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The Main Character (Madason Gotha)[]
The Hero of Dragon Quest V, though not The Chosen One. The only son of Pankraz and Mada, he has been traveling around the world with his father for as far back as he can remember. Possesses a natural touch with monsters, managing to earn their trust and loyalty with surprising ease.
- Badass: Just look at what he manages to survive through.
- Blow You Away: Many of his offensive magics are wind elemental.
- Brown Eyes: Though so dark they can pass for Curtains Match the Window with his black hair.
- Canon Name: Madason.
- Cosmic Plaything
- Decoy Protagonist: Played With. He's The Hero, but the actual Chosen One is his son. Slightly averted in that the son's stats, like those of all the other human characters, are dismal compared to the protagonist's.
- Determinator: Nothing the villains throw at him (and they throw a lot) causes him to stay down for very long.
- Disappeared Dad: Becomes one.
- Fluffy Tamer: It is basically his superpower.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Happily Married: Getting him here is a plot point.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: He does have a Canon Name though.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: He can wield some of the swords, but not the legendary one. Averted in that his weapon in artwork, as well as his implied "personal" weapon towards the end, are both magic wands, and played straight because he is one of many characters that can equip the game's strongest weapon, the Metal King Sword.
- Heroic Mime: Played straight, but also played with: You get to hear two sides of the same conversation at one point, making clear that a simple Yes/No prompt on one side doesn't equate the hero saying just Yes or No.
- Improbable Age: Begins his adventuring under the player's control at six. Prior to this, he's been traveling around with his father for basically his entire life.
- Konami Yoshida: Voice his child self in the drama CDs.
- Made a Slave: During the games first Time Skip.
- The Medic: Learns several healing spells.
- Combat Medic: He heals and hits hard.
- Missing Mom: Finding her becomes his goal in life.
- Ryo Horikawa: Voices his adult self in the drama CDs.
- Secret Legacy: Starts out unaware of his past or the full truth of his heritage.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong/Stable Time Loop: Though sadly he also finds he can't fight his father's fate.
- Simple Staff: He can wield many of the games staves.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Becomes more obvious as he ages.
- Taken for Granite: Also And I Must Scream if he is actually aware of time passing.
- The Unchosen One: Although the player character of Dragon Quest V wasn't actually "The Legendary Hero," of folklore, he was still the driving force behind the eventual defeat of Grandmaster Nimzo, and his cronies. Ironically, you don't even have to bring the real hero along!
Pankraz Gotha (Papas)[]
A powerful warrior and the village chief of Whealbrook, Pankraz has spent the last several years of his life searching for answers, as well as for the Zenithian equipment and The Chosen One capable of wielding it. He's brought his young son along on this journey, though he feels some guilt about this.
- Akira Kamiya: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- Badass Normal
- Bright Slap: Delivers one to Prince Henry.
- Cool Sword
- Crutch Character: He beat two bosses on his own.
- Dead Man Writing: After his study is finally located.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Forced into one.
- King Incognito: In order to find his wife.
- Lightning Bruiser: Will randomly attack two times a turn.
- Only One Name: Subverted at least in the English script, despite being from a series where this trope is very common. Of course, his last name (Gotha) is only mentioned when he's telling some guards who he is.
- Papa Wolf: God help you if you touch a hair on his son's head, and he knows about it. Nothing less then the Big Bad pulling a Diabolus Ex Machina will save you. This makes sense since his son is all he has left of his wife.
- Retirony: Before traveling to Coburg, he mentions that once your business there is finished, he plans on settling down for a bit to let his son enjoy his childhood.
Madalena Gotha (Martha)[]
Pankraz's much-beloved and very much missed wife, and the main character's Missing Mom. Her disappearance is what drove Pankraz to seek out the legendary hero.
- Barrier Maiden: Tries to seal Nimzo in the underworld near the end of the game. Unfortunately, he anticipated it.
- Blessed with Suck: Her powers made her a prime target for the villains; in order to protect her, the Loftians locked her away and had her constantly praying for them instead.
- Gilded Cage: Her room in her birthplace effectively functioned as this.
- Girl in the Tower: Invoked: when visiting her room at her old hometown, Parry directly compares it to a fairy-tale tower.
- Gods Need Prayer Badly: Why she was kidnapped.
- Heroic Sacrifice: She tries. It dosen't work.
- Missing Mom: Finding her is the hero's dream.
- Rei Sakuma: Voices her in the drama CDs.
The Heavenly Brides[]
Bianca Whitaker[]
Daughter of the Roundbeck innkeeper, Bianca is the main character's childhood friend, and two years older than him (as she's very quick to remind him). A complete Tomboy as a child, she does her best to keep a positive attitude no matter how terrible things seem.
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable: No matter her age.
- Child Mage: Qualifies as one during her ghostbusting stint.
- First Girl Wins: Knew the main character even before the game proper begins, being his childhood friend and all.
- Girlish Pigtails: As a child.
- Hair of Gold
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Assists the main character with the Engagement Challenge despite her own feelings for him, and would have left them completely unvoiced if Nera hadn't figured it out and spoken up on her behalf.
- Jack of All Trades: As far as the brides go; she's still more magically-inclined.
- Just a Stupid Accent:
- In The Remake English translation for the Nintendo DS, her voice slips back and forth between British-English and Australian. It's just one of the reasons why people find her dislike-able. Although, admittedly, it has less to do with the actual character itself and more to do with the poor game design choices made by the localization team.
- Confusingly though, neither of her parents nor the villages in either town she grew up in speaks with any accent. So accent or speech impediment?
- Dragon Quest Heroes gave her a Cornish accent as a voiced alternative, a countrified English accent that fits her Tomboy persona like a glove.
- Little Miss Badass: When she's ghost-hunting with the main character as a child.
- Maria Kawamura: Voices her in the drama CDs.
- Official Couple: Most official media features her more heavily than the others, and use her son/daughter for the promotional artwork. The game itself also heavily pushes her as the 'correct' choice, particularly in the original.
- Plucky Girl: Even as an adult.
- The Pollyanna: Tries to stay positive no matter what. This does dive into Stepford Smiler territory at times though. See below.
- Remember When You Went Ghost Hunting: She certainly does and will constantly remind you in case you forgot.
- Which leads to a Never Live It Down case as it causes a number of hatedom over GameFAQs's boards.
- She's All Grown Up: The most dramatic case of this among the brides.
- Stepford Smiler: Flirts with this during the Engagement Challenge; if not chosen in the original game, develops into a full-fledged case.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Child.
- Tomboy: Very happy to be an adventurer, but her family comes first.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: If the main character chooses Nera or Debora over her.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: If the main character marries her.
Nera Briscoletti (Flora)[]
Rodrigo Briscoletti's beloved younger daughter.[1] Nera is a model maiden: demure, compassionate, good with children and animals... After completing her 'domestic goddess training' at the Heavens Above Abbey, she'll be ready to marry whoever can win her father's favor.
- Action Girl: Of the magical variety.
- Badass Adorable: Is the latter from the get go and begins gaining points in the former if chosen.
- Betty and Veronica: The sweet Betty to her older sister's Veronica.
- Cute Witch
- Good Bad Girl: Implied during dialogue.
- Hair Decorations: Wears an almost comically huge hair ribbon.
- Housewife: A kind princesss who can casts a wide variety of offensive spells, but her specific trainning was homemaking.
- Kikuko Inoue: Voices her in the drama CDs.
- Lady of Black Magic: She's very demure and graceful, and learns many offensive spells that can cause massive damage.
- Love At First Sight: Invoked when she first runs into the main character in her hometown.
- The Medic: Learns Midheal. Just Midheal... but is still the only bride to learn any healing magic.
- Modest Royalty: She must have inherited it from her dad.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: She objects to the idea that her husband is being chosen for her, until she realizes that the main character is one of her marriage candidates.
- Pink Means Feminine
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyanna
- Princess Classic: Kindhearted, gentle and loving.
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Her clothes are noticeably fancier than Bianca's simple green dress/orange cloak, yet not as over-the-top as her older sister's.
- Proper Lady: As noted above, she's the model maiden and a princess.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Shrinking Violet: Was one as a child, but grew out of it over time.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Kindhearted and gentle to contrast her sister's sharp tongue and bluntness.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Just look at her spell list.
- Spoiled Sweet: In contrast to Debora.
- Squishy Wizard: The most magic-oriented of all the brides, with the largest selection of spells.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Mother.
Debora Briscoletti[]
Nera's temperamental older sister, Debora never bought into that whole 'lovely and demure' crap. For her, it's all about doing as she pleases and getting everything she wants. Her parents have basically given up on ever seeing her married, focusing on their more obedient daughter instead.
- Action Girl
- Beauty Mark: Just under one eye.
- Betty and Veronica: The sharp-tongued Veronica to her sweet sibling's Betty.
- Boobs of Steel: Aside from concentrating more on physical power, Debora also has the largest chest of any of the brides.
- Christmas Cake: If you don't marry her, with a continued declaration of Sour Grapes about it.
- Deadpan Snarker: A master of it.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: If chosen as the main character's bride.
- Drop the Hammer: There aren't really that many hammers in the game, but Debora is the only bride who can equip them. This includes the Hela Hammer, a half-cursed hammer that misses half the time, and invariably critical hits all the rest. It's useful for taking out Metal Slimes.
- Flower in Her Hair: Several in fact.
- Hair Decorations: Catches up her hair in a messy ponytail with a row of bright red roses.
- Hidden Depths: Has the most Character Development out of all the wives.
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Chick with a Sword: She can wield some of them.
- It's All About Me: Why everyone has given up hope of her getting married by the time you arrive. Even after you marry her she still qualifies.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lady of War: More of a physical fighter than the other brides, and doesn't learn as many spells, though she still gets a decent selection.
- Love At First Sight: If chosen, reveals this during a Party Chat shortly before challenging the final boss.
- Messy Hair: Her hair goes everywhere, ponytail be damned. It's more of a mane than anything.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Subject to this at times from her own father, such as when she inserts herself into the engagement challenge right at the end.
- My God, You Are Serious: Her father's reaction should you marry her. Of course he throws his full support behind the wedding, and after the wedding he confesses you've made him very happy, as he'd given up any hope of Debora getting married long ago.
- Obfuscating Vanity: ...Maybe.
- Pretty in Mink: Wears a white fur wrap like a boa.
- Rich Bitch: And yet an marriage option.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With her sister Nera.
- Something About a Rose: How about three of them?
- Spoiled Brat: In contrast to Nera, again.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Seductress.
- Tsundere
- The Unfavorite: Still well loved and given whatever she wants, but as mentioned above, her folks have more or less given up on her ever getting married.
- Unkempt Beauty: That hair of hers never seems to lie still.
- Wolverine Claws: Starts out with Akillics, which can hit twice in one turn. Also has a second set that serve as her best weapon in the game.
- Action Mom: After joining during the third part of the game.
- Battle Couple: Becomes one with the main character.
- Blue Eyes: In the status menu, Bianca's are sky blue; Nera's are darker to match her hair; Debora's are icy blue. Official arts are other stories.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Although all three of them have the potential, the one the main character marries will always turn out to be the woman destined to be the mother of The Chosen One.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Each potential wife has a different hair color and contrasting theme colors in their wardrobe:
- Bianca = Blonde hair; green tunic/dress and orange cloak, very simply made.
- Nera = Blue hair; pastel shades of blue, white and lavender/blush pink.
- Debora = Black hair; rich red and darker pink.
- Express Delivery: Courtesy of Gameplay and Story Segregation, though NPC chatter makes it clear more time passes than the player might realize during their travels.
- Fainting: The Pregnancy Faint variant of this trope on the way to Gotha.
- Happily Adopted: None of them are actually related to the folks who raised them. None of them care about this.
- Happily Married: No matter which one ends up with the hero they become this.
- Missing Mom: Gets torn away from her children and husband for ten years.
- Playing with Fire: All of them learn Kasizzle, though their exact spell lists vary.
- Pregnant Badass: Only briefly though.
- Secret Legacy: Descended from a Zenithian bloodline; hence, Heavenly Bride.
- Taken for Granite: Mixed with And I Must Scream, if aware of her predicament[2].
- Whip It Good
The Children of the Heavenly Union[]
Parry Gotha (Rex)[]
The main character's son, and almost the spitting image of his father (except with his mom's hair color). A cheerful, amiable child, he loves traveling with his family and seeing the world.
- Badass Adorable
- Cheerful Child
- Child Mage: The more physical of the two, but learns some of the strongest spells in the game.
- The Chosen One: Yup, turns out Pankraz was searching for his future grandson all along.
- Combat Medic: Learns Omni-Heal, making him even better than his dad.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hot-Blooded: Amusingly, if Debora is his mother it's implied he gets it from her.
- Idiot Hero: Justified, given that he's only eight.
Parry: "Everyone's happy! H-A-P-Y! I mean, H-A-P-P-Y!" |
- Keet: Don't get us started.
- Konami Yoshida: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- Lightning Bruiser: With a dash of The Medic thrown in. Just like Daddy!
- Potty Failure: In several Party Chat conversations, he alludes to having trouble with wetting the bed.
- Shock and Awe: Can learn lightning spells as per tradition for Dragon Quest protagonists.
- Shonen Hair: Mostly in the form of big, spiky bangs. Also very fitting, given his age.
Madchen Gotha (Tabitha)[]
Daughter of the main character. Inherited his gentle hand with monsters, and loves playing with them just as much as she does with more traditional pets, like kitties and puppies.
- Action Girl: At only eight no less.
- An Ice Person/Playing with Fire
- Badass Princess
- Black Magician Girl: Has access to a pretty powerful spellpool.
- Cheerful Child
- Child Mage: Less physical then her brother, but her spells more than make up for it.
- Cute Witch: At only eight, no less.
- Detect Evil: Can sense evil presences and direct her family towards them. Gets it from her grandmother.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Though her title isn't used much, and she makes no real effort to remind anyone of it.
- Everything's Cuter With Kittens: Talk to a cat while she's in the party, and Party Chat with her afterward. Nine times out of ten, she'll be delighted.
- Fluffy Tamer: Shares daddy's love for monsters, and often laments their bad reputation.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Hair Decorations: Two tiny little bows just over her ears.
- Innocent Prodigy: Talented and knowledgeable mage capable of considerable insight, particularly when compared to her brother, and likely to become an experienced adventurer... while retaining her fear of heights and the dark, her naivety, and her childish innocence.
- Kae Araki: Voices her in the drama CDs.
- Little Miss Badass: She may be eight, but she packs firepower and isn't afraid to use it.
- Modest Royalty
- Plucky Girl: Would rather try to tame monsters than to fight them, but is more then willing to be part of the action if need be.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Squishy Wizard: Skill-wise, she tends to take after her mother; this is most obvious when it's Nera, and least obvious when it's Debora.
- The Unchosen One: Her brother can use the Zenithian equipment; she can't. This doesn't stop her from helping to save the world.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Learns Puff!/BeDragon, letting her transform into a fire-breathing dragon during battle.
- Weapon of Choice: Notably goes all over the place - Her spellcasting would suggest that she favor staffs, but her sprite carries around a rapier-style blade, and she can also use whips with ease. Her original SNES sprite did show her holding a staff at all times, though.
- Why Did It Have To Be So High?: Afraid of heights, and extreme darkness to a lesser extent. Despite this, soldiers through all the towers and dungeons with little more than asking Daddy to hold her hand a few times.
- Badass Adorable: The both qualify from the get go.
- Badass Family
- Blue Eyes: To match their mother's.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Depending on who the main character marries, they could end up with Hair of Gold, Blue or Black.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Harmful to Minors: Poor kids have to deal with a lot, being adventurers at their age. The remakes drive this home with Party Chat; some of what they say after certain traumatic events is just heart-wrenching.
Madchen: "...Daddy? Can you hold my hand?" |
- Hello, Insert Name Here
- Hero of Another Story: Party chat will reveal that the twins spent a long time looking for their mother and father. So much so that one can roughly piece together where they went and what they did before arriving at the Porgie residence.
- Improbable Age: They start adventuring with their father at the tender age of eight, much like Bianca.
- Meaningful Name: Their default names are partly derived from their grandparents: Pankraz -> Parry and Mada -> Madchen.
- Parental Abandonment: Their parents had been turned to stone shortly after they were born.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Parry's outfit is entirely blue, while Madchen wears a dark pink/purple cape, and official art shows her white robe has a very light pinkish tinge to it.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Mostly averted, but there is one example: Parry loves heights while Madchen is afraid of them.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Both are compared to their father more than their mother. Parry's happy with this; Madchen is more disappointed that she isn't told she resembles her mother more often.
- Superpowerful Genetics: Parry is the Legendary Hero; Madchen has inherited a host of evil-sensing powers from her grandmother. Both learn plenty of powerful spells, including several not learned by either parent.
- Theme Twin Naming: See Meaningful Name above. Obviously, it's up to the player whether or not this is played even straighter or Averted.
- Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born
Families of the Bride[]
Mr. Whitaker (Duncan)[]
Bianca's father, who runs the Roundbeck Inn with his wife. Better known by his nickname 'Whitey'.
- Death by Despair: Heavily implied to be the cause of his death (which only happens in the original, if the main character didn't marry Bianca).
- Ill Guy: He's always sick, recovering from being sick or coming down with a new sickness. Taking care of him is the reason that Bianca can't be an adventuer, as much as she'd like to. Before you come along at least.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
Mrs. Whitaker[]
Bianca's mother, who shoulders all of the work whenever her husband is ill. Passes away during the ten-year time skip.
Rodrigo Briscoletti (Ludman)[]
Nera and Debora's doting father, and the richest man in Mostroferrato. To try and ensure that Nera marries somebody fully capable of taking good care of her, he sets up an Engagement Challenge. Usually jovial, with an open mind and open heart; however, he's also somewhat of a traditionalist, and has a major stubborn streak—once he's got his mind set on something, nothing can dissuade him.
- Doting Parent: Well, towards Nera at least.
- Engagement Challenge: One that has apparently existed in his family for generations.
- Gratuitous English: In the Italian version, he sprinkles English words into his speech.
- Gratuitous Italian: In the English Version.
- Passive-Aggressive Kombat: If you pick Bianca in the DS version, he says that he's not surprised by your decision, that you're a sensitive man, and that you must've realized that Nera would've been humiliated if you'd picked Debora over her. If you read between the lines, he's blaming Debora's surprise toss of her own hat into the ring for Nera not getting chosen. Yowch!
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Sealed Evil in a Can: His ancestor sealed away a monster in the past, and it is his duty to make sure it stays sealed.
- Sins of Our Fathers: An ancestor of his sealed away a great evil, but the seal is due to break... ohhh, fairly soon. And the monster's going to be maaaaaddd...
- Uncle Pennybags:
- If you marry one of his daughters, he will lavish gifts on you throughout the game. Even if you don't and choose Bianca instead, he'll still pay for the wedding and bridal veil, let you sleep at his casino for free, and even put his ship at your command just like he did for your father at the beginning of the game.
- He's also just a nice guy and is renowned in the setting for generosity and for giving a sizable chunk of his wealth to charity. He gets most of that money from owning a casino resort, so he's probably a pretty fun guy too.
Romana Briscoletti[]
Rodrigo's loving wife, who does her best to reign in his stubborn streak. Very proud of her dear Nera; her other daughter...? Not so much.
Close Family Friends[]
Saber (Borongo)[]
A great sabrecat that the main character and Bianca meet and befriend as a young cub. The very fact that they were able to tame it so easily shocks many others, as sabrecats have a nasty reputation. Has many possible names.
- A Boy and His Sabrecat
- But Thou Must!: You don't get to insert a name for it; instead Bianca runs through a list of names for you to pick from.[3] Four of those names come from a book in the Roundbeck inn, while the name Baumren is a reference to a sabrecat in Dragon Quest VIII.
- Cute Kitten: As a cub. People are shocked that Sabrecats can even be tamed.
- Cutting Off the Branches: Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below had to settle ona name for him since he shows up as part of Bianca's musou attack in that game, so they settled on Purrcy from the default choices.
- Monster Protection Racket: Causes the main character to get accused of running one of these.
- Puzzle Boss: Make sure the main character has Bianca's Ribbon in his inventory before fighting it, then use the Ribbon as a battle item to jog its memory. Without this it absolutely cannot be beaten.
- Shoo the Dog
Pankraz's close friend, often left behind to mind the homestead while Pankraz goes traveling with his son. Acts as a doting uncle to the main character.
- Badass Mustache: Has a rocking handlebar.
- Badass Spaniard: Goofy, yes, but also Badass.
- Break the Cutie: Sancho's heart bleeds deeply for his friends, and by the time you get to adventure with him in Chapter 3, he is a very sad and broken man.
- Brown Eyes
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Gets to show it in Chapter 3.
- Curtains Match the Windows
- Drop the Hammer: Is the only human character who can equip hammers if Debora is not chosen.
- Honorary Uncle: First to the main character, then to Parry and Madchen as well.
- Kozo Shioya: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- Modern Minstrelsy: Portrayed in the English translation of the DS game as a rather wince-worthy Mexican stereotype.
- Parody: Of the same named character from the story of Don Quixote.
- Parental Substitute: Parry and Madchen love their Uncle Sancho.
- Survivor Guilt: Has a nasty case of it that only worsens as time passes.
- Tender Tears: Sancho is prone to Tears of Joy, especially when you reunite with him in Chapter 2. Also prone to the opposite and sobbing at reminders of all the tragedy in his life.
- Third Person Person: In the DS translation.
- Undying Loyalty
Tuppence (Pippin)[]
The son of Thruppence, Tuppence is a soldier who's eager to help the main character and the kids during their travels. Has the potential to become a truly powerful warrior, but starts out untrained and rough around the edges.
- Badass Normal: The only human character with no magic, though he has good stats and equipment options.
- Chekhov's Gunman: He first appears as a generic young boy in Gotha's inn during the second part of the game. Because the player character doesn't age during the timeskip, by the end of it they're about the same age.
- The Gambling Addict: Although he knows he's not that good at it.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Optional Party Member: Though easy to obtain, he's also easy to miss, as he looks almost like a regular NPC soldier and you have to talk to him before he'll join.
- You All Look Familiar: In the original, he has the same sprite as a normal soldier. The DS remake gives him a unique look, but it's still very similar to the soldier sprite.
Realm of the Faeries[]
Honey (Bella)[]
A mischievous, cheerful faerie sent to recruit a great warrior from the human world. She brought back a six-year-old main character.
- Bad Liar: Her reaction to learning Saber is a sabrecat kitten, among others.
- Blue Eyes
- Genki Girl
- Guest Star Party Member: Only a party member for a short portion of the game.
- You Can See Me?: Why she recruits the main character in the first place.
- You Gotta Have Violet Hair
Queen Treacle (Powan)[]
The current ruler of Faerie Lea. Her predecessor was incredibly harsh, but Treacle herself is kind and compassionate, and believes that everyone can coexist peacefully.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Promises to help the main character after they help her.
- You Gotta Have Violet Hair
Dwight Dwarf (Zaile)[]
Also known as "Da White Dwarf!" His father created "Lots About Locks", a book that lets the bearer become a Master of Unlocking. Because of this, he was banished from Faerie Lea by Treacle's predecessor. However, Dwight believes Treacle was the one responsible, and has set out to take revenge. Fancies himself a great superhero, so he wears a hooded cape and calls himself "Da White Dwarf!".
- Boisterous Bruiser: Talks like one, has trouble living up to it.
- Insistent Terminology: "Not Dwight Dwarf! Da White Dwarf!"
- Optional Party Member
- Unwitting Pawn: Considers himself Treacle's arch nemesis, while she is barely aware of his existance. After the timeskip, he considers himself the Hero's rival despite being some nobody he beat up when he was six.
Coburg's Royal Family[]
Prince Harry (Henry)[]
The heir-apparent of King James, and a complete Royal Brat who enjoys tormenting others simply because he can. Soon receives a very rude, very harsh awakening, however...
- Break the Haughty: He goes through a lot of crap between Chapter 1 and 2.
- Character Development: Gets the most out of anyone in the whole game with the possible exception of Debora.
- Fallen Prince
- Freudian Excuse: His mother passed away and was replaced by the Queen Consort, who is more interested in caring for her own son than for him.
- Generation Xerox: His own son, Prince Kendrick, takes after him, despite Harry's insistence that he doesn't know where he gets it from. However, he also gets somewhat stronger discipline.
- Guest Star Party Member: One who can level up and is on the party for several hours.
- Happily Married: To Maria.
- Hot for Preacher: Develops a crush on her right when she takes her vows.
- It Amused Me: Teases and torments others... why? He's the prince, of course!
- Kappei Yamaguchi: Voices him in the Drama CDs.
- Made a Slave: Along with the main character.
- Prince Charmless: Predates the Trope Namer.
- Royal Brat
- Survivor Guilt: Admits in a secret message that he struggled with this, wondering why he lived instead of Pankraz.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
King James[]
Ruler of Coburg; father of Harry and Wilbur. Somewhat at a loss as to how to get his chosen heir to shape up and stop being such a royal pain. Dies during the first timeskip.
Queen Consort[]
King James' current wife. Highly ambitious, she dreams of seeing her son take the throne rather than watching her bratty stepson ascend.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Fake Queen
- God Save Us From the Queen: Or, rather, the Queen Consort. Or the Queen Dowager.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: After successfully having Harry kidnapped, she is betrayed by her 'allies' and is replaced by a fake queen, turning her son into their puppet rather than her own. By the time the party comes across her years later, she's willing to immediately confess to everything just to put an end to it.
- Stage Mom: Royal variation; she can't rule herself, so she pushes her son towards the throne despite his own wishes, and doesn't care who she tramples on it to make it happen.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Wicked Stepmother
Prince Wilbur (Dale)[]
Harry's younger half-brother. Despite his mother's ambitions, has no real interest in taking the throne, and would rather be just a normal kid.
Other Important Characters[]
Count Uptaten (Eric) and Miss Count (Sophia)[]
Once a happily married couple, their lives were tragically cut short when monsters raided their castle and slaughtered everyone inside. However, their sad tale did not end there... Thanks to the interference of some nasty spirits, they have been unable to move on to the afterlife.
- Law of Inverse Fertility: Wanted children, but were never able to conceive.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: They are not the slightest bit evil for one.
- Spot of Tea: One of their favorite pastimes in life was drinking out of the Toff's Tea Set. The main character can eventually return it to them in exchange for a reward, though it takes several years before Uptaten happens to ask.
Maria (Marina)[]
A former member of the Order of Zugzwang, she turned her back on their teachings when she shielded a child slave from harm. Made a Slave herself, she managed to escape to the abbey and become a Nun of the Above.
- Aya Hisakawa: Voices her in the drama CDs.
- Defector From Decadence
- Hair of Gold
- Happily Married: To Harry.
- Made a Slave: After she criticized the Order.
- Morality Pet: To her older brother Joshua, a soldier of Zugzwang who finds himself torn between his loyalty to the order and his love for his sister.
- Naughty Nun: Mild example. In the DS version, she wears a dress that sports noticeable cleavage and no habit or coif to distinguish her sprite from that of from the other nuns.
- Even more mild in the original SNES version, but still qualifies, as she never dons the nun habit nor restrains her looks in any fashion.
- Rags to Riches: Eventually marries Harry.
Monty the Monster Monitor[]
An elderly fellow whose has an expert hand with monsters, and encourages others to pursue the fine art of monster training. Recommends to the main character that he get a wagon to make traveling easier, and helps him out by caring for any monsters he isn't taking along with him at any given moment.
- Covert Pervert: Some characters suspect him of being one due to him keeping Carla around.
- Fluffy Tamer
Crispin Burns (Andy)[]
A childhood friend of Nera, he becomes one of her most dedicated suitors. Though he doesn't consider himself truly worthy of somebody so wonderful, he's determined to do his best to become worthy, and earn her love...!
- Bishounen
- Meaningful Name: From his name alone, you can pretty much guess that his trip into the volcano doesn't end well.
- Nobuo Tobita: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: If the main character marries Nera.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: If the main character chooses Bianca or Debora.
Old Man Nick Knack[]
A sprightly spirit haunting a massive, ornate building. All he wanted was to create the ultimate collection of trinkets and treasures from around the globe; sadly, he only managed to finish the structure before passing away, leaving it unfilled and his dream unfinished... until the main character and his wife happen along.
King Albert[]
The Prince Regent and acting ruler of a country whose king has gone AWOL. Though he has done well in the role, he still hopes for a chance to step down and return the role to somebody he feels is more fitting. It doesn't help that the job has strained his relationship with his willful daughter, Gertrude, who chafes at the responsibility of princesshood.
Princess Gertrude[]
Albert's daughter. Greatly dislikes her current station, finding it far too restricting.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Subverted; she hates it.
- Parental Substitute
Chancellor Jeeves[]
King Albert's chancellor, who can almost always be found parked by the throne offering advice to the Regent.
- Evil Chancellor: Really enjoyed the whole setup, and didn't appreciate the main character's appearance threatening that.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Declares this when the main character finds him heavily wounded, confessing his misdeeds with his dying breath.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Patty the Party Planner (Luida)[]
A bartender who starts running a useful service for the main character late in the game, serving basically the same function as Monty... but for humans.
Dr Agon (Pusan)[]
A strange, old fellow found trapped in a dungeon. Extremely cheerful, but a tad... loopy. Has a very strange way of speaking. Claims to be Zenithian.
- God Was My Co-Pilot
- The Needless: Trapped on a mine cart for 20 years with no food or water...
- The Main Characters Do Everything: ...literally one screen away from where some guy has set up house after being hired by archaeologists to investigate the place. Couldn't he have given the poor guy a hand?
- Punny Name: Dr Agon = Dragon, get it?
- Time Abyss: He tells you outright in party chat that's he's lived a thousand times longer than anyone in the party and laughs when they react skeptically to it.
- The Untwist: The DS translation pretty much lays out the spoiler as soon as he joins your party.
"The Zenithian Dr Agon has joined your party!" |
- Verbal Tic: The DS version's translation gives us a rather literal Flanderization.
The Order of Zugzwang[]
Grandmaster Nimzo (Mildrath)[]
The Demon Lord of the Dark World, and the "god" of the Order. He seeks to take over the Light World. (OF COURSE!)
- Big Bad
- Chess Motif: Is named after a Chess grandmaster, and his minions are named after chess pieces.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Was more or less this in the SNES original; he wasn't really mentioned until you find out your mother is alive and that Korol wasn't the Big Bad. The DS version fixes this; he's mentioned by NPCs, at least in passing, as early as the second major dungeon, and it's obvious very early on that Ladja is reporting to someone higher up than Korol.
- Meaningful Name: His name comes from Aron Nimzowitsch, a Russian chess grandmaster.
- One-Winged Angel: But of course!
- Shozo Iizuka: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- You Have Failed Me...: He leaves King Korol to die after he's mortally wounded by the party. The DS version makes it even worse.
- Also doubles as a You Have Outlived Your Usefulness, as Korol had already done what was required of him for Nimzo's master plan.
Bishop Ladja (Gema)[]
Nimzo's right hand man. He oversees the Order's operations in the Light World alongside King Korol. He is also easily the most evil character in the game.
- Breakout Villain: In the SNES original, he was still a presence but ultimately a lackey, didn't have a unique appearance, and gets chumped about two-thirds of the way through the game. In the DS remake, he's been upgraded to the full-blown right hand of Nimzo himself, and is a complete monster throughout the entire game, largely due to his popularity as a villain in the original and fans asking for him to have a larger role.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: When he summons a fireball outside of battle... bad things happen.
- He does have a fireball attack in battle, albeit considerably depowered. His Sinister Scythe and petrification spell, not so much.
- The Dragon
- Establishing Character Moment: His No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on the main character and Harry, not to mention his brutal murder of Pankraz, instantly solidifies his status as a Complete Monster.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Based on his broken english, he apparently has a thick Russian accent.
- Hirotaka Suzuoki: Voices him in the drama CDs.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: The first one against him. Justified, considering you're a six year old child at that point.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He has absolutely no reservations about beating two six year old children nearly to death. In fact, he seems to enjoy it.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to King Korol in the DS version, right before killing him.
- Would Hurt a Child
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Combines this with one of his beloved Player Punches near the end when he blasts Mada right after she and the main character reunite, then mocks both of them about it.
- Subverted when it turns out she survived the attack.
- Double subverted when Grandmaster Nimzo finishes the job.
- Subverted when it turns out she survived the attack.
King Korol (Ibuul)[]
High Priest of the Order of Zugzwang. Over the years, he works tirelessly to establish the Order as a Path of Inspiration, promising that they will lead the world to a new age of peace in the White King's Paradise. Their actual plans, of course, aren't quite so... nice.
- Evil Genius
- Humiliation Conga: First the party attack the Order's main base in the Light World, then they wipe out his defenses, including Queen Ferz. When he himself fights the party and is defeated and dying, he begs Nimzo to strike the party down, but Nimzo abandons him for his failure, leaving him to die in shame. Made even worse in the DS version, where not only does Nimzo abandon him, but he also sends Ladja to tell him exactly why he sucks and then execute him.
- Path of Inspiration: How he paints the Order.
- Religion of Evil: What the Order actually is.
- Squishy Wizard: While he's a deadly mage, his physical attacks are absolutely pathetic.
- Verbal Tic: He has one—Snap! — in addition to his Russian accent.
Queen Ferz (Ramada)[]
The High Priestess of the Order of Zugzwang, as well as a master illusionist. Helps Korol oversee the temple and lure would-be followers and slaves into their clutches.
- Dark Chick: The token female of the Order of Zugzwang.
- Master of Illusion: Can transform to disguise her true identity.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: Tries to fool the main character.
Kon the Knight (Jami) and Slon the Rook (Gonze)[]
Bishop Ladja's personal enforcers and bodyguards. Work well as a team, but are just as deadly during solo work.
- The Brute: As Ladja's bodyguards, as the two rely on physical power.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: They get one from an infuriated Pankraz, but then give him one themselves when Ladja threatens to murder the main character.
- Rule 34: Kon the Knight was a prime target for this.
- Wataru Takagi: Voices Kon in the drama CDs.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When Chancellor Jeeves hands the Bride over to Kon, he "rewards" him by savagely beating him and leaving him to die.