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This is just going to be the start of a really bad day.

Hasbro and IDW Publishing seem to work well together. Their professional relationship started with the highly successful Transformers comics, which have varied in quality from the mediocre All Hail Megatron to the critically praised Transformers Last Stand of the Wreckers, and continued with G.I. Joe comics. So naturally, the next step was for Hasbro to choose another popular franchise that could translate well into the comics medium. The obvious choice was Dungeons&Dragons.

Written by John Rogers of Blue Beetle fame, Dungeons & Dragons tells the story of Fell's Five, a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits consisting of:

  • Adric Fell — Adric is a human fighter who uses a sword and shield. More of a Guile Hero than anything, he's a master of the Indy Ploy. He's rugged and tough, and seems to have a slightly shady past.
  • Varis — Varis is your typical Wood Elf ranger. He's handsome, dashing, loves nature, and skilled with a bow. He also uses two Handaxes for close range combat. Constantly snarks about everything, including other elves (specifically, Eladrin).
  • Bree Three-Hands — Bree is a Halfling rogue. She's always out for number one, and provides the comic relief. She's usually the one who gets Fell's Five out of any sticky situations, namely traps — she has an uncanny knack for sensing them. Not to mention sensing any gold or loot that is not nailed down and/or on fire.
  • Tisha Swornheart — The resident mage, Tisha is a Tiefling Warlock. She joins the team about halfway through the first issue, and generally is the nuker. If you can't tell by the way she's dressed, she's also the resident Ms. Fanservice, as is the standard with female warlocks.

The series generally runs on Rule of Fun and Rule of Cool, and often reads like as a bunch of creative players playing their characters as it does an actual story — it's another success story in IDW's creative partnership with Hasbro.

Needs More Wicks.

Dungeons And Dragons contains examples of the following tropes:[]