A story by RCTFI of Alternate History Dot Com, Dystopic Return of Magic is...well, just look at the title.
The premise is that in an alternate 1950's humanity is fighting a desperate war against the Fae, who invaded Earth in the late 19th Century. And God, how things suck.
Can be found here for members of AH.Com.
- Alternate History: Not a remotely nice one.
- Crapsack World: in the title.
- The Fair Folk: About the most frightening version ever written.
- Fate Worse Than Death: What will happen to you if the Fae take you alive.
- Humans Through Alien Eyes: The Fae can't understand how human society works.
- Nightmare Fuel: Anything to do with the Fae.
- Nuke'Em: A common human tactic.
- We Have Reserves: Another common human tactic.