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Note: The names 'Ami' and 'Mercury' are used interchangeably, and refer to the same person.

Ami and her employees[]

Major characters[]

Ami Mizuno AKA Sailor Mercury Empress of the Avatar Islands[]

  • Alien Among Us: Inverted. She comes to the Dungeon Keeper world's dimension from the one containing Earth, after falling into a dimensional rift caused by Jadeite during a combat between him and the Sailor Senshi.
  • An Ice Person: Being Sailor Mercury makes ice and water her default elements.
  • Benevolent Boss
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Directly clashing your will against a god's tends to be rather painful and risky.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Ami finds herself in the unpleasant position of being the only non-evil Keeper in the world.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Part of her plan of attacking the High Temple of Crowned Death involved her personally distracting the god of death himself.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The Underworld's reaction when she defeated the Horned Reaper in hand-to-hand combat!
  • Golem: Their creation is one of Ami's research breakthroughs. Various golems play a very important part in her plans, not the least of which is acting as her main troops, so that her living employees don't come into harm's way unnecessarily.
  • Heroic BSOD: At one point, Ami is forced to mind read the freshly-defeated Keeper Malleus in order to learn how to create new dungeon hearts - a piece of information critical to her further progress. At first she didn't mean to do anything but glean that info and leave him be, but as she searched his mind she couldn't ignore his other memories. Accessing them, she couldn't turn away. They were the memories of a sociopathic Complete Monster who had been active for hundreds of years. Living through these memories was enough to give Ami a heavy PTSD. Furthermore, once she had the info she was looking for and stopped her possession of him, she promptly executed him because she couldn't allow such a monster to live. This was the first person she ever killed, so this act only added to her trauma. Following this episode, she kept having paralyzing flashbacks while awake and horrible nightmares when asleep. This state was finally ended when the Light used its power to heal her mind when she visited their temple for another purpose.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: It's hard being taken seriously as a defender of the innocent when you're more-or-less an Evil Overlord by nature.
  • Magnificent Bastard: No less. (a heroic example)
  • Memetic Badass: In-universe example. Ami's reputation has made her this, and it's only increasing with time.
  • Memetic Molester: Also in-universe. Due to a series of misunderstandings, Ami is rumored to be an extreme deviant. The ultimate of these rumors is that of Ami doing something no even remotely sane person would ever try, let alone survive - raping a horned reaper. Of course, unlike just about everyone else, the dark mistresses consequently see her as a Memetic Sex Goddess instead.
  • Outside Context Villain: Inverted. Ami is an outside context hero. But just try to convince anyone of that...
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: To her employees.
  • Science Hero: Has good knowledge of 20th century science and technology, as well as the mindset of an engineer.
  • Signature Move: She has two Senshi spells. Shabon Spray (creates a dense, cold fog in an area that Ami and her allies can see through), and Shabon Spray Freezing (launches a stream of bubbles that freeze the impact point and its near surroundings).
  • Teen Genius: Ami is only 14.
  • Training From Hell: Cathy puts her through one in order to prepare Ami for her duel with the first Horned Reaper.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Meet Ami Mizuno, the grandmaster!




  • Butt Monkey: His clumsiness and partial magical education, as well as (for the more evil minions) his gentle and non-combative demeanor don't earn poor Snyder much slack.
  • The Chick: Snyder abhors combat, and prefers to stay in the background doing his healer duties.
  • Ignore the Fanservice: He tries to ignore Venna's blatant advances... but it's hard.
  • The Medic: While he isn't the only one with healing powers, and he isn't an expert, his abilities are nothing to sneeze at. Given his lack of direct combat ability in most situations, this is his normal role on the battlefield.
  • The Klutz: A light example.
  • Technical Pacifist


  • And I Must Scream: Queen Beryl's final punishment for her minions' failures is Eternal Sleep, which is eternal imprisonment in a crystal that provides perfect isolation from the outside world. Meaning, the prisoner is completely immobilised and suffers from total sensory deprivation. Sooner or later everyone goes insane. While Jadeite, Mareki and Umbra were saved in time, poor Tiger unfortunately wasn't.
  • The Dragon: Was one of Queen Beryl's four generals, before she punished him for his failure in defeating the Sailor Senshi during the opening battle of the fanfic.
  • Evil Laugh: Loves to have one when he does something particularly impressive.
  • Older Than They Look
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Jadeite and Cathy don't get along too well, but they don't let that get in the way of what needs to be done.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Among Ami's closest companions. Note that by the standards of the DK world he's rather tame, as there are far worse people out there (and even among Ami's employees).
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?

Marda / Amadeus, the Avatar[]


  "MUKREZAAAAR!" the Avatar howled like a blood-thirsty animal, and then his crystal ball went black.

  • Big Good: He was this in the first Dungeon Keeper game. He might still somewhat qualify.
  • Commander Contrarian: To Mercury, though subverted - Marda's questioning of Mercury's strategies actually has a very good basis. Mercury is very inexperienced compared to Marda when it comes to being in command.
  • Crazy Survivalist: A mild example.
  • Determinator
  • The Dreaded: There's probably nothing the creatures of the Underworld fear more than the Avatar.
  • Faking the Dead
  • Good Is Not Nice
  • The Juggernaut: Becomes this once he manages to regain his true form (plus his mantle, with which he broke the polymorph curse that had turned him into a troll) and the Light can aid him directly again. Goes on a slow walk towards Mercury's dungeon heart, knowing that nothing in this world and within Mercury's possession can possibly stop him. Mercury, not being from this world, manages to stop him (after throwing every spell she knew at him, to no effect) with something incredibly simple - a huge electromagnet that sticks him to the wall (due to his armor). Both he and the Light are fooled into thinking this is a very powerful spell, rather than simple physics, and thus he's forced to surrender.
  • Hidden Depths
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Repeatedly berates Mercury for her poor strategic thinking.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: The utter destruction of his homeland (that he ruled over), the ensuing long struggle to survive and generally the loss of everything he cared for have heavily jaded him.
  • One-Man Army: Marda's trolls are extremely well trained - enough to take on vampires. Marda herself goes beyond that - she can hold her own against a horned reaper. When she turns back into her true form, which is Amadeus the Avatar (a he), he gets even more powerful. And if he also wears his mantle, he's almost invincible!
  • La Résistance: Leads a band of trolls that are the last living intelligent beings on the Avatar Islands, and have been fighting Zarekos' undead hordes pretty much since Mukrezar's fall (so, for about 15 years).
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge
  • The Starscream: Seems like one just waiting to happen.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Mukrezar's return throws Amadeus into one.

Minor characters[]

Horned Reaper (the first one)[]



  • Ambiguous Gender: Others refer to Tserk as 'it'. It apparently reproduces by budding.
  • Butt Monkey: Things just keep going wrong for the poor creature...
  • My Friends and Zoidberg: Tserk would like company, but almost everyone avoids Tserk and finds it revolting.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Being a Tentacle Monster, many think Mercury keeps him around for her own personal deviancy. While Tserk does crave physical contact, he is content to just cuddle or massage though. That doesn't stop everyone from assuming the worst and avoiding Tserk anyways, to its great frustration.


  • And I Must Scream: A victim of Eternal Sleep (explained under Jadeite's section above). Didn't leave long-lasting consequences, thanks to her being rescued quickly enough.
  • Making a Splash: Mareki's special ability is being able to spew a rather impressive jet of water from her mouth. This proves to have some pretty good offensive uses.


  • And I Must Scream: A victim of Eternal Sleep (explained under Jadeite's section above). Didn't leave long-lasting consequences, thanks to her being rescued quickly enough.
  • Stealth Expert
  • That's Gotta Hurt: Umbra has lost a limb twice so far. The good thing is that youma have excellent regenerative capabilities, and can regrow an entire limb on their own within a couple of weeks.


  • And I Must Scream: A victim of Eternal Sleep (explained under Jadeite's section above). Unfortunately, she wasn't released fast enough, so she went insane to the point of being almost completely catatonic. Ami was only able to cure her once she acquired the Avatar's Mantle, and in addition, Ami possessing Tiger had the unintended consequence of imprinting a good chunk of her mind unto Tiger's.
  • Clones Are People, Too: Tiger will loudly state that she is a person in her own right, though she would argue that she isn't a clone as much as "The older and bolder sibling!"
  • Drunk with Power: When, after destroying the High Temple of Crowned Death, Ami passes out (mentally, as she was in the same body as Tiger, because Tiger had possessed Ami in order to save her), Tiger[1] decides she's the leader now. Ami's other companions were not amused.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's envious of Ami at first, due to having her memories yet none of the connections with her friends and family (none of them even know Tiger exists, even as she knows them well).
  • Happily Adopted:

   It was clear from Mrs Mizuno's facial expression that she had trouble with the concept of suddenly having acquired a second daughter. A daughter who was older than her first, had skin covered in a strange striped pattern, and tiny horns. Finally, she let out a long sigh. "I'm glad I'm sitting down already. Well, they say that parenthood is full of unexpected surprises." She let out a short laugh. "I certainly never expected to become a mother again - with so little warning at that."

  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She hasn't told anyone her real name. Ami dubbed her 'Tiger' due to the black tiger-like stripes all over her body.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Being a Youma, this becomes a major concern with Tiger given the fact that she holds many (if not all) of Ami's memories due to losing her mind and Ami possessing her, and as a consequence she loves her mother, and still considers the rest of the Senshi her friends, much to her exasperation.



  • Ax Crazy: The first time we see him (in Nero's service), he's sitting on his throne in a room full of the bodies of Nero's spiders he killed. The spider carcasses were arranged by size. Oh, and the throne was made from these bodies!
  • Big Red Devil
  • Blood Knight
  • Made of Iron: A Lesser Aspect of Crowned Death grabbed him, turned him upside-down, then proceeded to slam him head-first into the ground, with its full strength, eight times. He had to be heavily bandaged and immobilized for a while, but he survived! Apparently without long-term consequences, to whit.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: At first. Ami and Jered nicknamed him Rabies, due to his physical appearance. Incidentally, this nickname is rather similar to his real name.
  • Psycho for Hire: Joins Mercury when she tells him that his first mission would be to destroy every ghost and skeleton on the Avatar Islands - which are one of the world's three continents!
  • Sinister Scythe: It's more than just a regular weapon, being cursed.
  • Slasher Smile
  • The Voiceless: Part of what makes him so much creepier and more imposing than the first reaper is the fact that he virtually never speaks, despite being intelligent enough to use magic. There is only one scene in which he speaks (two if you count saying a single word in a later scene), and it notes that his voice sounds "rusty from disuse".



The Goblins[]



  • Evil Genius: Don't let the fact that she lost more battles to Mercury than any other Keeper or that she ended up dying (offscreen) to Alphel fool you - Arachne is definitely competent and devious. It's just that she's facing foes who are pretty much the best of the best.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When Mercury's traps and Mercury herself kill most of her attack force, Arachne decides her presence is no longer needed. Alphel did not take that well.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Alphel during their attack on Mercury's iceship. It didn't end well.
  • Voice of the Legion: Sort of. Her voice is not really a voice in the usual sense, but rather the rubbing of the chitin of thousands of insects (that make up her body) in approximation of vocal sounds. The resulting 'voice' is quite unsettling.
  • The Worm That Walks: What's worse is that she is stated to still have a libido.
  • The Swarm: Many (though not all) of her minions fall under this catagory.
  • Zerg Rush: She has so many spiders that she can afford such a tactic.




  "It saddens me to see that standards for heroes have fallen so far," the butler agreed, hanging his head. "I will miss their proud and defiant posturing and self-righteous condemnations. But most of all, I will miss seeing their disbelieving, shocked faces when you ambush them during the pre-battle formalities, your Unexpectedness."

  • Crazy Awesome
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: How he ended up after he conquered the Avatar Islands and resources ran out.
  • Evil Feels Good: He loves his job!
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: The Player Character of the first game!
  • Magnificent Bastard: Mukrezar managed to use the 2 million gold piece award (highest bounty in the history of the world), that was put on his head - courtesy of every hero state in the world - immediately after his resurrection, while he still had nothing except himself and his devoted imp butler, to his advantage. Evading capture through use of body doubles which he could possess, he stole a huge amount of cash from the treasuries of Keepers who were hunting him - giving him the funds he needed to build himself some dungeon hearts and get his operation started!
    • Thus established, his next step was to literally make the world's largest cake (to the Butler's bemusement). He did it... with the food supplies of an Underworld city which had (15 years previously) participated in the portal blockade of all Avatar Islands, that had been set up after he took over said continent to prevent Mukrezar from conquering the rest of the world (this blockade led to the resource shortage which had caused his demise). Mukrezar offered generous buy prices to said city, and they fell all over themselves to sell him their grain. By the time they realized that they had nothing left, he had already attacked and taken out their food supplier. Enter a massive famine and cannibalism (which is, ironically, what they inflicted on Mukrezar 15+ years ago). Thus he forced the leaders of the city to come begging to him to give them back their food. He tried to blackmail them to accept him as their absolute ruler, but had to settle for attacking the weakened city after they stubbornly refused.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: While being monstrously evil, to boot!
  • Ring of Power: He loves schemes that include magical rings. The Butler duly reminds him that none of said schemes that he attempted in his past life succeeded. This didn't stop him from trying again... only to succeed this time!
  • Smug Snake: Somewhat. As his imp Butler loves to remind him, his plans very often tended to fail or even backfire. Still, one should remember that Mukrezar is the Keeper who, without other Keeper allies, managed to conquer one of the world's three continents, defeating the greatest champion of the Light, his forces, and all the other Keepers active in the area. After his resurrection, Mukrezar again goes to show just why he used to be so feared.
  • The Starscream: To Crowned Death. He doesn't even bother to hide it particularly well.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: He and his imp butler.
  • Villain Protagonist: After his resurrection, Mukrezar now gets his own episode in pretty much every chapter.


  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Something he loves - nearly every sentence of his is full of it!
  • A God Am I: He dominates his undead minions and insists that they worship him as a god. Which is exactly what he's trying to become.
  • Back From the Dead: Being a vampire, destroying his body did not mean that he was Killed Off for Real (unlike regular Keepers), unless it was incinerated by sunlight. When Mercury did just that, he still didn't die, but was instead raised as a ghost in his temple. This was apparently a result of his research of ascent into godhood, and the properties of his temple, which is a modification of the Oracle Towers used by the heroic Shining Concord Empire.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: At one point, he was decisively winning the battle against Mercury. He briefly wondered whether to conserve the last of his gold (he couldn't get more, and he needed it for spellcasting, thus it was very important to him). He decided against it; he would rather continue going all-in. This is because he himself has been in the reverse position several times, and managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat because his enemies were winning and thus let their guard down.
  • Evil Genius: Zarekos is scarily competent and intelligent. He comes very close to winning the war against Mercury.
    • Point: the only reason Zarekos lost is because his resources were so small- had he been capable of even one more tremor spell he probably would have won.
  • Zerg Rush: His ghosts and skeletons are rather weak individually, but he has many thousands of them.


  • Butt Monkey: Arachne and Alphel both enjoy mercilessly mocking him.
  • Dumb Muscle: His not undeserved reputation among the Keepers who know him.
  • Evil Is Petty
  • Really Gets Around: There's a reason he prefers all of his minions to be female.
    • It's noted in-story that this quite possibly includes his Bile Demons!
  • Stupid Evil
  • The Hedonist
  • Too Dumb to Live: Not quite. While some of his actions might qualify, Morrigan is nevertheless smart enough to manage to survive in a world of antagonistic and competitive Keepers and Dark Gods, as well as hostile heroes (unlike Wemos, for instance, who is a straight example).


  • The Faceless: We never get to see what Alphel really looks like, as when she's not possessing a creature, she's always in her dark alcove next to one of her dungeon hearts - leaving everything hidden except her red eyes. From the scenes of her talks with her minions (including her voice), it seems likely - though not certain - that she's large and monstrous.
  • Genius Bruiser: Like Morrigan, she also worships Azzathra, who's basically the Dark God of force, martial prowess and bullies, but Alphel is much more intelligent than Morrigan.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Arachne during their attack on Mercury's iceship. It didn't end well.


  • The Chessmaster: She tries to manipulate other Keepers into doing her bidding, and seems quite successful at it. Mercury tried to avoid dealing with Midori for as long as she could, but she eventually had to relent.
  • Enemy Mine: Helps Mercury in her fight against Crowned Death's cult, as Midori herself is also on hostile terms with them.
  • Evil Genius
  • Knowledge Broker
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Midori doesn't shy away from making deals with goodly heroes and generally people who are unpopular in the Underworld, as long as it suits her goals.


  • And I Must Scream: His fate after the returned Zarekos dominates him. Luckily, it didn't last long.
  • Big Bad Wannabe
  • Dying Moment of Awesome
  • Enemy Civil War: Was one of Zarekos' vampire minions who immediately after his death engaged in a free-for-all to gain control of his now unclaimed dungeon hearts and lesser undead.
  • Too Dumb to Live: His idea to gain power is to raid an Underworld city for supplies (needed because the Avatar Islands are completely dry). The smarter vampires in his employ immediately start jumping ship and heading off to join either Nero or Mercury, because they know that the plan is suicidal - the Underworld cities are not only fairly individually powerful, but also linked in a great web of mutual defence treaties. Even the greatest Keepers would get flattened should they attempt to take this alliance head on.


  • Cold-Blooded Torture: What he starts doing to Mercury's companions before he's rudely interrupted.
  • Complete Monster
  • The Dragon: To Keeper Arachne.
  • Mook Promotion: He was Arachne's chief warlock, later promoted by her to Keeper. He was still subordinated and dependent on her, though.
  • Torture Technician
  • The Worm That Walks: Nero was human, but shortly before his real death after his forces are defeated by Mercury's he underwent the procedure he learned from Arachne, which killed his human body but allowed him to transfer into a 'body' made from thousands of insects - which is much harder to destroy.

Keeper's Minions[]

The Butler[]

Princess Julia[]



  • An Axe to Grind
  • The Berserker: Boris is all about attack, and relies on the endurance of his body rather than bothering to defend against blows.
  • Berserk Button: Keepers in general, due to what he experienced thanks to Mukrezar (see the Doomed Hometown line below). When he finds out Ami is a Keeper, he's perpetually either on the edge of exploding, or actually trying to kill her.
  • Doomed Hometown: Boris was born on the Avatar Islands, and witnessed their fall when he was a kid. He was one of the relatively few refugees who managed to make it out of there alive.
  • Dumb Muscle: He isn't exactly the brightest of people, which is also lampshaded by his companions. Couple this with stubbornness and traumas from his youth... and the result isn't a very reasonable man.

Baron Leopold[]

The Fairy Sisters[]

King Albrecht[]

Court Wizard Dumat[]

The Spymaster[]

The Emperor of the Shining Concord[]


The Light[]

Murdrul: The Devourer[]

Azzathra: The Mighty Tyrant[]

Metallia: The Queen Of Darkness[]

Crowned Death[]

  • Flat What: His cult, being necromancers, raise undead. This goes way beyond what people traditionally think of when they hear the term 'undead'... the weirdest (if logical) example being a raised coral reef. It's not threatening, as it moves very slowly (but it can move!)... still, seeing it made Ami pause.
  • God of Evil
  • In-Series Nickname
  • Omnicidal Maniac
  • Necromancer: More like the God of Necromancy, Death, and Undeath...

The Unraveller[]

The Vermin Lord[]

Isubiar: The Flame Emperor[]

Sailor Senshi[]

Usagi Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon[]

Rei Hino AKA Sailor Mars[]

Makoto Kino AKA Sailor Jupiter[]


The Dark Kingdom[]

Queen Beryl[]

General Nephrite[]

General Zoisite[]

General Kunzite[]


Nicodemus Asbraxe[]

  • Honest John's Dealership
  • Knowledge Broker
  • Intrepid Merchant: Subverted. He may not care whom he does business with as long as he can turn a tidy profit, but he has a very keen survival instinct. He rather carefully appraises his clients, and acts according to how dangerous they are. He will most certainly not overcharge or disrespect a powerful keeper or heroic leader, for instance.
  1. who, through possessing Ami, managed to gain part of Ami's Keeper powers for the duration of the possession