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Drake: Nothing can stop me now!
(Record Needle Scratch)

Adam Sessler: SHUT UP. We stopped you.

Drake of the 99 Dragons was a third person shooter for the Xbox, released back in 2003. It stars an undead assassin named Drake, the last surviving (kinda) member of the Dragon clan, on his quest to restore the Dragons' honor by eliminating the rival clan that killed them all and stole an ancient treasure of theirs.

While the game attempted to convey a sense of stylized comic book action by utilizing cel-shaded graphics and giving Drake the ability to wield two guns at once and stop time, Drake is much more notorious for its low production values and many camera issues, making the game needlessly difficult. For those reasons and more, it has earned itself a spot on many, many "worst game ever" lists.

Tropes used in Drake of the 99 Dragons include: