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Ducktaleswoohoo 2708

Wait Uncle Scrooge, you need a suit out there!

How are you alive?

You need heat, also air.

That's gotta be one expensive cane

You are up on the moon, looking for treasure, you've gone insane.


One of the most frequently cited followers to No Problem With Licensed Games and one of the most widely-beloved platformers on the NES, DuckTales was released in 1989 and developed by Capcom, the same team responsible for the Mega Man franchise, as another product of their licensing deal with Disney. As such, it's no coincidence that DuckTales shares many of the defining features of the Mega Man games: Unique gameplay mechanics, nonlinear level selection and incredibly catchy music.

The story is barely even there: Scrooge wants to gather even more treasure to further solidify his status as the richest duck in the world, while also seeking out the Five Lost Treasures scattered all over the world. Scrooge's adventures lead him from the Amazon rainforest and a Transylvanian castle, to the Himalayan mountains and all the way to the Moon.

A sequel, DuckTales 2, followed four years later in 1993, featuring Scrooge on another treasure hunt, this time to find the pieces to a map leading to an even bigger treasure. For all intents and purposes, the game made many significant improvements to the previous game's formula (such as upgrade skills hidden in certain levels, and plenty of clever optional puzzles), but was not as popular as its predecessor due to its late release, being widely overshadowed by 16-bit games on the Super NES and Sega Genesis. The two games were also ported to the Game Boy.

Both of these games give examples of:[]

The first NES game provides examples of:[]

The second NES game provides examples of:[]