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  • "I puked on the wound."
  • The masturbating dog.
  • The epic Butt Monkey-ness that Peter has gained by the end of the film.
  • Ethan panicking after shooting Peter.
  • Ethan rescuing Peter.
    • During the rescue, the Mexican cops are yelling "Pull over!" in English and Ethan responds, in Spanish, that he doesn't speak English
  • Ethan threatening the handi-capable clerk with his hairbrush.
  • The contact high and it's results.
  • Peter, who's been avoiding the possibility that his expectant wife is pregnant with the lovechild of his Black Best Friend, bursting into a delivery room he thinks she's in and the first thing he sees is... a newborn black baby. Cut to an understandably bewildered black family who quickly kick him out and a huge look of relief on Peter's face.
  • Peter sucker-punching the obnoxious little son of the drug dealer. It's so wrong, but you will laugh so hard it hurts. And don't forget the fact that when the drug dealer returns, Peter and the boy act like nothing happened. Capped with Peter donning his sunglasses and pointing at the little boy as if to say, "Know your role, punk."