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Duty Calls: The Calm Before The Storm is a playable Parody of the Call of Duty franchise (specifically the Modern Warfare games), and those that follow in its footsteps such as Battlefield: Bad Company and the new Medal of Honor, poking fun at some of the most pervasive, cliched tropes in modern military shooters with an extremely short campaign (roughly five minutes in length). You, the player, must storm an enemy base, witnessing the brutal horrors of war and the unending monotony of shooting uniform-clad soldier after uniform-clad soldier with the same boring weapon, ranking up before taking down the enemy leader and securing the nuclear missile bomb, ensuring the United States' victory over enemy forces once again.

In actuality, the game is a covert advergame developed by People Can Fly, developers of Painkiller, to advertise Bulletstorm, a game that couldn't possibly be farther from yet another boring military shooter game, showcasing the monotonous predictability of modern military shooters in contrast to Bulletstorm's own take on brutal videogame violence. It's been speculated that Duty Calls was the developers' way of compensating for the lack of a PC version of the Bulletstorm demo, though how much better a job Duty Calls does in advertising Bulletstorm is debatable. It's still funny, though.

Tropes used in Duty Calls include:

"Here's your objective: Blah blah blah blah, Secret Base. Blah blah blah, plans. Blah blah blah Nuclear missile bomb. Blah blah blah counting on you, utmost importance, win, good luck."


Enemy: I am a paratrooper because that is a real-life war scenario. You cannot shoot me because this is a cutscene to make the game feel more dramatic, like a movie. Soon I will be landing, I have landed on the ground.


U.S. Soldier: Hey Foxclub Niner, I'm gonna point at you and say something serious to further develop the game's storyline.
(jeep runs over him)
U.S. Soldier: Ow! I'm dead, increasing the drama of the story.
Russian soldier: Ha ha! You cannot stop me, unless the cam goes into slow motion and I become easy to shoot.
