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From Dungeon Keeper[]
The forces of evil[]
The beetle is a stronger fighter and flyer than the fly, but is not as fast. One of the first creatures you get in the game, and they gain the ability to freeze when they reach higher levels.
Bile Demons
While slow, the bile demon is still an excellent fighter, and manufacturer. They are immune to gas and wind attacks, but are vulnerable in combat to most types of undead.
Dark Mistresses
The kinkiest of all creatures, one who enjoys pain and inflicting it on others. She has no special job apart from visiting the torture chamber to be tortured. Slapping her makes her happier and she rushes off to a battle as soon as one starts. An excellent fighter.
- Bondage Is Bad
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Sex Is Violence
- Too Kinky to Torture: They put themselves in the torture chamber for fun. If you capture an enemies mistress and torture her, she'll join your side out of gratitude.
- Torture Technician
Demon Spawn
A fairly good fighter, that can walk over lava unharmed. Spends most of its spare time training. After your demon spawn trains to level 10, they continue training and level up into a level 4 dragon
- Magikarp Power: They transform into dragons at level ten.
The dragon is one of the toughest creatures in the game. Quick to learn from training, and a good resource in any library. As you would expect, they are immune to the effects of lava, and actually gain experience from sleeping next to it.
The fly is a weak fighter and does not last long in battle, however they are a very fast unit and great for exploring as they can fly over water and lava.
Weaker than the skeleton in fighting ability, the main use of the ghost is in research. Given the chance, these creatures will tend to concregate in your temple and will need manual duty allocation. Ghosts can fly, see invisible creatures, and are immune to poison gas.
Horned Reapers
The horned reaper is the most destructive, psychotic fighter of the game. Summoned only using your temple, they are one of your fastest creatures, and have the power to slow any enemy fighting them. The reaper is immune to lava and has a good field of vision. If allowed to get annoyed (which happens very easily), they will go on a general rampage. It's best to build them their own personal dungeon, behind a locked door.
- Awesome but Impractical: He's easily the most powerful creature you get, unless you get the Avatar on your side, but he's just as likely to attack you as the enemy.
- Ax Crazy
- The Berserker
- Big Red Devil
- Boss in Mook Clothing — There is one of these guys working for the heroes in the last level, and a tenth-level one at that.
- Game Breaker — Kind of. If you put him in a temple, he'll pretty much remain happy.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Psycho for Hire
- Sinister Scythe
- Unstoppable Rage
The hound is a good fighter and has the ability to travel safely over lava. Hounds will tend to follow your more powerful creatures around as bodyguards, but will attack your own Demon Spawn if given the chance. Placing Hounds in your graveyard will speed the appearance of Vampires.
The imp is the basic laborer, who carves out your dungeons, mines your gold, reinforces and decorates your dungeon, and carry things like bodies and traps around. Imps are the only creatures that give their loyalty for free, and are also the only creature that can be created magically, however the price to create an imp increases with the number you posses.
These are good all round warriors and like to be allocated guard room duties. They are quick to learn from training, and form a good basis for any close quaters combat. Orcs will refuse any research based duties.
- Drop the Hammer
- Lightning Bruiser: Once they get that speed spell...
- Our Orcs Are Different
The skeleton is another good fighting unit at high levels, and they are attained when a humanoid creature starves to death in your prison. Skeletons advance quickly when trained, and are immune to the effects of poison gas.
The spider is your first reasonable fighting unit. Good physical attributes are complimented well by a nice selection of combat abilities. The spider responds well to training.
They hit quite hard and are fairly tough, which make them good fighters when combined with their freeze ability.
The troll is best used for manufacture, and has been known to turn down less manual jobs, such as research. Initially poor in combat, the troll gains good firepower at later levels. However, they are unlikely to use range attacks unless possessed.
These undead creatures are vicious fighters and very skilled scavengers. They prove good researchers but will refuse to stay in your workshop. After a vampire's experience is above three, it becomes immortal, and can resurrects itself in its Lair after it dies, at the cost of 1 experience level. As with other undead, vampires can see invisible creatures and are immune to the effects of poison.
- Arch Enemy: With Warlocks.
- Bald of Evil
- Demonic Spiders — High level ones in the hands of particularly-aggressive enemy keepers can really do some damage.
- Looks Like Orlok
- Our Vampires Are Different
The Warlock is good at both research and manufacturing, has a good range of attack spells, and gains vast experience if their lair is placed next to an unmined gold square. Unfortunately, they are also poor in close quarter combat.
The forces of good[]
The equivalent of your Imp unit, Tunnelers lead parties of stronger Heroes into your Dungeon, clearing their path to your Dungeon Heart. They are easy to dispatch, and even the weakest of your Creatures should have no trouble vanquishing them. They are no use to you, and should be left to rot in Prison.
Essentially Tunnelers without the Dig ability, these units will be heavily encountered in the beginning levels and are easily dealt with.
- Goddamned Bats
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: With one twist; dwarves are usually depicted as mighty warriors, whereas these guys are an annoyance at best.
Human units that are easy to kill, and are often encountered with Dwarfs. They will rob you of your gold if they make it to your Treasury and will turn into a Level 4 Knight when trained to "Level 11". Should be converted or sacrificed.
Look similar to Thieves, are are basically the same unit strength and usefulness-wise. Archers have a wider range of abilities, however, and can fire Navigator Missiles as well as Arrows.
Fair fighters who do combat with a whip. They can be formidable foes.
Strong warriors who appear often throughout the game. They fight with a battle hammer and in great numbers, are deadly
Powerful spell casters with a weakness in hand to hand combat. They protect themselves from this by using a wind spell to literally blow away the competition.
- Blow You Away
- Goddamned Bats — Expect her to spam her wind spell on your minions often, as she also has the poison gas bolt attack, which damages her as well.
- Hot Witch
Similar to the Priestess, not as powerful but usually come in large numbers.
- Glass Cannon — Fairies may take a little punishment, but if groups of them come with the lightning spell, they will dole out serious hurt on your minions if you give them the chance.
- Our Fairies Are Different
A powerful melee fighter.
An excellent fighter, very quick and a good spell caster.
- Magic Knight
- Samurai
- That One Attack — He has the lethal lightning bolt attack, much like the mistresses. He learns said spell at level six.
A.K.A. The lord of the land. There is one knight per level unless you train a thief past level 10.
- Cool Helmet
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Mighty Glacier: Not as slow as some, but still counts. Until he gets the speed spell...
- Right Makes Might: They certainly seem to think so.
The Avatar
You may have seen this guy before. The most powerful warrior in the game. The Avatar makes two appearances in the final level. He owns all the realms you had previously taken over.
- Big Good
- The Cameo: He's clearly the Avatar from the Ultima series.
- Cool Helmet: His signature Great Helm
- Game Breaker: If you can get him on your side, you've pretty much won.
- Implacable Man: Bordering on The Juggernaut. It takes a lot to bring him down.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Magic Knight
From Dungeon Keeper II[]
The forces of evil[]
- Our Goblins Are Different
- Zerg Rush: The only useful tactic with them.
- Expy: Of the Flies from the first game.
- Fragile Speedster
- Replacement Scrappy: Generally regarded as weaker less useful versions of Dragons.
Dark Elf
Skeleton Warrior
Dark Mistress
- Bondage Is Bad
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Hotter and Sexier: Their outfits got a lot more revealing between games.
- Sex Is Violence
- Too Kinky to Torture
- Torture Technician
Bile Demon
Dark Angel
Black Knight
- Black Knight: Duh.
- Blood Knight
- Evil Counterpart: Of... well, Knights.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: They don't have any kinds of spells or abilities at their disposal other than their swords... which they are extremely skilled with.
Horned Reaper/Horny Returning from the first game, but is now a single demon which everyone calls "Horny." He's even deadlier than in the original game, as he can't be damaged. Rather than appearing through a portal, you use a spell to call him in. He's actually needed for the final level as he's the only creature than damage the Stone Knights.
- Ax Crazy
- The Berserker
- Big Red Devil
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Psycho for Hire
- Sinister Scythe
- The Juggernaut
- Unstoppable Rage