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  • Elliott's "It was nothing like that, penis breath!" still makes this troper scream in laughter.
    • This troper always loved that Elliott's *mom* laughs as she tries to reprimand him.
  • When E.T. falls into the bath tub... He doesn't drown of course.
  • The botched frog dissection scene is full of these.
    • When Elliott first releases his frog, "Get out of here! Go back to the river!"
    • When he tries to free the "big kids" frog, and the boy naturally resists.
    • The two boys scaring the one girl by placing their frogs on her feet.
    • Elliott's reenactment of the John Wayne movie E.T. is watching.
  • Big brother Michael needs to get his priorities straight.

  Michael: We're all gonna die and they're never gonna give me my license!

  • Personally I loved the whole "Most Excellent Promise" scene.

 Elliott: Michael, he came back.

Michael: (feigning shock) He came back? He came back? (pretends to be attacked) Oh, my God!

Elliott: One thing. I have absolute power. Say it. Say it!

Michael: What have you got? Is it the coyote?

Elliott: No. Look. O.K. Now, swear it. The most excellent promise you can make. Swear as my only brother on our lives!

Michael: Don't get so heavy. I swear.

Elliott: Okay, stand over there. And you'd better take off your shoulder pads.

Michael: WHAT?!

Elliott: You might scare him. And close your eyes.

Michael: Don't push it, Elliott.

Elliott: I'm not coming out until your eyes are closed.

Michael: Okay, they're closed. Mom is going to kill you. Eeeeghh!

Elliott: Okay, swear it one more time.

Michael: (as Yoda) Absolute power you have! Eerrp!

  • When poor drunk E.T. gets hit with the refrigerator door.

  Gertie: I want you to meet somebody. The man from the moon. But I think you've killed him already.

    • Gertie is like a walking funny moment. Everywhere she goes something hilarious happens.
  • Elliot tries to keep E.T. concealed after his revival:

 E.T.: ET phone home! ET phone home! ET phone home!

Elliot: (whispering) Will you shut up!

  • It's Halloween and E.T. sees a kid dressed as Yoda... and recognizes him.

 (waddling after the kid) Home! Home!

  • Gertie being scared of E.T. the first time she sees him, with E.T. being equally scared of her.
  • ET trying to fix the costume knife in Michael's head, then being knocked over by the camera flash.