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  • According to The Other Wiki, the movie grossed $30 million worldwide on its opening weekend, not covering its (variously reported) $45 million to $100 million budget.

  • Executive Meddling: Many of the changes were presumably added in due to Fox's meddling, especially considering their track record in other films. We'll never know how much was dictated to be there, and how much the writers came up with themselves though. One of the particularly nasty changes they wanted? To make Piccolo a Bishounen. James Marsters would not have this and demanded he'd be like the original.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • Bulma is played by Emmy Rossum, best known for her role in the 2004 Phantom of the Opera screen adaptation.
    • Piccolo is played by James Marsters, as mentioned above.
    • Roshi is played by Chow Yun Fat.
    • Mai was the princess Hiro (from Heroes!) met in feudal Japan.
    • The video game has Yuri Lowenthal as Goku.
  • What Could Have Been: The original script mentioned under They Just Didn't Care was apparently a much more faithful adaptation of the series. But once it was out of the scriptmaker's hands, changes were made.