams and how hardworking he is.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He has blue hair, including a blue mustache.

Laurel (Laurence/Laurent)[]

A wandering poet who dabbles in magic and is more than willing to lend his spells to anyone willing to pay the price. Just 600 gold nets you four days of traveling with your own personal minstrel!

Hardie (Scott/Strom)[]

A hired muscle who's currently between jobs. 400 gold equals five days of his services. Not a bad trade, if you need a good lance on your side...

Chapter Four: Meena and Maya and the Mahabala Mystery[]


  • Dub Name Change: The original translation was prior to the mass introduction of the heavy nationalization themes of the various characters, so his name is pretty generic in the original NES version. With Meena and Maya getting their national origins as French speaking Indian Gypsy spelled out more in the remakes, he was renamed appropriately.
  • Posthumous Character: But had a massive role on the whole plot.The Secret of Evolution he discovered got him murdered by his traitorous assistant, and it eventually wound up in the hands of the Final Boss and True Final Boss.

Meena (Minea/Nara)[]

A composed, meticulous Fortune Teller who has been searching for Balzack, the man who betrayed and murdered her father Mahabala/Edgar. After years of traveling under the radar, she believes it's time for them to make their move...

  • Action Girl
  • Badass:
  • Blow You Away
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead Violethead
  • Fortune Teller: She reads people's fortunes and introduces herself by doing so before she joins in Chapter Five.
  • Hot Gypsy Woman: Not nearly as much as her sister though.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her Silver Tarot Deck qualifies.
  • Lady of War: She is considerably more graceful and ladylike than both her sister and Alena.
  • The Medic: She acts as the healer in Chapter Four. Plus, she joins party before Kiryl in Chapter Five.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her face portrait, though given the kinda crap she has to put up with keeping Maya from being irresponsible, justified.
  • Roma: The remake makes her Gypsy with a French accent of Indian descent.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Far more serious and composed than her flighty sister.
  • Squishy Wizard: Averted in the remakes. While she doesn't have the robustness of, say, the female Hero or Torneko, she's still able to take a few hits, and has a wide selection of weapons and armor to choose from, to the point that she's about as much of a Magic Knight as the Hero/ine; give her the full set of Metal Babble/Liquid Metal gear, and she's a lean, mean, monster-mashing machine.
  • The Stoic
  • Tarot Motifs: Each card in her Silver Tarot Deck has a different effect. This was actually rebalanced in the DS version to include many more positive effects.
  • You Killed My Father: She and her sister are attempting to get vengeance for him.

Maya (Manya/Mara)[]

Meena's exuberant and far-flashier twin sister, Maya has earned quite a reputation and a considerable fan-following as a Belly Dancer. However, she's also an incredibly talented spellcaster who's all about Stuff Blowing Up. Like Meena, she wants revenge on her father's murderer; she just tends to keep a brighter attitude about everything to offset her sister's serious nature.

Oojam (Orin)[]

An apprentice alchemist who used to work with the twins' father. Like Meena and Maya, he's set out in search of revenge, hoping to track down his master's killer and bring him to justice.

Chapter Five: The Chosen[]



The Chosen One whom the forces of evil are currently scouring the world for, in hopes of putting a premature end to that pesky prophecy. Until the day destiny comes a-calling, however, they're enjoying a peaceful, easygoing life, playing with their best friend Elisa/Celia and practicing their swordsmanship...

Elisa (Cynthia/Celia)[]

Solo/Sofia's best friend, who just happens to be a magically talented elf. Lighthearted and mischievous, she loves playing pranks on the whole village, and likes jerking the hero's chain.

Hank Hoffman, Jr. (Hoffman/Hector)[]

The son of an innkeeper, Hoffman is sharp-tongued and short-tempered at first, refusing to help anyone out. Poor guy has some serious trust issues, though there's a pretty good reason for that... Perhaps he just needs a little help, and a little more information about what exactly happened to him—surely then he'd be willing to return the favor, right?

Tom Foolery (Panon)[]

A wandering entertainer reputed to be one of the best comedians in the world. He may not be strong or swift or much of a spellcaster, but at least he's funny, right...? ...Right?

  • Guest Star Party Member
  • Joke Character: Could be a Lethal Joke Character in the original, given how useful his Sword of Lethargy/Dream Blade was against Keeleon/Marquis de Leon.
  • Only Sane Man: In order to progress, you need to make a king laugh. Hence you hiring Tom. Tom tells the King that honestly, the world is too screwed up right now for the heroes to be held up to make a joke, and they can laugh once the world is safe.
  • Punny Name: In the Nintendo DS version.
  • Spoony Bard

Orifiela (Lucia)[]

A beautiful woman stranded far from home, requiring a special escort back to her faraway country. An accomplished healer, she also knows how to sap her enemies' magical strength and claim it as her own, making her a fantastic backup... though her physical strength is sadly lacking. Oh, and she also happens to be a Zenithian. And heavily implied to be the Hero's mother, though neither of them actually figures it out.

Sparkie (Doran)[]

A cutesy little dragonnot that hits insanely hard... when he bothers to attack.

Other Important Characters[]

Psaro the Manslayer (Necrosaro)[]

A powerful swordsman who also happens to be a White-Haired Pretty Boy.

Rose (Rosa)[]

A beautiful girl in a tower who can see that the world's well on its way to ruin... thanks to the efforts of her misguided lover Psaro.

Aamon (Radimvice)[]

Psaro's right hand man... demon... thing. Turns out he's more important to the plot than he seems, especially in the DS version.


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