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  • This Troper hasn't cried at the ending since she was a kid, no, what reduces her to a sobbing pitiful and pathetic MESS is when the scientists are trying to give CPR to E.T. All you want to do is jump in the TV and push them away.
    • Spielberg deliberately filmed the scene so it looks like they're hurting ET rather than trying to save him, since that's what any kid like Elliot would naturally think.
    • Then there's Elliott screaming for the scientists to leave E.T. alone... then just crying when it looks like he's actually dead...
  • Michael, a mature teenager, curling up among the stuffed animals in the closet to cope with his overwhelming concern for his younger brother.
  • The ending, as the Extra-Terrestrial, about to depart, says goodbye to Elliot.

 E.T.: I'

    • And the way they both say "Ouch".
  • Also E.T. dying on the operating table while Eliot gets better. "Stay... "