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We all know it can be fun to read terrible fanfics... but what about having them read... to you?! a dramatic, BOOMING voice, just so that all of the Narm can be fully appreciated? This... is where the Dramatic Reading comes in. You can expect almost every bad fanfic that becomes infamous to have at least one Dramatic Reading. And often, other media such as published books can get Dramatic Readings if they're sufficiently infamous.

Also see Large Ham and What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?.

Don't confuse this trope with "Podfics", which are more like audiobooks for ordinary and even quality fanfics (albeit many podficcers can do Dramatic Readings on the side)

Examples of Dramatic Reading include:

Examples from fiction[]

  • In A Clockwork Orange, Alex and his goons break into a writer's house. Alex mocks the writer by reading his work-in-progress in a "sort of very high type preaching voice".