Drugs & Kisses is a Furry Comic hosted on Comicfury. It follows the adventures of Sketch, Coyote, Farm Boy and Rainbow, four friends living a lifestyle of drink, drugs and assorted mayhem.
This webcomic provides examples of:[]
- Stoners Are Funny - Main Premise of the strip
- Life Embellished - most strips are based on real life events, just without the Furry avatars
- Casanova Wannabe - Sketch the raccoon
- The Stoner - Farm Boy the goat
- Sir Swearsalot - Coyote
- Women Are Wiser - Rainbow the dog, the most sensible of the group...just
- Police Are Useless
- Furry Reminder - strip 33, Farm Boy is shown tearing up bread to feed to ducks, camera moves and it is revealed the ducks are anthropomorphic beggars