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A third party informing somone one that the person they like is gay.
- Played Straight: Bob asks Alice out. Carol says "Dude, Alice is a lesbian"
- Exaggerated: Bob asks Alice out. Carol says "Dude, she's my wife."
- Justified:
- Alice is shy and would not say it out loud.
- Alternatively, the story takes place during a time when being gay (or being LGBT in general) is considered wrong, so Alice chooses to keep quiet about her sexuality.
- Inverted: Carol asks Alice out. Bob says "Girl, she's straight"
- Subverted:
- Alice: "...You know, from the island of Lesbos!"
- Alice: "I like guys too."
- Doubly Subverted: "...also, I like girls."
- Parodied:
- Bob asked Alice out at a lesbian bar. Carol says "Dude, do you know were we are?"
- Bob runs into Alice and Carol at a bar, and asks Carol to introduce them. Carol says "Dude, she's a lesbian." Bob, undaunted, sits down next to her, and says, "So, what's Lesbia like then, gorgeous?"
- Deconstructed: Bob is informed that Alice is a lesbian. His response? "Oh, fair enough. What, you thought I should assume that from her haircut? Dude, how homophobic is that? And anyway, I figured she might be bisexual."
- Reconstructed: Turns out she is bisexual, and both Carol and Bob end up in a relationship with her.
- Zig Zagged: Alice is a person with multiple personality disorder; some are lesbians, some are straight, some are bi. Bob only ever runs into her when she's a lesbian.
- Averted:
- Alice is straight or bi.
- Alice tells Bob "Sorry, I'm Gay."
- Enforced:
- "We need Alice to be a lesbian but not act like a lesbian."
- "We need to scupper any Alice×Bob shipping, because we have other plans for them."
- Lampshaded: Bob asks Alice out. Carol says "Dude, she's a lesbian. I Always Wanted to Say That."
- Invoked: Bob "I think you're pretty, that probably means you're a lesbian."
- Defied: "You think I'm going to tell him? No way, this is too funny. I want to see how long it takes him to work it out!"
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played for Laughs:
- Bob asks Alice out and is surprised that she's a lesbian even though she's wearing a gay pride shirt and making out with Carol.
- Bob says "I'm a lesbian, too."
- Played for Drama: Alice and Bob live in a world where homophobia reigns supreme. Bob would have to be a heartless Jerkass not to protect her now.
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