The songCease to Exist aka Pokey Means Business used in the battle against Giygas in the "Devil's Machine". It starts out like a throwback to traditional 8-bit RPG battle music, then unexpectedly erupts into something... unsettling.
And then a remix that throws away all restraint, culminating in the musical insanity the battle strove for.
The Giygas Battle Music that plays during his second form. Insanely creepy and way ahead of its time. It sounds like something from Silent Hill. Certainly not the kind of music you expect from a final boss fight in a JRPG.
Even moreso the music after you beat Giygas.
Seconded. Those death cries over the static set in musical tone were one of the most jaw-dropping death scenes of the generation.
For some 1950's rock 'n' roll goodness, you have a choice for the 'New Age Retro Hippie' battle theme from the first and second games, and 'Rock and Roll' (either 'Mild' or 'Spicy') from Mother 3.
Bound Together; "48 songs Nearly 3 hours of music 8 bonus songs including demos and alternate takes the VG Frequency radio show from October 29th which featured the debut of Bound Together." Download it and give it a listen, If you have any love for Earthbound, it will take you back.
How has nobody mentioned the sublimely groovy Sanctuary Guardian boss theme from Earthbound? It's an absurdly chill remix of Mother's boss theme and makes me look forward to fighting the Your Sanctuary bosses every time.
If we're talking boss themes, we can't leave out Otherworldly Foe.
I believe there is a mixup. The hack is called Radiation's Halloween Hack or Radiation's Press the B Button Idiot. It is NOT about Halloween it was made for a Halloween contest, where it won an award. Toby "Radiation" Fox is one of the leading composers of Homestuck, and this song, Megalovania was redone as Me Ga Lo Vania for the letimof of the character Vriska.
Porky's Porkies is a bizarre, yet supremely awesome, 8-bit track form the third installment.
While not complete, this guy's remix probably counts as well.
By the same token, that little song that plays when DCMC comes to the rescue. Surprisingly good, considering it's something most people probably won't hear all the way through.
One Word: Mother!? As if Chapter 6 of Mother 3 wasn't poignant enough, this song really drives it into absolute Tear Jerker territory.
Run, My Dog, Run! from Mother 3. It's basically the soundtrack to Boney's Crowning Moment of Awesome. This troper doesn't care whether or not Boney is the most powerful character; that scene singlehandedly solidified his "Boney is awesome" status forever.
Speaking of Theme of Love there is also the vocal version of the song which is sweet and heartrending no matter what languge its being sung in.
Mind of a Thief from Mother 3, the Tazmily music for Chapter 2.
Intense Guys. It seems like okay boss music, until you realize that... "Whoa, that's not a boss I'm fighting. It's a freaking golden bat." Possibly the most epic non-boss tune in existence.
The most epic non-boss theme in existence? I think Bothersome Guys would like to have a word with you.
Speaking of guys, they can also be quite cumbersome at times.
Volcano! Inferno!, man. A slow yet exciting piece, perfect for exploring a volcano.
Piggy Guys is so awesome that it received an epic remix that contains another song which SHOULD have been in Brawl.
Though they were basically a spinoff of the Runaway Five from Earthbound, DCMC was an in-game rock/jazz band that took a few of the best Crowning Music of Awesome candidates from the game and made them a million times more Awesome. This troper especially loved the "DCMC Theme," a remix of Duster's "Mind of a Thief" tune.
Fate and Serious from Mother 3. The way to combo these songs is pretty clever, too.
Natural Killer Cyborg. An amazing rockin' theme that assures the player they are going up against a massive super-robot, and it's even got a bit of 'Beat It' mixed in for extra awesomeness.
At the end of Mother 3, the most beautiful songs from the trilogy are reprised, including (surprisingly) the MOTHER 1 main theme. What makes it go into absolute Tear Jerker territory, though, is the reprise of Pollyanna, played as you take the boat ride to Porky's room. What makes it so sad is that Porky has crossed the Moral Event Horizon so many, MANY times, in such horrible ways, that you know there's no way he can have a happy ending, and also that you're surrounded by mementos from Earthbound: turns out he really did like Ness as a friend after all, huh?
Bon Voyage Amigo. Only a game like Mother 3 can make what's supposed to be the joyous occasion of completing your party, a Tear Jerker moment.
It Is Finished/It's Over, a remix of the Love Theme played at the climax of Mother 3 where The Masked Man AKA Claus finally comes to his senses and says one last goodbye and apologizes to Lucas before killing himself. It's... * sob* very sad. * sniff*
The transitioning of the music in Mother 3 works out really well. The MT Apartments song represents mystery, what has happened to our world? Immediately afterwards, Leder's Gymnopedie explains. The scene is concluded by The unnamed remix of the Chapter 3 closing music, which symbolizes Lucas's ambition to do whatever it takes to bring back peace.
Gentle Rain ranks at the top of my list for peaceful and soothing music. The Mother 3i remixed version combines this with a remix of Confusion, the music that plays when Flint finds out Hinawa has been killed in a not precisely tactful manner, perfectly conveying a sense of shock and loss.
The entire game kicks off with a little song called Naming Friends. It's a gentle, moving piece that helps welcome the player to the Mother 3 world.