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A Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game provided by Aeria Games. (up to 2009, it was provided even by Game Tribe in Europe)

This game provides examples of:[]

  • Allegedly Free Game: It is, and you can max your character without spending a single cent. It require more time, connections and help.
  • An Adventurer Is You: Of course. You have been summoned inside the Mirror World to cure your race's malady, save the world and the occasional ton of side quests.
  • An Entrepreneur Is You: Players can set up stalls to sell almost any item they've gotten their hands on, including items bought with real-world currency. There's even a job that lets players set up multiple stalls and pay reduced taxes on their profits.
  • Cel Shading: Defines the entire look of the game. Here's a few examples.
  • Critical Existence Failure: Unless the player's eyes are glued to their health bars, the first indication of trouble is their character's corpse.
  • Cute Monster: The Shura fit - the males are big hulking walls of flesh, with short, fleshy tails, and a (fleshy) horn on their forehead. The females are foxgirls.
  • Digital Avatar: The game requires you to build one for each character you create.
  • Fight in The Nude: The game allows to see your character weapon, shield and armor any moment, cutscenes included. When naked, characters still wears underwear (very skimpy for the Shura/Felin race). Anyway, the exact look of an armor changes due to race or gender. Most notably the "newbie clothing", that change from a bathsuit to a formal man robe, based on your character creation.
  • Gameplay Automation: The resource collection process is, thankfully, automated. All the player needs to do is walk into a collection area, select a tool, and wait. And wait. And wait. There is also an option (on by default) to log out whenever a collection tool is completely worn out, on the quite reasonable assumption that the player started collection and went off to do something slightly more entertaining. The game also offers an autopilot function of sorts; it will get players to their chosen destinations ninety-five percent of the time, but it does not take the optimal route.
  • Game Breaker: The "Sara Nurse" is a pet that you can summon in addition to your regular pet, and spams healing and buffers to the owner. It's blamed to be the single reason of the reducing number of teams in favor of solo players, and borderline cheating. It doesn't help that Saras have been promoted for a long time, making them really common amongst high level players.
  • Impossible Item Drop: No enemy will ever inexplicably drop gold, but will often drop items whose sole purpose is to be sold at a set price to NPCs. Some of those drops are even more inexplicable than the gold they replace however... Like pigs carrying carved wooden sculptures of bears, birds with perfume, and eventually male human wizards who drop ladies underwear. No, really.
  • Item Crafting: The Alchemy skill lets players turn mob drops and items they've farmed/mined/etc. (and had refined by NPCs) into weapons, clothes, armor, healing items, etc.
  • Job System: Players start as Commoners and can then unlock any and all of the fourteen other jobs. All jobs other than Commoner start at level 10 with predetermined base stats. Levels and stats gained in each job do not transfer between jobs, but job skills do, and players must visit a Career Adviser to change between jobs.
  • Loading Screen: Expect to see one every time you enter a different area.
  • Money Spider: Gold can be acquired directly on via Elder quests and pawning things off. Fortunately, monsters can drop tools (like arrows), medicinal items (like beans), alchemical materials, Elder quest items, and coupons, all of which can be traded in at vendors and the Recycling Bros. for money; in fact, coupons have no purpose other than to be traded in to the Banker for cold hard cash. 100 spaces (50 on hand + 50 bank) is, predictably, never enough.
  • Respawn Point: Every city has a Rebirth Stone that players can set as their spawn point, the default being in the first city players land in.
  • Twenty Bear Asses: A very common type of quest, though sometimes they offer respectable bonuses for overkill. This is usually handwaved as keeping the monster population under control.
  • Video Game Geography: Uses a Type 1 flat and rectangular map for all above-ground areas.
  • The Wiki Rule: DOMO Wiki

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